High Legend Hearthstone: Adding Lightfused & Drygulch to the Umbra/Val’anyr combo deck!

in dlive •  7 years ago 


After going 6-10 last night and tanking 200+ ranks I've decided to try a new twist on the deck, and add 2x drygulch and 2x lightfused stegadon. The idea is that buffed dudes are really hard to deal with + having so many extra cheap minions in my hand will make for more cheap Val'Anyr targets.

Full decklist below:

Lightfused Umbra

Class: Paladin

Format: Standard

Year of the Raven

1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos

2x (2) Dire Wolf Alpha

2x (2) Drygulch Jailor

2x (2) Equality

2x (2) Knife Juggler

2x (2) Loot Hoarder

2x (2) Plated Beetle

2x (4) Call to Arms

2x (4) Consecration

2x (4) Lightfused Stegodon

2x (4) Saronite Chain Gang

1x (4) Spellbreaker

1x (4) Spiritsinger Umbra

2x (4) Truesilver Champion

2x (6) Avenging Wrath

1x (6) Genn Greymane

1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim

1x (6) Val'anyr


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

My live stream is at DLive

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Hell yeah!! I love Hearthstone... going to play a bit (or a lot) as soon as I watch Westworld.... 🤓✌

Hell yes! Hearthstone is so fun (except when it's not!) Let me know if you ever want to duo stream (hang out on discord and discuss the game as one of us plays). I find I learn so much more while talking through my decisions with others, plus it's just plain fun to hang.

PS: Congrats on your most recent post being selected by @curie! When I saw it this morning it only had 8 cents worth of upvotes, glad to see you're getting the recognition you deserve for it! I was too tired to comment then, but I'm re-reading it now and about to offer up my thoughts once I'm done!

really good post keep it up