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Great flow... And killer music 🎶 I like MC yogis.. Cool that you using Dlive 😎

Yeah! I try Dlive now because the vids don’t be saved on Dtube...!

Also it’s easier to upload there and it’s possible to load a vid up or go live!

So more opportunities!

You have tried it?

Yes I saw it myself... That the videos not been saved on dtube... Omg so shitty!! Like really all my videos are gone I noticed yesterday... I will never try to use that shit again. Never worked out for me anyway so.. Ye I think Dlive is a better platform for the future... Good job... Have a nice day sister 🌟🙏

Say it loud bro!!!
I thought it will be saved on the blockchain and deleted them:-/
Hope Dlive will work better....

Ye M2 I also thought it will be saved on the blockchain 4ever like the YouTube video.. So we could earn on it for years and years if someone like bla bla .. F... Shiiiiiit if you ask me... Use lots of time and ye on it... For what? Yeye... We learn every day... Hugs and good luck ✌️😎

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