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I saw this today.

Screen Shot 2018-08-15 at 06.49.16.png

So it seems like projects are starting to popup about a decentralized internet



  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yeah it's very complex.

The Intellect is a dissect tool also that will say if a person is not aware of that then they may complicate things forever while a more simple solutions could have worked. The Intellect want to dissect everything so let's say you have a beautiful rose. All the intellect wanna do is to slice it up in 10,000 pieces and find what's wrong with it lol. Dissect has it's use cases but sometimes beautiful system have no need for dissection.

Also take this that Bill Gates Creates an operating system. Everything get's built on that system. Everyone invests in a system so to rebuild the whole thing you would have to dive back 20-30 years. That is scary and you look dumb to do it. You are suppose to build on someone else system. At the same time as the world goes on and we want faster and easier solutions. Everyone wants to save time and energy. So "bad code" can start to become stacked on top of each other.

I know at least I don't wanna sit in a basement for 30 years and make the code for it lol. I do enjoy the idea of making a machine that can generate me value automatically. Because it opens up interesting philosophical questions in a society.
