Hello...my name is Everitt Mickey and

in discussion •  7 years ago  (edited)

I'm an Anarchist

Anarchism is most LIKELY not what you think it is.
If it does not adhere to ZAP..then it's not.
ZAP is the acronym for the Zero Aggression Principle
that means NOT initiating force or have a proxy initiate for for you.

That does NOT mean pacifist.
pacifists are typically socialsist and depend on force from the STATE.


ZAP means
don't start a fight..but by god finish it if you can't avoid it

That means the use of force in response to someone else's use of force on you
in response to a CREDIBLE threat.

Who decides if it's credible?
why YOU do...
Anarchy is not for kids...
it requires responsible adults.

Adulting isn't easy.

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I believe no one is your superior, because we are all equals, so the whole concept of superiority is null and void. This pushes me to question things, limits, authority. I'm not going to respect you because you're in a position of power, I'm going to respect you IF I think you deserve it.
(You do, by the way)

don't start a fight..but by god finish it if you can't avoid it

excellent advice. I think a lot of these pacifists and a lot of these people who blindly obey do so out of fear (besides sheer stupidity). Have the balls to fight, if necessary - in other words.

It sounds ideal, but we will never truly be free in this world :(

if you say that you can, or if you say that you can not.
you're right either way.

True, but there are some very evil people who run this world, and they call the shots whether we like it or not. All we can do is pray.

you do that.
in the mean time other's will be working to fix it.

Good point of view. Would you consider yourself part of the group that is working to make change?

anarchists don't group.
we're individuals.
Might as well try to herd TomCats as group an anarchist.

So then I am interested how you spread your message because there is power in numbers??

what message?
I don't give a damn what other people do and it's not my job to be their momma.
as long as they don't bother me they can wear pussy caps on their heads..
oh...wait..that already happened didn't it?

ENORMOUSLY entertaining...

live and let live...don't tread on me...you'll be sorry if you do.

I dont like war, I am not a fighter but I willingly fight to anyone who wants rule over me about freedom, who wants to manipulate me according to their interests. its the summary for me. thank you to that high quality writing.

IMO the only justification for violence is to regain or maintain freedom.

self defense

I put that under the heading of maintaining freedom (to live).


After reading through the comments I have come to the obvious conclusion.

Many, many people are too stupid to be anarchists.

This is why we can't have nice things...

ya think?

Most people actually equate anarchy to antifa!..yes, really - they are that dumb...

Like you say - it takes an adult to live anarchy, and there seems to be precious few of them over the age of 21 nowadays...

life is hard.
it's harder when you're stupid.
most people are stupid.
look how they drive.

Nothing wrong with being stupid! ( I tell this to myself in the mirror, daily).

It's when the level of stupid is so low, you don't realize how stupid you are - when you think you are an F1 driver, and understand all the principles of racing, but you haven't quite mastered the skill of manual gear change....

(yes, I know F1 doesn't use manual gears ..lol)

stoopid and ignorance (or unskilled)
the same thing.

Anarchism is most LIKELY not what you think it is....
So true I have met few people who even have the slightest clue as to what Anarchism is .... and dismiss it without a second thought ...

"anarchist of the world UNITE"
NEVER happen...anarchists are individuals.
they don't group.

And tend to hate each other for one reason or another. It is actually highlarious.

dunno if 'hate' is the right word...
Imagine a group of TomCats...
pretty similar..

it's a lot of work and liability to commit reactive violence on your own behalf

you get what you work for.
if YOU don't work for it...you get something else.

Like for example, say there are people making noise late at night at the park across the street from my house. I have a right to quiet enjoyment of my property and they are violating it, so I have a couple of options, I can either go over there and tell them to fuck off on my own or I can call the civil servants I pay to come and deal with it. In anarchy I have to deal with it on my own and then it can go sideways real quick, it's not that I am scared of them hurting me, I am scared of me hurting them, and then I have all sorts of liability. In a state of anarchy then I also have to deal with killing all the folks who come to avenge their deaths, a hot mess. Much better for the cops to shoo them away.

Anarchy is for adults...

and who deals with the unruly teens?

in my day the parents were responsible for their children.
seemed to work out pretty well.

How am I going to know who their parents are? my experience is that kids who are assholes generally have parents who are assholes so then I would still have the same problem of liability if I did know who they were should I choose to confront them personally.

Adulting is hard.
if you need someone else to answer your questions on how to act...

The govern-minded, need minders to guide them or force them into compliance with there own belief system.
Responsible period.

I looked up Robert Heinlein and according to his Wikipedia biography was "extremely liberal" from a quote about him by Isaac Asimov. Is anarchism more a kindred frame of mind to liberalism or conservatism or is it unique to itself?

anarchism is unique to each individual person
that's the no rulers part.
dunno about Wikipedia...I've found it to be extremely biased.

The closest anarchism reference that I can recall that was applied to a large somewhat concentrated mass of people was after the Israelites fled Egypt. In the promised land they had judges who settled disputes among people, but that was the extent of a central government. They were not satisfied with that arrangement and demanded a king. Mankind seems to be a generally dissatisfied creature with whatever his current state is demanding to be controlled when he gets tired of anarchy and freedom when he gets fed up with oppression.

the point I'm trying to make is that anarchy is NOT a group thing.
it's individualistic.
my post attempted to explain what it meant to me.

Perhaps anarchy isn't the best word..but I don't know of another.

I think this is very important...

anarchism is unique to each individual person

Because by "definition" I'm an anarchist, but I'm not the anarchist people think of when they hear the word... Like I'm not out there burning flags and engaging in terrorism like lots of people think anarchist do, yes some do those things, but not most by a long shot.

I'd bet most of the planet's population are true anarchist, with the exception of the elite, and don't even realize it.

It's been one of those words that's been stained by propaganda, just like conspiracy theorist which wasn't considered to be a bad thing until propaganda was released in the 1960s by the CIA to discredit those who questioned the Warren Commission... they were obviously attempting to cover their tracks, and were successful in doing so because still to this day no one has been held responsible for murdering our president... you know, the one president who wanted to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds”.

yup..my point exactly
I'm an individual
I'm not defined by group think

I think that a state of anarchy is a breeding ground for radicalization due to the frustration with a complete lack of consensus with everything from support for an army for protection to what day does the garbage get picked up. The classic reference to herding cats or crickets comes to mind.

there IS no 'state of anarchy'
anarchy has nothing to do with 'state'
anarchists...like me...can live fairly well IN a state.
(anarchists don't band together to MAKE states)
and Anarchists can live perfectly fine alone.
put five anarchists in a room and you'll find six or seven different opinions...
(yeah I know...kinda strange huh?)

No, not strange at all. In my experience, when faced with a problem, people who know what they are doing will always have different solutions to the same problem. You would think just the opposite. When I said "state" above I meant condition.

what condition your condition is in?
well stated!

True freedom comes when one person or a group of people rejects heirachy.. Rejecting that bias system.
That means the use of force in response to someone else's use of force on you
or in response to a CREDIBLE threat. This line looks more like a wake up call to me and my country

the problem with groups is that when they exceed dunbar's number they begin to act in an irrational manner.

requires responsible adults..true. that's why we have socialism instead

socialism...socialist countries...killed over 300 million of their own citizens in the 20th century.
you like that?

Not TRUE socialism fallacy coming...I can sense it.

This is clear hijacking by anon: prove your not a haxor who got in this poor old mans steem account.

think what you want to think

i didn't say i like socialism. i did say why i think we have it. what's with the true socialism statement? how many types of socialism are there?

ah, so i need to brush on on english..

probably not.
context can be tricky.
if I may ask what is your mother tongue?

not english. me no understand your context. me see no fallacies, coming or going. my point was that we don't have a society of responsible adults and that is the reason we're stuck with socialism.

adulting is HARD.
I want my MOMMY!

i don't think we're in the same universe..or maybe my grasp of the english language is not as good as i thought

By definition libertarianism, zap, and anarchy doesn't exist since tyranny marches on with the consent or inaction/silence of self-proclaimed ancaps everywhere makes big sweeping gestures.

The very anarchist principles of self rule/governance stemming from self ownership and barring holding title of nobility from public office, and consent of the govern are still very much in play. That's why taxes are considered consentual as either voluntary gifts or outright service fees and "protection/maintenance/insurance". They have the consent by default if nobody bothers to say otherwise, so whatever the thugs say its true because everyone more or less mumbles off "okay" or says nothing.

First they came for the anarchists. Then they came for the anarchists. Then they came for me.

Instead of ideologies that require bloodshed or dont exist without photo we can discuss what can we do to fight the ever increasing consolidation of power and wealth.

I don't recall mentioning libertarianism
(false equivalency fallacy).
ZAP doesn't have that in it's definition.
'ZERO Aggression Principle"
three words..what's so hard to understand?

How you're for zero aggresion in an aggression tolerant society.

I'm not FOR anything
(in the sense that you imply)
that would be ME telling others what to think.
Anarchists don't do that.

So you telling me what anarchists don't do when I asked a straightforward and simple question which is pertinent as the entire argument follows crudely Anarchist is me, anarchy is zap, i am adult, but thanks for telling me what you think anarchists do or don't.

yet ANOTHER logical fallacy...you are just full of them.
All I said (reading comprehension is a thing)
is that

" I "

(that would be me)
am an anarchist.
an individual
I don't need someone else to tell me how to think
or to behave
that's the
"no rulers" part.

as such I'm not telling you
or anyone
what to do or think either
that would make me your ruler
no thanks..

(thinks of this as a public service announcement)

is that so hard?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Exactly which logical fallacy is that and why and how does it apply? You are an anarchist, and now you're telling me that you won't tell me what to think, as if I asked your opinion or thoughts, when I asked to explain how are you a part of a aggression tolerant society while being for Zero tolerance to aggression, exactly what you denied even though you clearly dedicated an article to, which begins with I am an anarchist, hilariously though you'd sooner deny that and deny any kind of principle, especially reason, because you avail to consider that someone querying you for your opinion or thoughts means they have availed themselves of sovereignty, and next youll tell me that I implied for you to tell me what or how to think and accuse me of whatever implications conveniently avoiding the obvious question: how can you be for Zero Aggression Principle (I'll call you aggression intolerant) in a society that is tolerant of aggression?

I've dealt with you before..before you changed your screenname.
think what you want to think.

"I am free no matter what slavery surrounds me, I'm a helicopter."

Level 10 denial, gj anon haxor.

Thank you for explaining ZAP. Now I understand why I keep seeing it pop up in my feed. (Mostly in your posts.)

that's another ZAP

not the same thing.
I use the image as a short for the Steemit equivalent to Twitter.
my ZAP is the equivalent of a TWEET.

So many ZAPs!

Must be why you're so electrifying!

yeah..that must be IT!