Weight loss is one of the most popular topics in history. Nowadays, it appears that everyone is attempting to lose weight. Most diet programs are designed to help people lose weight, and body weight is frequently used as an indicator of fitness progress. However, this is the wrong approach.
Your ultimate goal should always be to lose fat, and you should be concerned with reducing excess body fat. Weight loss and fat loss are NOT synonymous! Many people mix up the two terms, believing they mean the same thing when, in fact, weight loss and fat loss are very different. This article will explain how weight loss differs from fat loss and how fat loss is far superior to weight loss in almost every way.
What Exactly Is Weight Loss?
(Weight loss is the sum of muscle loss, fat loss, and water loss.)
Weight loss is the process of attempting to reduce your total body weight. It simply denotes a lower value on a scale.
Your body weight is made up of all of your body's components such as muscles, fat, bones, water, organs, tissues, blood, water, and so on. When you lose weight, you lose some fat, muscle, and water.
You lose fat, but only a small amount of it, as well as muscle and some water. The faster you lose weight and the more muscle mass you lose, the lower your calorie intake.
When you lose weight too quickly, your body is unable to maintain muscle mass. Because muscle requires more calories to maintain itself, your body begins to metabolize it in order to save the incoming calories for survival. It protects its fat stores as a defense mechanism to ensure your survival in the event of future famine, and instead relies on lean tissue or muscle to provide it with the calories it requires to keep vital organs like your brain, heart, kidneys, and liver functioning. If you have very little fat or muscle, your body will metabolize your organs to keep your brain functioning, which can result in a heart attack, stroke, and liver and kidney failure.
What Exactly Is Fat Loss?
(Loss of Stored Body Fat = Fat Loss)
The goal of fat loss is to reduce your total body fat, which is the percentage of your total body weight that is made up of fat.
Fat loss allows you to keep your muscle while also keeping your metabolic rate high. Stronger connective tissue, tighter skin, and stronger bones and joints are also developed. You can transform your body by losing fat.
Fat loss is a way of life in which you give your body what it needs without depriving it or shocking it with the threat of starvation. You get to see slow but consistent progress.
Myth: "Being fit" equates to "losing weight."
Truth: Getting in shape entails reducing your body fat percentage!
Learn More info => https://bit.ly/3neZhvt