RE: Vrill and the cloning centres - Page 12

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Vrill and the cloning centres - Page 12

in donaldmarshall •  5 years ago 

celine (Jul 10, 2013 17:47:04 GMT -5)
9th july 2013Donald Marshall.........more than Homo Sapiens... buncha pokemons down there...
Snowden Reveals Documents: 'More Intelligent Homo Sapiens Exist Underground' | Paranormalbeforeitsnews.comOriginally published on Edward Snowden, the leaker of NSA surveillance documents, was granted asylum in Venezuela on Friday. With safe harbors in sight, Snowden was willing to share shocking and world-shattering exclusive...Donald Marshall DRIP DRIP DRIPPY DRIP!Donald Marshall I beat you to the punchline a long time ago little puke lol Everybody wants to be the hero huh Celine O'carroll yeah but o well least he is serving a purpose...drip drip better than nothin .Donald Marshall...... Yeah but he is part of a major plan, he is in no danger, he is a pawn and is leaking what they told him to.Laurence Mountford .....we heard it here first Celine O'carroll....... we hear everything here first.lolLaurence Mountford see i don't know this mofo, But I know Donald, which mean't this just is no surprise. nothing is ever a surprise now. it all makes sense, more or less know the clone the drone and the reptile, and you pretty much know it all Donald Marshall...... Just remember.... Snowden get's massive media coverage, and the Illuminati allow the media to promote his story. Meanwhile they bend over backwards to ensure I never get major media attention and are attempting to slow me down at every turn, only my facebook and the forum are intact, whenever I get a new email address they hack it and change the password. happened like 5 times now.Laurence Mountford Interview!!!! Laurence Mountford guess you didnt hear back from whatsherface?Donald Marshall..... Oh, the Interview with Roxy Lopez is for the 9th of "August" not July 9th as I'd thought. Hopefully I'm still kicking in a month lol.Celine O'carroll..... but the info they let others like snowden release is never quite correct...I suppose that is to pacify drones??Donald Marshall ....yes. and to keep the complicity of the illuminati high ups a secret.Laurence Mountford....... ahhhhLaurence Mountford lol, think his name means secretly he's trying to bury you (Snow Don)Celine O'carroll oh wow....well spotted.Donald Marshall LOL!Laurence Mountford oh also, not homosapien, as they say in Doctor who, you know, in those two episodes "the Hungry earth" and "cold Blood" (cause those names don't mean anything) where you have the actual race of reptillians living underground near the core of the earth after going underground during the time of the dinosaurs due to cataclysm... breathe.... homo reptilliaDonald Marshall yep.Laurence Mountford....... oh, and now resent humanity, as they were here before... sigh........Donald Marshall........ they claim sovereignty saying they were the original occupants of Earth.Laurence Mountford ......exactly like in doctor who, and that film "society" that I found out about and watched yesterday, as they say in that "we've been here as long as you"Donald Marshall ........they pre-date cave men.Donald Marshall........... supposedly.Laurence Mountford yep, they said that in opposition to them being called aliens, so did the Thules just come accross them then? in the man of steel film on krytpon which i kinda see as atlantis really, they even have a ship burried below antarctica thats 20,000 years old and what not, but on krypton they say "harvesting the core was madness" I wondered if that might reference to the discovery of vrill and use of them, and as far as I can gather, they got too overtaken and blew it all upDouglas Henson Just FYI the article is fiction and website "the internet chronicle" is a fake news site. Gotta be really careful and always read the "legal" or "about" sections of a sketchy looking indie news site.Donald Marshall Ha, whether he said it or not, it'll still work for me. Laurence Mountford mm fake news, don't get that anywhere else. but yeah, pretty coincidental bit of fake news then eh Donald Marshall very.Domenick DiMaggio so i went to the link posted here...and then i clicked their "source" and its gone. so im going to call bullshits on this there is a more credible source than beforeitsnews with a broken hyperlink.Donald Marshall it's on other pages too.Donald Marshall maybe theyre just copying the before its news one.Domenick DiMaggio im searching the innerwebz nowDonald Marshall I dunno, I was glad to see this post Donald Marshall me 2Domenick DiMaggio
Publisher's Note: It has come to my attention that I have doped...again. The website Chronicle.SU is a satirical website where misleading headlines and complete stories are hoaxes at best. I will attempt to find better articles in the future. Still Edward Snowden, Gary McKinnon, UFOs, who knows it does have the ring of truth in it. DirkSnowden reveals UFO Documents
Edward Snowden, the leaker of NSA surveillance documents, was granted asylum in ...See moreDonald Marshall lolLaurence Mountford sounds like theyre trying to disinfo a piece of info on a disinfo siteDonald Marshall shared a link.Its on other pages too.........
Breaking: Edward Snowden Reveals UFO Secrets ~ ADG (UK)
According to bombshell documents leaked by Snowden, the government has long known UFOs to be a species more advanced than Donald Marshall.........Now I'm getting flooded with messages, about Snowden... maaaaan. Snowden says theres weird life underground and NOW everyone believes it? LMAO!!! Snowdens the man, I wonder if I can get his autograph lol.

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celine (Jul 11, 2013 17:31:37 GMT -5)
11th july 2013Donald MarshallThis is kinda like in the beginning, When I said the Queen and her family were among the worst pedophiles in the world... BEFORE the pedo scandal started... people messaging me saying I should be ashamed to say something like that about the Queen and her family, that I was mentally unhinged.... UNTIL the pedophile scandal hit.... then they write me back saying oh we're so sorry... how could we have known that?....AND NOW, that Eric Snowden supposedly says there is unknown alien life living underground and that saucers are from underground, people are writing me saying stuff like "Don man... Snowden's saying it too... sorry I called you an idiot man..." LOL! Ummm Why am I automatically assumed a liar and people like Queen Elizabeth and Eric Snowden are the pure goodness never lie lol and if THEY say it, then it is true... I do not understand this...Mimi Stanojcic dad has told me all my life the Queen is evil and dont even mention her nameDonald Marshall He's right.Non Duality..... Yes, people have been conditioned to only believe something once it appears on the mainstream media or by someone who has appeared on the mainstream media. I'm more likely to believe something if it hasn't because it is quite evident to me that the mainstream is totally controlled and used as a mind control brainwashing device.Mimi Stanojcic... and since i was little also, american government are corrupt and full of secrets. Hes always knownKi Gollaher .......People just aren't ready!!!Donald Marshall ........They have to be,... the stage is set. There's not much time.David David David .....your beauty is evident, thank you alwaysDonald Marshall Damn I wish I could go on good morning America for a couple hours,...Randi Ellen........ This might be a silly question but how is survival possible that far underground and what is the point of trying to make society believe "UFO'S" were from another planet all these decades? Have any of these wicked "people" ever been in these underground places?Manusika Bhavana ..........Why haven't they simply made Snowden disappear, or killed him and blamed it on a maniac/drifter like with Hilda Murrell?Julie Winnie.... Lawrence google hollow earthCherie Cormier They havn't gotten rid of Snowjob because he's working 'thier' angle.Manusika Bhavana....... Oh, false flag? Like "oh look, now we need some more draconian secrecy laws"?David C. Fuller Okay, okay, I give up! You're hinged.Donald Marshall .........deep deep underground the pressure is different, Vrill type 3's can't even stay on the surface long, they have breathing problems and start sounding like the have asthma, they also breath an oxygen methane mix. The reason they want to have people believe that saucers come from off world is because that is more difficult to defeat. If everyone knew that the things just come from underground then they would have a target... underground... but with unknown origins of saucers, there is uncertainty and no set target. The illuminati can say whatever they want,... that "aliens" could destroy us in the wink of an eye,... all they want is the gold of Earth and they will leave... load up the gold and take it to "space" (underground) and keep everyone in check and control with an unknown superior race of aliens with their finger on the kill button. It's all about control with them.Donald Marshall Excellent,... being hinged is way better than being unhingedTerry Notasmussen.......... Snowden just released a document about HAARP the release about UFOs was total bullshit and not connected to him in any wayNon Duality........... Donald, did you ever say that these vrill have a correlation to Lucifer or is it just the illuminati humans that believe in Lucifer?Donald Marshall Cant say for certain it is a false disclosure of his. The illuminasty would allow a HAARP disclosure to slide, because people already know a lot about HAARP. But they would denounce the underground life thing as a hoax real quick.Donald Marshall Regardless whether Snowden disclosed the underground stuff or not, it is true anyway...Donald Marshall Vrill call themselves the children of Lucifer... Vrill are religious. They say they are the demons in all the books...Ki Gollaher They are blood sucking demons.Terry Notasmussen...... Im not saying it isnt true but I doubt his second release would be about UFOs. To most it would render him uncredible. HAARP isnt the first or even the worest of its kind. China has HAARP type weapons in the middle of the Gobi that are twice the size and based on a cell phone type antenna they look alot like giant airports with no terminals and I believe the majority of these complexes are underground as well and could even be connected to the Vril some how. Maybe their power stations or some shit?Donald Marshall HAARP does multiple things. Could be used for great benefit, but is used as a weapon.Terry Notasmussen Even though there is a treaty between at least Japan and the US against weaponized weather. But we all saw how much that treaty is respected in 2011Louis-Simon Desloges...... In what kind of settings do vrills live in? Simply caves? High tech bases? Either way what protects them from earthquakes? Are they located in a specific region where earthquakes are less prone to happen?Louis-Simon Desloges........ Sorry if you already talked about those details.. If so, could you point me to where I could learn more?Terry Notasmussen ........Look up Denver Int. Airport for the home base of all underground reptiods. Or at least the most modern/high tech base on this planetDonald Marshall....... lol that's not the most high tech place,... that's supposedly just one base. Deepdeep underground there are no earthquakes. Vrill live in primitive tunnels and hollows in some regions, they also live in deep base cities in some regions. Theres a lot of stuff down there.Terry Notasmussen........ What about Agartha? I dont think that spelling is right but I read about it on a Hollow Earth site its supposed to be where the true Aryan race resides today and allegedly where Hitler went after WWII via the Antarctic openingDonald Marshall I tend to call it hell... or that place that's gonna get gassed.Donald Marshall yep, that's a name they've called the underworld.Terry Notasmussen Ok Ive learned my daily lesson then, graciasLouis-Simon Desloges........ Honestly I could sit down and listen to what Don has to say for daysTerry Notasmussen .......Yeah even if it all turned out to be bullshit I still think it all makes for amazing stories. Not that Im saying its bullshit but when members of my family get on my ass for talkin about this stuff thats what I tell them. It all plays out to be a great SyFy story at the very leastNancy Eckert Snowdens 'info' is so generic from what I have seen that its almost disinfo... the rabbit hole goes MUCH further than that.Nancy Eckert........... hahaha Good morning america they would all just sit there with big eyes and their mouths gaping openDonald Marshall If I was making this up I would deserve to be shot in the face,... also I would have been arrested by nowDonald Marshall wouldn't even say if I didn't know it for absolute certain.Commonly Known As Stuart I get the same with friends and family, they don't believe me until someone else tells them.Donald Marshall isn't that unbelievably annoying?Commonly Known As Stuart......... Aye, but if I had a pound for every time I said "I told you so" i'd be rich! All that matters is I know i'm right!Donald Marshall Being right is fun,... especially when you knowwww that your right.Greg Hallier Lindberg........ Its maddening though thatour fellow humans are sooobrainwashed and close mindedRandi Ellen........ So then is it fair to say that Vrill / demons are living in a part of hell?Donald Marshall more like all through hell... the vrill view underground as hell and theyre the demons... they view the surface as heaven and humans are angels... and they've said the Sun represents God. Oh and that the Earths core is the devil that spawned them... they have many mixed beliefs,... they think God is a lizard named Azazel LOL!!!Craig Sartor .......cuz it's on the tv mind washy box. they eat that shit upStanley Washam ...........Don't worry Don! There are plenty of people who have believed your story from the beginning and will stand with you through thick and thin! Shame on those who were slow to believe but thankful they are now seeing the light like those of us who knew right from the start! More power to ya Don!!!

celine (Jul 11, 2013 17:40:12 GMT -5)
11th july 2013Donald Marshall shared a link.This was posted on my wall and I didn't want to say anything about it, because it sounds crazy,... but this is not a woman screaming in the audiotape, that is the way that Vrill type 3 scream, the Siberian miner that recorded it had drilled into a hollow pocket WAY down, and the primitive group of Vrill (isolationists) noticed the microphone and were afraid of it, one of the 3's started to do it's scream at the microphone, they scream when threatened,... they scream for dominance,... they were trying to scare whatever it was away... the Siberian miner then went to the Russian government with his findings, WHO THEN quickly dismissed it as a host, added background noise and the temperature report, saying it must be a hoax as nothing could live at 2000 degrees. It was not 2000 degrees. This is the same kind of scream that the Vrill type 3 did to Tila Tequila the night she did the surprise live radio show disclosing info about the cloning centers. I've heard the things do the screech more times than you realize... this is not a woman screaming.The Screams Of Hell Recorded By Siberian Miner!Annamaria Dienes If they were frightened by the drilling we must start drilling them all out,than send them home to another galaxy.Andres Uribe Benito how much lizards could be living down there? a million?Donald Marshall no way to be certain... a lot... theres a buncha Nazi's down there too... a lot.Kris Pepos Don, it's me again, the guy who sits back k and observes.....I listened to this, and among the screams, I and my gf who was in the room both heard voices too. There's a distinct, very distinct part, where a males voice says what sounds like "Eat Them". Also, I could hear male hollering, and some parts it seemed there was some talking or what I myself thought sounded like someone was commanding or guiding of something. I'm curious what your take on that is. And as always, thank you for keeping me...and the rest of us informed.Donald Marshall Unsure of the background noise... some Vrill can speak English, not well but they can. some vrill 3's have deeper toned screeches than this, some are high pitched. Underground when they pass each other in tunnels they scream at each other for dominance, whichever one can scream louder is dominant and the other makes way... lol it is funny to see... youd think oooh scary monsters screechin BUT... it actually looks like naked ancient old ladies screechin at each other... can't wait till theyre all dead.Mark Shark The underworld of the Greek myths weren't far off...Donald Marshall no... Greeks were spot on... but they were deceived as well... thought they were from space... Vikings still have their myths complete, as they were told generation to generation as legends. Smart thing to do, because hosts and Nazi's went all over the world erasing any evidence of Vrill existence from the surface of the Earth. Hitler did book burnings in which some of the targeted books were on Wicca and the occult, and described "demons" all too well... no one cared that Hitler was burning "witch" handbooks.Laurence Mountford fuck man, I mean, how much more do you need really. I can just picture hundreds just swarming, no wonder we say hell is underground and full of screams. in space no one can hear you scream, underground is the same, but cause no one can hear you over all the other screams. its logical if you think about it, as don says theyre sonar bitches, think bout how daredevil in the film gets blinded by the passing subway train, so he bangs his stick to give himself a source of noise to cancel it. if you got thousands of these mother fuckers especially with their attitudes, what else are they gonna do but just scream at each other. Fuuuuuck, Stop putting things together DON! Donald Marshall Laurence Mountford hey, don, how long ago did these fuckers kind of stop coming to the surface on mass?Laurence Mountford and did you say the inquisiton was actually a good intended thing to root out drones?Donald Marshall they were driven back underground in Egypt like 5000 years ago,... the mayans drove them back underground Aztecs too, and even the Hopi Indians sharpened sticks eventually and drove them off. Unknown when the last uprising was. All the vrill will die if they come topside. They are cowardly to the extreme and are now asking everyone if they can just be banished underground and something like motion detectors and sonic emitters (sound) could be a barrier buffer zone between the surface and underground. I dunno I say kill all the vrill... banish em for now, kill off all hosts, then figure out a way to wipe em underground.Donald Marshall Yeah but the Spanish inquisition went way overboard... they didn't have medical tests that could point out who was parasite hosts and who wasn't,... so they just started burning anyone that was weird.Laurence Mountford.......yeah i kinda guessed that, yeah, again, film Alien Vs predator, shit film, but they took the ideas of variosu tribes accross the world connected and theres this pyramid buried way underground in somewhere arctic, and they go into the history and find that predators hunted aliens on earth using humans as hosts, the aliens are likened to serpents and theres this shot you see of three preds at the top of a huge pyramid fighting off all the "serpents" who are swarming all over it. sigh..Donald Marshall illuminati made... most films are, big ones anyway. Well... all big ones really.Donald Marshall They OWN Hollywood,... always have.Laurence Mountford ........guess it mustve seemed like a good idea to begin with4

celine (Jul 14, 2013 19:03:32 GMT -5)
14th july 2013Donald MarshallJen made me drink beer, I'm hard buzzed, she is attempting to corrupt me.Donald Marshall classic case of sidekick trying to undermine the3 superheroes notoriety and take over the fan base for themselves.Jennifer WeneedloveandtrustNow No I didn't! LOL. Be careful....Jennifer Hernandez... Bb get off FB plzzz omgDonald Marshall last time she fed me moonshine, called me a wuss cuz I idn't want to drink moonshine, and made me eat the fermented cherries at the bottom of the mason jar.Donald Marshall shes a temptress.Donald Marshall she's trying to lead me to the path of the dark side.Donald Marshall can you bring another corona with lime bb?Donald Marshall man, talkin bout illuminati everyday is messin me upDonald Marshall I SO WISH Tila Tequila coulda stuck around long enough to tell you guys all about how I PUNCH ALIENS IN THE FRIGGIN FACE!!Donald Marshall you don't understand,.. I want that recorded for posterity.Donald Marshall because everyone at cloning,... they "turtle"Donald Marshall they curl up in a ball and cry and scream when faced with vrill 1's and vrill 3'sDonald Marshall I gotta be the brave one and show them they are not supernatural creatures... I fight the god damn things no fear,.. it sets them back on their heels when you have no fear, they aren't used to it.Donald Marshall I helped reduce the instinctual fear of them at the cloning center,... oh yeah it hurt bad... hurt like real,... but the idiots were starting to act like the vrill things were supernatural creatures unbeatable.Donald Marshall I reduced the fearDonald Marshall but it hurt badDonald Marshall ........I lost most fights against them...Donald Marshall........ I just fuckin WISH Tila had stuck around long enough to tell people how I punch kick n bite aliens in a scummy death pit... because I pulled some good moves... and using fearlesslessness and loud battlecries I actually made 7-8 foot monsters run... I want this recorded in history.Donald Marshall........ because all the losers there are scared slaves.Donald Marshall........ I'm NO SLAVE!Donald Marshall .......more of a supremely defiant prisoner.Hippie Lovegods .........Duly noted ~!~

celine (Jul 14, 2013 20:13:45 GMT -5)
Tony Hilleposted toDonald MarshallHi Donald i'm looking for some info and you or your friends might be able to help. Vrill and Mohawk indians...what connection there is if any..looking for significant websites on this subject for some research we are can PM me or tag me in the convo if you know of something...cheers.Laurence Mountford...... hmmmm, mohawk....did not think of that one..... good one tony. bit less relevant but think on futurama Dr zoidberg tha crab nasty dude. when he gets attitude this membrane thing shoots up. similar thingMerri Cowden "His hair also created much interest for both scholars and the public for the unusual way it was twisted over his head and held in place with gel made of plant oil and pine resin. Some people called it the world’s first mohawk."
Clonycavan and Old Croghan Men - Archaeology Magazine Archivearchive.archaeology.orgTrue tales from the peat marshes of northern EuropeMerri Cowden
Mohawk Indian Legends - Prophecy of the Seventh Generation
The prophecy of the Seventh Generation is common to many American Indian nations...See moreLaurence Mountford ..Clonycavan?Merri Cowden

i.stack.imgur.comLaurence Mountford sigh...... SIGHHHDonald Marshall Lots of native indian tribes had contact with vrill over the centuries.

celine (Jul 19, 2013 18:24:36 GMT -5)
Sergio Elias Feliciano postedLook Donald Marshall looks like the thing you be talking about from far away. Creepy...
Donald Marshall that's the possession ritual, looks like.Sergio Elias Feliciano ........I know i said the same thing..thats creepy looking

celine (Jul 31, 2013 20:06:17 GMT -5)
Mike Allen posted to Donald MarshallDude would u say much about "the chakras" and the Vrill ....would u say there from Mars?Mike Allen....... I meant do u hav much info or belief in the chakras ?Donald Marshall Vrill are from deep internal Earth, I don't believe in chakras or resonating love frequencies lolMike Allen....... Wot about the 1s Dave Icke calls "reptiles"?? Mike Allen How long hav they been deep in the earth for?? N where did they cum from 1st??Donald Marshall They say they predate humans and evolved from dinosaurs, They just weren't affected by the cataclysm that ended the dinosaurs on the surface because the vrill were safe deep undergroundAnnamaria Dienes chakras are another control system over human body.We dont need them at allLaurence Mountford Im gonna help you guys out really soon.Annamaria Dienes Are you taking out our chakras? :)Would be niceLaurence Mountford well, we dont need people "healing our chakras" in such a senseLaurence Mountford only £99.95Annamaria Dienes hahahahaha ,so that is the way you get rich. chakras killer for 100. Laurence Mountford well yeah, kill people dreams and bodies, and make them pay for ideas dreams and healthy bodies.Donald Marshall They plan to do that with the upcoming Avatar programAnnamaria Dienes
Rigo Jancsi Chocolate Cream Slices Hungarian Cake Slice Recipe
I GREW UP WITH THIS CAKE. THIS IS NOT MY MOMS ORIGINAL RECIPE. BUT IT IS VERY CLOSE TO IT. IT IS RICH, CREAMY, AIRY, FUDGIE AND GREAT WITH A CUP OF STRONG COFFEE. ENJOY THIS IS POSTED DIFFERENTLY. I LIKE TO KEEP EACH STEP TOGETHER.Annamaria Dienes ..........try this after you will see a different world.Annamaria Dienes They plan,but we wont let this happen.We are the GODS. My cats will eating vrills for breakfast from now on.Adriana Herrera Delgado........ Okidoki. The lion sleeps no more.

celine (Aug 30, 2013 23:47:27 GMT -5)
30th aug 201330th aug 2013DianeHelen Church shared a link.are you up and running?Listening to an American talk radio show and it is a major talk show. Clyde Lewis mentioned about the Vrill. I almose fell off my chair.I am listening on line . I also posted to Ground Zero FB page about Donald and his story.Yippiie the word is getting out.


CALL IN NUMBERS: TOLL FREE : 1-888-673-3700 LIVE STREAM The live stream is available Monday to Friday from 7pm to 12am Pacific on KXL (101fm/750am) located in Portland, Oregon . Click HERE to liste...DianeHelen Church I listen online. the talk show is live for another 4 hours. click on listen live.DianeHelen Church He also writes his opening monologue and it is in print form. He mentions the Vrill

/.../Gods Of Fortresses: Mars The Bringer Of War

GODS OF FORTRESSES: MARS THE BRINGER OF WAR The other night, when I first wander...See moreDianeHelen Church Many people have commented that the Vril were actually inspired by the book “The Coming Race” By Edward Bulwer-Lytton who was a member of Alistair Crowley’s Golden Dawn. The book is about a civil engineer who finds a race of beings living in the earth called the Vril-ya. The Vril-ya are uberterrestrials that resemble aliens.Donald Marshall awesome... finally they're going to come out with it... better late than never I guess...Hippie Lovegods Interesting article Diane, They are pushing the we are from Mars thing....even more astounding, I think, (and so far as I know I'm the only one saying this) it possible that what we now call Mars was actually Earth which was evacuated before a great cataclysm. Which makes this Planet MARS not Earth. The names were switched and a history was fabricated for this planet. The Annunaki story as written is a cover story. They are Earth Men (now called Mars) who evacuated here to Mars (now called Earth) which makes us Hybrid Martian hominid/earthlings or the "missing Link". ~!DianeHelen Church Hippie lovegods, Interesting theory. You know, anything is possible. Always keep questioning!DianeHelen Church ........Hippie, Lovegods, I do think that some of the Annunaki story might be true. I was just listening to a recent Coast to Coast AM radio show, the guest was Gerald Clark and he gave a compelling case. He talked about the cuneiform seals and what story they told. I have been back and forth about six times this last year, story is true, story is disinfo. gheesch! Anyways, I ordered Gerald Clark's book "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order ", I am looking forward to reading it ( it came yesterday) and underlining parts of it. I am old fashioned and like a hard copy to hold and highlight! here is the link to the YT of that show. To Coast AM - Aug 21 2013 - The Anunnaki on Earth - C2CAM Radio, DisclosureRadioCoast to Coast AM:Date:Aug 21 2013 Coast to Coast AM:Host:George Noory Coast to ...See moreDianeHelen Church I also need to do more research on what Donald says about the Annunaki. All I remember is that he wrote that the vrill masquerade as several other races. Still researching....Hippie Lovegods yes....Zecharia Sitchin books etc., that's why I say "as written" ~!`