Most Do NOT actually read the article

in discussion •  7 years ago 

Reading is hard...just vote for the provocative headline... .................................................................................................................................................................

  • According to a paper published in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems by researchers at Notre Dame University, some 73 percent of posts on Reddit are voted on by users that haven’t actually clicked through to view the content being rated.
    not surprising really

    most millenials have the attention span of a bug, a headline is about all that they can focus on before it's time to move on. Reading the whole article is just too HARD.

    That's not the case on Steemit.
    Oh no...
    We Automate.

    95% of all voting on Steemit is by bots.
    almost zero reading
    ..that's SO last decade!

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How can I argue with you when you look at the post of 20 - likes and 1 viewing.

whaaaat ? Ok this is not motivating at all >.<. Is it really 95%? I hope you made that up haha. but yea I figured that since sometimes I've more upvotes than visitors .. oh well I'll keep going anyway :D

This post was read and upvoted by a biological entity ,admittedly outdated entity..

This is why Logic Coin will be so rare an expensive, most people won't have the fortitude to make a logical thought for 30 minutes at a time.

Thirty whole minutes?
That long?
Thirty seconds is a stretch.

Well, it has to read the brainwaves for some period of time and it has to be the right brainwaves.

Told you it would be rare.

Millenials have brain waves?
who knew?

Mostly in the dreaming state, which isn't useful for logical thought.

pot heads?

I'm guessing it is about the same.
Dreams of utopia

Not sure, but it may have something to do with the fact that almost all nowadays have their phones glued to the palms of their hands. Not books, no 'normal' conversations...It has to take its toll.

I always read the article and if i like it i upvote. I don't see a reason to upvote posts with only 1 picture and few words of describtion (only if it's a contest!!!).
And YES! You are completely right, most of people, i would even say 80%, don't read posts at all:(( That's really sad.. cos if i post something i want to share with people, to discuss it...

Actually reading the article?
That makes you one of the few.
the very...very few.

I read somewhere that while you're reading your brain is making a decision on every word you read(the correct answer then come out your pie-hole)
This apparently trains your brain to make fast judgements in other aspects. As your post says, not many bother to read and it shows in the recent generations(mine included) as most are fucking clueless.

the scary thing is most of those people are allowed to vote.
The good thing is most of them don't make the effort.

haha very true. Weirder still, very well educated people still believe it makes a difference...Does that make us sane?

Thank God I'm not a millenial! I do read!

Me too

Before the internet I'd spend a LOT of money at the bookstore every month.
and by a lot...I mean hundreds of dollars.

Now I have FREE content...what's not to like?

Great analysis!!

Mind you, feel really sorry for those bots which must be "exhausted" having to read every whole article before they finally can vote ...

😞 😉

we wish.

well you grabbed my attention (bingo front row) and I can attest I read all four corners of your submission despite my dyslexia and being a mature human carbon life form i.e. an old-coot!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

95% ??? You are quite conservative, I would say that 99.9% of the voters in Steemit do not see the publications.

Some times I have reached between 50 and 100 upvotes and less than 5 visits, it is quite disappointing. And many times nobody at all enters the post, so it would be 100% in some cases.

it begs the question - whats the fucking point?

gaming the platform.

no , I mean from our perspective - what's the fucking point in spending time if hardly anyone reads stuff, and you can make the same money, by gaming?

My roller coaster of thought processes regarding steemit - it has set off for it's weekly ride.

... presently approaching the dip of cynicism, coming out on the rise of hope, and then leading into the cave of dark negativity, and emerging into everetts no BS double twist upward spiral, leading to the plateau of optimism...

....and then there is next weeks ride, all lined up.... lol

what's the fucking point in spending time if hardly anyone reads stuff, and you can make the same money, by gaming?
Bingo...and thus there is

'bots encourage Spam.

95% huh? Now that is discouraging.

Unless the bots are voting for me of course!

(Just kidding. A friend of mine writes articles for SEO optimization and that crap is soul-deadening.)

I've even noticed here on Steemit some of posts will say: Posted by a bot. Now wth is up with that? As far as people actually reading an article before voting I think you are right there. Speaking from experience I learned early in life not to put my stamp of approval on something until I read it. Live and learn.

Sometimes that laziness will come back to bite us as we've witnessed in the world of politics. (not sure how that would work here on this platform, but I still feel better reading a post and when warranted, even doing a bit more research, before voting on it.)

There is a term I've come across. TL;DR. Too long, didn't read, but I'll post on it and vent anyway, because it seems important.
You are right about the attention span. It's too short and people don't take the time to read........what was I talking about?

a squirrel!

Even with the diminished attention spans, anyone can tell this isn't a squirrel, it's a skunk, but then so is the media. lol.

how many millenials know the difference?



Most millennials can change a flat tire

that would be can NOT.
that's what AAA is for.
get their hands dirty?
are you INSANE?

Yeah, thats what I meant, CAN'T lol

Hay its right, here also all we have habit to first look to the header it it's interesting then to read. Hay and as you said yes most account are run by bots so Actually there are very less redears over here. May as more users connected this platform works well.

Yes sir u are right mainly most people in steemit use the bots for upvote because its looks more easy and uncomplicated

it' good that I am from those 5% ☺