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I knew you'd like this meme haha

I think Kissinger is single handedly raising the xD

Yeah man he seriously just is gonna be a huge outlier, like SBD, when he has life ext tech making him 300 years old, and he will probably still be collecting social security checks in full like a major asshole lol

Hey yeah after life extension tech, how the fuck will they continue that social security ponzi scheme?

Lol. I had an idea and was researching some stuff which led me to your conic con post from last year. Nice work there. Just wanted to say that!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Fantastic! I’m surprised I didn’t see ya!!!!

I think it was great!

Hahaha very nice funny.. I like it dmania funny.

In old days it was more than 100 and while moving into the phase of more development, only the age limit is not pushing upwards. 🙂

hahhaa no no no never was average life expectancy to be 100 except maybe in Atlantis times or something like that where its so far back its a cyclical ancient technological advanced civilization that had an apocalyptic type event, and were just now finally picking up the pieces and making computers again buT HEy maybe in the PAST instead of silicon they made their computers out of like.. maybe instead of silicon wafers they used big crystals or ii dunno haha they Probably used wafers too! actually the MOST likely had computers or actually SMARTPHONE that would look like ours

honestly why wouldn't smartphones end up looking teh same across multiple planets?

Ha ha. 🙂

HHA sorry it wasnt jadensmith who sent the meme it was another user who ill just leave un named untill he says he wants the credit lol i cant even rememebr the guys name now actually it wa sso crazy but when he sees this hes gona be liek fuuuck