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celine (Jun 18, 2013 17:33:58 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall ...........some plants (unknown which) are toxic to vrill.Annamaria Dienes........... Might all those plants ,which are weeds or not good by pharmasists companies.They try to kill them so hard.You must find out what plants are danger to them and lets do some gardening all over the Earth

celine (Jun 18, 2013 18:02:52 GMT -5)
Annamaria Dienes shared a linkdoes she know about vrill?
Anya Briggs Claims UFO/ET Researchers Mind Controlled by Grey ETs
On June 20, 2013 at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9:00 pm Eastern, 1:00 AM GMT, ExopoliticsTV will broadcast THE NEWS LIVE SpecialDonald Marshall ...........I dunno who she isAnnamaria Dienes
Anya is a Channelanyaisachannel.blogspot.comA psychic medium's true story of how she came to discover herself and all of the strange things that happened to her along the wayAnnamaria DienesBases 21 Anya Briggs Part OneAnya Briggs returns in full flight in part 1 of 4, featuring James Casbolt who i...See moreDonald Marshall does she charge a fee for her information?Rino Moskvil Good question, shes been all over really, Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura and one of the first bases series but in the jv hunt for reptilian she freaks out, and they are above dulce base If i do not remember wrong, lost my confidence in jv after that episode, was a farce... Donald Marshall Jesse Ventura has spoken to me several times as clones. If she was on the JV show she is a fake. Jesse knows all about cloning and Vrill.Rino Moskvil He he yeah know about mr sex-slave, dont want to speculate about here realy, and she was only in that episode with jv as a medium so hard to tell really tube it and see the episode for you self, and the bases 1 she talks about a underground base in berkshire in england, with barry king. First of the series of miles so think thats why she was invited, ha ha now im speculate Donald Marshall ok I'll look.Annamaria Diene............s Far too many super soldier giving out info.Time will tell,when must act against evil,which side they will stand.Donald Marshall they delay.Donald Marshall starseeds...Donald Marshall........ most of em hate me... cuz they cant do what I do there. jealous of my songmaking abilities and how much attention I get there instead of them.Annamaria Dienes let them burst with envyAnnamaria Dienes war would be over fasterDonald Marshall .......they want to come out and be on tv too... be heroes too... they didn't resist until they were ensured they would come to no harm... theyre all "heroes" now...Donald Marshall can do it without war... I don't want a war to start...Annamaria Dienes If all those people act together fast,they can take them off those vrillsRino Moskvil He he yeah seems like the new trend to be a super soldier, i have been seeing sss ( super soldier summit ) last couple of days, very good info there Annamaria Dienes Without war Im afraid Vrills wont go awayRino Moskvil.......... Rachel ( black goo) good story, she seems a bit scidich? Jumpy. Erin Hicks tell a lot about rothshild and sinclair, and james casbolt. Kelvin curnow, and many many more just tube megawatts1066 thats miles johnston Rino Moskvil Sorry about å, its suposed to be a, and its means And in norwegan, so its used a lot, damned autocorr Donald Marshall cool cool.Rino Moskvil And its prenounced almost like the english O or Oh know you know that ha ha ha Rino Moskvil ..........Where you from Annamaria? Not the states? Heard about operation paperclip? They invited 1000 nazis to the states after ww2 and tre of them startes nasa, warner von braoun among others, prescot bush was convicted to have suplided the nazi germany, and there are not given that 6 000 000 was killed at this camps, they was a bit fast with that nb before they ever could have known, and a scientist did checked out the claimed masgrave in in triblinca i believe it was. Where they claim 2 million are buried, ground was untouched.., no ashes or skeletons, he also checked out the walls in 4 of the big ones, the gas chambers after zyklon b, the remains of that chemical lasts at least a 100 years, and the university of warsaw did the same, he wrote a book about it, it costed him 8 years in prison, in most countries in europe its illegal to question the nazi concentration camps, you might wonder why... Donald Marshall........... I don't wonder why, You'll know all about it at the end.Annamaria Dienes Im Hungarian,living in Ireland.I know about paperclip,vatican passport how Nazis saved in NASA and other projects.Annamaria Dienes I also knows about Gulags ,my family member were taken to siberia and died there.Rino Moskvil He he i question all that im told, know they lie a lot Annamaria Dienes I know they lie a lot,but also they hide a lotAnnamaria DienesThe Injustice of Trianon for Ethnic Magyar - HungariansThe Treaty of Trianon of 1920 devastated historic Hungary by taking 72% of her territory and severing 3,300,000 ethnic Magyars from the motherland.Annamaria Dienes........ This story is true,Im afraid and still not fixed with many other troubleRino Moskvil Yeah sorry about that, sure many many died and the nb from russa was a bit higher then the germans operate with, but that was communism was it not? Anyway something just dont add up with the history we been told..Annamaria Dienes Of course history= his story ,doesnt means always true.I dont care about races of humans,I dont care if somebody yellow purple or green or what belief has.All I care humans long time now fighting among themselves ,just because a few idiots used by Vrills or reptilians stirring s.....tAnnamaria DienesDeep Purple - When a Blind Man Cries (Lyrics)The cat is not dead! And stop turning annotations off,...See moreRino Moskvil ...Yes totally agree about that... dont see how ppl look on the outside, i love everybody, or i least try to, not all are loveable hee hee ... just seen your clip, huh did not know that and never heard about Magyar before...Annamaria Dienes My cat one eye is missing since birth,looks above cat.Annamaria Dienes............ Hungarian= magyarAnnamaria Dienes Huns were the terrible ones ancients time as history stirred the s about us.We were against a lot of things through out times,and still left few fighters .Attila the heard about him probably.Or the Huns arrows .Annamaria DienesArchery Rapid Fire Hun Archery KassaiAncient Hun archery rapid fire technique demonstrated by Lajos KassaiAnnamaria Dienes..... Arrow can be used against vrills too.Donald Marshall use bullets Rino Moskvil Yeah Attila have i heard about, hungary too, did have a classmate from there When i was 7 so i guess its a revenge thing for old history, did he not burn down lot of europa at some time? Or whats that tibeten one? Hmm do remember something about horses and hungarian warriors? Anyway know the royalties do payback for things that happened 1000/2/3000 years ago.. Donald Marshall take a step into the 21'st century Anna Annamaria Dienes Huns skills is in my blood....Bullets ,arrow or other weapons like my cats and guinea pig warriors will be used against them!Donald Marshall Not the guinea pigs tooRino Moskvil Lulz harder to make gunpowder from scratch, and most of the citizens of the world have been disarmed Donald Marshall why am I picturing you training little guinea pigs? Runnin them through obstacle courses n stuff? lolDonald Marshall I like the Mongolian recurve bow.Annamaria Dienes All animals will be marching against them.Oh no you got the picture. lolDonald Marshall........ the weapon that almost conquered the world for ghengis kahn.Donald Marshall lolRino Moskvil Ha ha guinea pigs warriors, now i heard it all Annamaria Dienes.... Imagine a 30 foot big guinea pigs. a hungry ones,not necesarry hungarian hungry one Donald Marshall ....not Hungarian, hungry lolAnnamaria Dienes........ Ghengis khan Stole a lot of war technology from the Huns.Later they tired to occupy Hungary,also turkish people tried later... austrians,russians,tired to take away our language and force us to learn their language.Well ,we still use our language,not like Irish peopleAnnamaria Dienes Irish were occupied by english also 700 years,they lost their freedom too and their language gone with many secrets.Rino Moskvil .......Did he not use cats at one point? Ultimatum to a occupied city, give us 1000 cats and we leave, so they did and they left too, but before they left they tied a piece of cloth to there tails and lit it on fire, what did the cats do? Run home ofc, whole city burned to the ground Annamaria Dienes I think animals had enough of those parasite Vrills too with the plants tDonald Marshall they can drone some animals.Donald Marshall some plants (unknown which) are toxic to vrill.Annamaria Dienes Might all those plants ,which are weeds or not good by pharmacist companies.They try to kill them so hard.You must find out what plants are danger to them and lets do some gardening all over the EarthAnnamaria Dienes Animals can be drone that is awful! My cats and pig are against them for sure.Rino Moskvil I wonder how that would feel like, to go down in consciousness, ha ha or maybe up for them

celine (Jun 19, 2013 15:57:29 GMT -5)
19th june 2013Donald Marshall........I'm Pro-Human... Blacks, Jews, Germans, Latins, Arabs, Asians... and everyone else, are human. But I hate Vrill bad...Josie Marceleno........ Are they all over the world?Donald Marshall ...yes, They've come up from under the apple peel all over the world throughout the ages... asia north America south America... all over the place.

celine (Jun 20, 2013 17:29:25 GMT -5)
Annamaria Dienes shared a link.This machine will be brilliant for the Vrills and US bought a lot ,can be rented to other country for the same reasons.WTF! U.S. Government Buys 30,000 Guillotines! 15,000 in Georgia & Montana !I guess Billions of rounds of ammunition isnt enough ... Noe they want to chop people heads off ! In mass at at that !
...Marcus Illsley removed??? sup wid that??? lolDonald Marshall ............guess they don't want you to see that...Marcus Illsley............. go figure > mass population reduction exposed = cant have that lolAnnamaria Dienes I saw this before,they removed it.Might someone has it a disc and put back to youtube.Marcus Illsley
Why Did the U.S. Government Recently Purchase 30,000 Guillotines? The use of guillotines for "governmental purposes" was lobbied for and passed ...See moreAnnamaria Dienes USA populations are .......,evil politicians are.......Im sure people easily can collect fast the bad guys and win this situations.Many country can follow this example where freedom not exist.

Youareanutcase (Jun 20, 2013 17:30:57 GMT -5)

celine (Jun 21, 2013 13:38:18 GMT -5)
21st june 2013Donald MarshallNOW....... sigh....... do you notice any similarities in these 2 pictures?... Donald Marshall .........drip.... drip....drip....Donald Marshall........lyeah that's right... take a breath... it's ok.Celine O'carroll............. so they built the vatican like this in order to appease vril and drones?Brenda Butler holy cow donaldDonald Marshall yes...Donald Marshall help...Donald Marshall we need more people. Vrill and hosts and deadheads want WW3 to begin... people are procrastinating... they know what the end result will be... there is major dissention in the illuminati ranks...Debbie Lawrence they still living underneath?Donald Marshall yep.Donald Marshall Underneath of lots of places.Debbie Lawrence Donald Marshall don't worry, I got dis Donald Marshall lolDonald Marshall all inna day's work for your friendly neighborhood spiderman Debbie Lawrence nest of vipers & that's just the ones above ground.Donald Marshall as above so below...Danielle Lynn Donald, who would get rid of the vrill? Is there some type of secret law enforcement or factions ready to help when the time is right?Donald Marshall yes

celine (Jul 3, 2013 8:57:02 GMT -5)
2nd july 2013Laurence Mountford shared a link.never mind the 4th of july, I just think its crazy that these things just pop up now, is it just a cry for helpILLUMINATI CODED MESSAGE FOR JULY 4TH?thanks for watching.Donald Marshall All religious symbols except for the communist sickle and hammer symbol. Cross with serpent encircling it in the center.Donald Marshall Could be good or bad depending on how you look at it,... As I've said, the illuminati and its factions are vast, huge.Brian Johnson RE: TheScariestMovieEver - MLB SymbolismSingle Issue: Symbolism moreDonald Marshall I hope the message means the religions of the world are with me. They run everything pretty much,...Tim Locke any of this info ever get brought up Donald?Revelation of the Pyramids (BEST Egypt documentary)For centuries, the Great Pyramids have fascinated Mankind; every year brings a b...See moreDonald Marshall Nah they've said they're for vrill type 1 population control. Vrill type ones are the pets of vrill type 3'sDonald Marshall There's more type ones than any other supposedly as they breed fast.Donald Marshall....... Like a roach trapSean Gatchell .........That's probable too, but I think the pyramids had many uses originally.Donald Marshall........ The illuminati said just a tomb and vrill trap, I was a very curious kid and asked them all the time,... I thought they were alien landing pads for ships or magic or something, they said just a symbol of power to the masses.

celine (Jul 10, 2013 17:47:04 GMT -5)
9th july 2013Donald Marshall.........more than Homo Sapiens... buncha pokemons down there...
Snowden Reveals Documents: 'More Intelligent Homo Sapiens Exist Underground' | Paranormalbeforeitsnews.comOriginally published on Edward Snowden, the leaker of NSA surveillance documents, was granted asylum in Venezuela on Friday. With safe harbors in sight, Snowden was willing to share shocking and world-shattering exclusive...Donald Marshall DRIP DRIP DRIPPY DRIP!Donald Marshall I beat you to the punchline a long time ago little puke lol Everybody wants to be the hero huh Celine O'carroll yeah but o well least he is serving a purpose...drip drip better than nothin .Donald Marshall...... Yeah but he is part of a major plan, he is in no danger, he is a pawn and is leaking what they told him to.Laurence Mountford .....we heard it here first Celine O'carroll....... we hear everything here first.lolLaurence Mountford see i don't know this mofo, But I know Donald, which mean't this just is no surprise. nothing is ever a surprise now. it all makes sense, more or less know the clone the drone and the reptile, and you pretty much know it all Donald Marshall...... Just remember.... Snowden get's massive media coverage, and the Illuminati allow the media to promote his story. Meanwhile they bend over backwards to ensure I never get major media attention and are attempting to slow me down at every turn, only my facebook and the forum are intact, whenever I get a new email address they hack it and change the password. happened like 5 times now.Laurence Mountford Interview!!!! Laurence Mountford guess you didnt hear back from whatsherface?Donald Marshall..... Oh, the Interview with Roxy Lopez is for the 9th of "August" not July 9th as I'd thought. Hopefully I'm still kicking in a month lol.Celine O'carroll..... but the info they let others like snowden release is never quite correct...I suppose that is to pacify drones??Donald Marshall ....yes. and to keep the complicity of the illuminati high ups a secret.Laurence Mountford....... ahhhhLaurence Mountford lol, think his name means secretly he's trying to bury you (Snow Don)Celine O'carroll oh wow....well spotted.Donald Marshall LOL!Laurence Mountford oh also, not homosapien, as they say in Doctor who, you know, in those two episodes "the Hungry earth" and "cold Blood" (cause those names don't mean anything) where you have the actual race of reptillians living underground near the core of the earth after going underground during the time of the dinosaurs due to cataclysm... breathe.... homo reptilliaDonald Marshall yep.Laurence Mountford....... oh, and now resent humanity, as they were here before... sigh........Donald Marshall........ they claim sovereignty saying they were the original occupants of Earth.Laurence Mountford ......exactly like in doctor who, and that film "society" that I found out about and watched yesterday, as they say in that "we've been here as long as you"Donald Marshall ........they pre-date cave men.Donald Marshall........... supposedly.Laurence Mountford yep, they said that in opposition to them being called aliens, so did the Thules just come accross them then? in the man of steel film on krytpon which i kinda see as atlantis really, they even have a ship burried below antarctica thats 20,000 years old and what not, but on krypton they say "harvesting the core was madness" I wondered if that might reference to the discovery of vrill and use of them, and as far as I can gather, they got too overtaken and blew it all upDouglas Henson Just FYI the article is fiction and website "the internet chronicle" is a fake news site. Gotta be really careful and always read the "legal" or "about" sections of a sketchy looking indie news site.Donald Marshall Ha, whether he said it or not, it'll still work for me. Laurence Mountford mm fake news, don't get that anywhere else. but yeah, pretty coincidental bit of fake news then eh Donald Marshall very.Domenick DiMaggio so i went to the link posted here...and then i clicked their "source" and its gone. so im going to call bullshits on this there is a more credible source than beforeitsnews with a broken hyperlink.Donald Marshall it's on other pages too.Donald Marshall maybe theyre just copying the before its news one.Domenick DiMaggio im searching the innerwebz nowDonald Marshall I dunno, I was glad to see this post Donald Marshall me 2Domenick DiMaggio
Publisher's Note: It has come to my attention that I have doped...again. The website Chronicle.SU is a satirical website where misleading headlines and complete stories are hoaxes at best. I will attempt to find better articles in the future. Still Edward Snowden, Gary McKinnon, UFOs, who knows it does have the ring of truth in it. DirkSnowden reveals UFO Documents
Edward Snowden, the leaker of NSA surveillance documents, was granted asylum in ...See moreDonald Marshall lolLaurence Mountford sounds like theyre trying to disinfo a piece of info on a disinfo siteDonald Marshall shared a link.Its on other pages too.........
Breaking: Edward Snowden Reveals UFO Secrets ~ ADG (UK)
According to bombshell documents leaked by Snowden, the government has long known UFOs to be a species more advanced than Donald Marshall.........Now I'm getting flooded with messages, about Snowden... maaaaan. Snowden says theres weird life underground and NOW everyone believes it? LMAO!!! Snowdens the man, I wonder if I can get his autograph lol.