Update on the Temple dogs from Krabi, Thailand

in dogs •  5 months ago 

The good news is that there are no additional dogs that have been dropped off. This is actually quite rare as the Tiger Cave Temple in Krabi, which has historically been a hot spot of sorts for people dropping off unwanted dogs. This is pure speculation on my part but I believe there has been a rather dramatic drop in the amount of puppies being produced because of the years we have spent with our sterilization efforts. The only way to create a solution to the overpopulation problem is to stem the excessive amounts of dogs that can and will be a problem unless we get to the root cause.

There are still over 100 dogs at the Tiger Cave Temple though, and they need to eat... which thanks to the monks is something that we don't even have to be actively involved in every time.


The dogs here are quite well looked after and it really isnt necessary for me to come out here to check on them. The monks have been outstanding as far as helping us with our efforts here but when I don't hear from them in a while I get nervous and go out here to check on the state of the pack anyway.


As always they are quite happy to see me and it never stops being amazing to me that they seem to know the sound of the engine on my truck and will come from all over the complex to greet me when I get there. It really is a nice feeling to see dozens of happy dogs with their tails wagging even before I am finished parking the truck.


While the dogs here are well looked after and ever since our funding has stabilized they never go hungry, I think they are more excited for my arrival because I bring slightly more exotic food with me than they would normally receive. I also hand out as many treats as I have when I am there.


As far as homeless dogs go, the ones here at the temple are extremely well-behaved considering that they have lived mostly lives of lawlessness. We rarely have any issues of the dogs fighting over food and this is just an example of how good dogs' default state is when there is plenty of sustenance to go around.


Also, since every single one of the female dogs here are sterilized there is no infighting among the males either. This process really does work and since the dogs have no reason to harm one another we are able to avoid a ton of injuries and infections that would occur if they were constantly fighting with one another. As lovely as dogs are, there is a massive amount of competition for resources if they don't have enough. As tragic as it sounds, this abundance of food is a large part of the reason why there was once such a massive problem with strays in Krabi as well as other places in Thailand. If there is enough food, the dogs will replicate like mad until there isn't enough food and then nature takes over by the lives of the weaker dogs being cut short. This is just the way things work. This is just more reason why the sterilization drive is the most important part of the process. We do not wan the weaker ones to die out, but we also recognize that these lovely animals cannot be allowed to breed like crazy or the problem will never be solved.

While I didn't have time to check on every single dog that lives at the Tiger Cave Temple I did speak to our monk friends and do a walkthrough and there doesn't seem to be any health problems at all. This is the reason why the monks haven't called me in a while but I guess I am just a nervous person. No news is good news in this particular situation.

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Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.



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