RE: Let's Talk About The Haters | Coffee With Jane

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Let's Talk About The Haters | Coffee With Jane

in dlive •  7 years ago 

Haha I mean like in this instance what are you going to do?? Change your face?? Lol comments like those are truly unnecessary because the way you look has nothing to do with what you’re creating and how good or bad it might be 😂
I don’t know if you saw the part but that guy called me an ugly cunt and said I look like a half bred hooker 😂😂😂
Those kinds of comments are here too, just not as frequent!
Btw I’m going to start posting on YouTube - I hope I don’t get roasted too harshly lol

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I agree that comments like the ones made toward you are not feedback - they're just hateful. Comments like those are disgusting and unnecessary. They serve no purpose except to spew negativity in an attempt to hurt you. People who leave comments like that are either trying to start something (because they thrive on conflict and chaos) or they're so unhappy within themselves that they are taking it out on the world. In truth, it's kind of pathetic and sad so you are wise not to listen or take it personally. ❤ Followed & uPvoted!

Thank you so much!

Thats noise that you dont need to pay attention ... idiots..

Wow calling you that was really not cool, I believe that people who are trying to bring other people down are hurting themselves so let's just assume this person is one of those people...