in diet •  8 years ago 

Wow, day 6! Yes! I remain feeling good, and probably at this point, more accurate to say feeling better. With the usual protein shake I drink in the morning (which I still am not overly fond of, but do it to comply for what is needed to break this horrible addiction)…..but I had that chicken soup I cooked last night. It was absolutely GREAT! It was the best chicken soup I have ever had! OMGoodness! My mom happened to be visiting the same time of this Sugar Detox being almost over. She eats this vegetable filled chicken soup, and asked for seconds! You know that does one proud when mom is asking for seconds of YOUR cooked meal! It was real good! It was a chicken soup, literally filled mostly with vegetables. The vegetables did A LOT of the TRUE natural seasoning. I have not been providing every specific ingredient for the meals on purpose, because this is not a recipe blog. This is, however, a blog to assist ones conscience to true health. True health. True health is not having a salad with a fast food meal. I’ll stop there, as for anyone who is honestly seeking the truth, will find it. 

 :-D I am being educated each day of reading Dr. Hyman’s book, “10-Day Detox Diet” on what has been the conflict of us getting better health wise.

Okay, I said I was going to be honest for my everyday of this 10Day Detox….well, I found an error I made in purchasing one of Dr. Hyman’s recommended ingredients….I found out yesterday that I had accidentally purchased Almond Butter that was NOT raw Almond Butter. The Almond Butter I purchased has 3 grams of sugar (ingredients typed small mentioning it being roasted). The RAW Almond Butter Dr. Hyman refers to get, has only 1 gram of sugar. That was my ooops….so make certain to read that jar in detail. That was my only blunder thus far, and for such a radical change I have made to my diet these past few days, I don’t think that’s so bad. Besides, EVERY morning I make certain to take my protein shake, that I still am not singing a song about. Because I know the GREAT impact they are having towards my health, and are GRANDLY serving their purpose, I WILL CONTINUE. I must say, I am strangely getting use to this peculiar healthy drink that Dr. Hyman calls a smoothie. :-D

Allow me to add a little on what Dr. Hyman says about sugar….He shares that nuts and seeds do not raise blood sugar and are a great snack to have on-hand as I have come to find myself (of course for those who are not allergic). He goes further to share that nuts have been proven to reduce the risk of diabetes, improve metabolism, and help with…..YES ladies, …..weight loss. ;-D Dr. Hyman has concluded that they are a great source of protein, having good fats, fiber and minerals (such as magnesium and zinc). Refer to our technology advantages online by looking up what these vitamins and such do for us. And furthermore, please try to get Dr. Hyman’s book. While I have read, and own MANY health books which are GREAT as well, Dr. Hyman’s book is the one that specifically helped me in getting off my lazy behind to do what I’ve been needing to do for a LONG, LONG time. What is great, is that Dr. Hyman walks us through, SPECIFICALLY what we need to do! How often have we said, “I just don’t know what to do, or how to get started?” HE shows us specifically DAY by DAY (if we so choose) of what to eat, and what to do, but he also lets us know how much leeway we can take with a variety of his other HEALTHY recipes if we prefer. BUT EVERYDAY he keeps us ON POINT to our PURPOSE……..breaking free from the bondage of bad eating habits.

OH, and for my dinner tonight, I might have to go back to the lunch I had earlier. Did I say how good that chicken soup was? ;-D Talk to you on Day 7!



Happy Valentine's day!

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Living healthy and eating healthy... You can surely not go wrong. Very glad for you.

Thank you so much!