AMERICAFRINDIAN ARTISTCHD1: is now here today the first, basically, because HE, was the last, one in a long-line. A blissful blessed baby born bio-bodily bloodline by birthright.
"So the last will be first, and the first
will be last." "So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen." CHARLES' Courageous Commission Calling Cause Chosen. Correctly counter-combating China's "Coronavirus - Covid-19" contagion. HIS, first coming to completely cleanse the criminalizing corruption, of culinary consumption, cultural common causes as cooking customs and cuisines.
DAVIS' Divine Decreed Dietary Detoxification: Deliberated and destined to destroy the Damned Devil's destructive dietary demons. Devilish dirty dealings, depressing decency and depreciating delightful diets. Demonic devising of developmental deficiencies - defects and dysfunctions.
Howsoever, holistically healthy humankind, amounts, and accounts approx about 10% to 12%, comprising clean cultured culinary consumption and cured of color codified curses, conceived by corrupted Catholic Christians, churches - clergy and congregations of contagious citizens. And another approx about 88% to 90%, complacent collective citizenry, can't come completely cleansed - cured of concurrent corruption and criminality. Incorrigible indifferent individuals. Destined doomsday destruction - desolation - depopulation. Purified + Purged off of the PLANET EARTH!!
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