RE: Is Sonic Boom the worst game in the franchise?

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Is Sonic Boom the worst game in the franchise?

in dlive •  7 years ago 

Completely agree they have so many franchises that have all basically died. Afterburner? Alex Kidd?

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Yeah, both good games. I'd personally love to see a new Streets of Rage or Panzer Dragoon game. I know Crimson Dragon is a thing but that's just not the same plus being an exclusive to the Xbox One just kills it for me. It was literally the only game next to Killer Instinct and Rare Replay that I'd even want to play on the console. Me and you could probably go on all evening and night going on about the endless possibilities that Sega truly has. I still need to pick up and try the Yakuza game series. It's one of the few newer franchises that still seems really interesting that they make today.

There was a spiritual successor to Streets of Rage called Raging Street. Well it's more of a tribute but still worth your time.