Her thirst for science is too great, and with the abilities she already possesses Lanaya is increasingly motivated to find answers to the mysteries of the world. Thanks to the magic she learned, Lanaya was able to cover herself with a mystical veil that made her able to infiltrate easily and trace the various temples to study the books that existed in the place.

Starting from the Halgareh desert air filled with broken glass to Violet plains where Boush opened a portal to another world, Lanaya has slowly gained new knowledge about nature and herself. However, all these things are still not make Lanaya feel satisfied.

Despite her love of adventure, Lanaya often meditates deeply into what she has been studying for so long. After reading hundreds of books and tracing the various rooms in a temple, Lanaya could spend many days until many days dissolved in her meditation in the jungle. Together with the trees and birds that always accompany her, Lanaya has slowly managed to blend with the natural energy around her until sometimes she gets a vision of a place she has never seen before.
Intrigued by the continuation? Keep following Lanaya's story in the next part!
To be continued...
Image Source: Lanaya