Downvote healing post - if you are being downvoted by haejin, drop your link below.

in downvotes •  5 years ago 


Yep that’s right, this is a shit post completely dedicated to helping counter our village idiot’s damage.

The truth is I’ve had an extremely busy weekend at work and therefore haven’t spent much time on Steem.. and have some VP to burn before heading to bed.

While I have been trying to go through his flags every few days to counter them, I seem to be missing some. So I thought this could be an opportunity to not only help me find them.. but also perhaps bring attention to those receiving malicious downvotes - so the community can help support them.

Negating a bully generally makes them go away. When they are powerless, what they do no longer matters.

As I’ve written about repeatedly, I’m a big fan of downvotes and believe they are important, but I also think to normalize them we need to be countering those that use them inappropriately. This is my attempt to help with that in the best way I can.

It’s pretty simple

  • if you have been flagged by him, put your profile link below.

  • I’ll try to heal a few with my trail and perhaps others who see them will do the same.


  • don’t beg for votes, this is just to heal flags.. if you drop a post for “promotion” and it hasn’t been flagged by haejin, I may flag it myself 🙂

  • I won’t upvote all your shit posts. Yes, I know it’s common to post a lot just to have someone drain their DV VP and I support that.. but I’m not going to waste all my VP on that. I’ll scroll your profile and try to do what I can.

  • If you drop your profile for healing, it would be great if you came back to see who else is in need of healing, and perhaps dropped a few upvotes on their flagged posts. Not a rule really, just saying when the community pulls together it makes a big difference.

We achieve more when we work together.

That’s all I got for the day...

Much Love and Steem On,


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Here is a list of all flags for the last 6 days ordered by weight

Thanks, I appreciate that!

and then?:)

And then what?

Hi J...thanks. I'm a fan of this writer @nonsowrites
He's been a victim and its really annoying.

Take care

Thanks for the shoutout and thank you @justineh for the upvote. I appreciate it a lot

Posted using Partiko Android

It’s not me, I couldn’t do much with my 20cents upvote. Thank my trail and them letting me do what I think is right with it 🙂

Keep your head up.. and I’ll try to keep a look out on your profile, hopefully others will do the same.

Awesome, thanks for bringing it forward. I did a few and will keep an eye on it, hopefully more will do the same 🙂

It is really a shame that the sum of certain people's ambition to to take away $10 from 10 people a day.

Posted using Partiko Android

I actually understand it when reallocating back to the pool .. to ensure the inflation goes to what they feel adds “value”, but yeah just to do it to do it seems quite petty.

For those acting in good faith then I can also see the argument. But certain individuals described by OP clearly engage in bad faith downvoting.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahaha. He tagged my first and only post!

Love and blessings to you.

Yes, I saw that. We have quite the welcome committee around here 😜

I’ll try to check it out every few days as well. Have a good weekend!

Much appreciated! I've joined your trail.

Nearly got my name right :) Thanks for the support. It has been heartening to see the votes roll in to counter this idiot, but I don't let him get me down anyway.

Lol sorry. I had just woken up and saw the post. Added it on my phone and didn't notice the typo.

thank you :)

i upvoted this post and he downvoted it. Not sure how many rewards i deserved that he took from me, probably 1000's :)

😄 I guess he’s trying to get you not to upvote me anymore 😛

Hopefully whatever giant vote trail came in yesterday got a little bit of your 1000’s back and I apologize for the inconvenience dear sir. Please take a cookie as my gift for your troubles 🍪

It looks to me like @curangel is getting hit. It is one of the FEW new curation projects that really should be getting newsteem support if they are serious about supporting ACTUAL curation.

Yep a few have been trying to help them and I’ll go make my rounds over there. An automated post of links is hard to support sometimes though as you are giving up CR when you counter a downvote.. and an automated post is an automated post.

I think there are a few curation groups doing actual curation btw.. and have been long before 50/50.

I think you've hit the nail on the head there. Many seem to care more about the curation reward than about the actual curation itself.

Still, even if it's an automated summary post I don't think it should be up to curangel to absorb the backlash of haejins retaliation downvotes just so that the newsteem whales can preserve their own curation reward. Kind of looks and feels like they are being thrown under the bus.

They downvoted haejin, so they are getting flagged.. many are in the same boat. Looks like most of their posts are positive again and I hope the flagger gets bored quickly.

Yes, I understand what is happening. He's been a bad actor for years and he has a history of revenge flagging. I doubt he will stop.

Dunno if you happened to read my post a week ago but would be nice if all bid bots (those turned curation as well) would work together on sacrificing part of their CR ROI on countering the village idiots. Maybe you could have a way of talking with them as I think the community would appreciate it and if we worked together it would just be a fraction of our VP going towards it:

Yes and I agree with you. We talked a bit about this before the hardfork even and I honestly think countering malicious downvotes should be the game plan of any large project taking on “downvoting” as well. I think since bid bots were essentially part of the problem and now have been given a free pass to “curate” with all that SP.. it’d be great if they did something useful and not just auto vote people. I know a few have done so, but I would love to see more of an effort for sure.

Hey @justineh nice work and I hope this helps, but keep in mind that working with a stupid guy like acidyo or his guys from OCDB would not solve the problem either. they are part of the system what downvotes without a proper reason and announce that they are the Steemlords who take a decision who to be downvoted and who not.
They only play the ball from the left side to the right side inbetween their partners and friends, so there is no chance for little steemians to come over the hurdle of perception for his posts.
I fight this idiot and his friends since the begining of the HF21/22, and they still play the same games, the say if you use a bot you must get a downvote from them, because they are the good ones LOL
This system is still not well adjusted and don´t cares about pinging them in posts to this godlike behaviour from some of the top-200 Steemians its a shame ;)

Hope you and your guys have more success with your work, because your idea is a great one even if I don´t have had trouble with haejin in the past.

Zwischenlinie-2 für Steem-Post 940x120.png
mit sonnigen Grüßen aus Andalusien

Don Thomas

They are pretty open with what and how they downvote, but I understand the frustration for sure.

I would say those who are just downvoting out of complete revenge are those who are the real issue.. pretty much haejin and his new friends as well as a handful of others.

I don’t have any guys .. I’m just here doing what I think is beneficial for the platform.. hoping the price goes up for all our benefit.

Hopefully we find a balance at some point with the downvotes. Thanks for the comment and hope you have a good week. 🙂

Thanks for your answer to my comment and also for your heavy upvote ;)

And yes I guess I will have a good week there is coming a lot of work on the table this week, and steemit will for sure find a balance some how with the votes/downvotes in the future, some of us just have to adjust their work a bit.

All the best for you and your projects
Zwischenlinie-2 für Steem-Post 940x120.png
with sunny greetings from Andalusia

Don Thomas

So jealous. I love Andalusia. All that sunshine. I love Ronda. Sigh.

Thanks for stopping by, yeah you´re right we got plenty of sun here, and Ronda is a very beautiful city but there is more of them.
Where are you located at this is not very clear on your page, you don´t get plenty of sun in your country?
Then hop over to here and have one more visit ;)

London, UK.
reposted following village idiot flag

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Oh.. that wasn’t an upvote from me .. but haejin- who the post was about haha. Glad you got some love!

Have a great week!

@adetorrent has been smashed by haejin for a while now, he could definitely use some help, and I'll join you for whatever posts you decide to upvote to get at least something above zero for him.

Thank you bro. I felt the love from the trail. ✌🏾

Posted using Partiko iOS

Was the least I could do :)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Our Village idiots (aka Village people) are at @adetorrent's tail.

Wiped out his earnings to $0

Also check @steevc

Cheers. I have had some great support recently. He's not going to bully me into giving up Steem.

Lol. Sure.

Have a wonderful Sunday✌💗

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL. Thanks bro. Yeah he loves my posts. I think he might even read some of them now.
reposted following Haejin flag


Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Or we could make this an ongoing meme thread...


haejin has flagged meme.png

this post has no downvotes now it has 1.jpg

more of 2


Posted using Partiko iOS

The last couple of weeks I have become a regular "client" of downvoting accounts but it is many different ones and of low value so I don't thing they even matter. I am curious though, what are they trying to do with this practice...
Thank you for caring Justine :)

Same here.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wouldn’t Steem World give a more comprehensive view?

Yes going through steemworld every few days is what I’ve been doing.. but I still miss some. I don’t see a way to filter it that is actually readable, so having a post where anyone can come and see who is affected and try to help counter was my late night thought.. not saying it’s the best way, but it’s what I went with.

In a previous comment you said the following to me:

"It’s also used to sarcastically point out that whatever the individual is complaining about is silly and obviously didn’t actually harm them."

In the above you were suggesting that downvotes do not do harm.

In this post you said:

"Yep that’s right, this is a shit post completely dedicated to helping counter our village idiot’s damage."

So, I'm just trying to follow the logic here; When a downvote is done for reward disputes, it is a loving and gentle action that causes no harm whatsoever. However, when the recipient of the downvote (who I am guessing does not receive it well,) returns the favor, then and only then is the downvote damaging, and creates a need for healing?

Sorry, I had to call shenanigans on this one as it doesn't make any sense. It seems like a double standard at best or hypocrisy at worst. You know what I'm thinking, I bet you didn't even realize it, this is why I'm pointing it out. Question is after you realize it, will it cause you to speak to things differently, and or recognize the pain the other side might feel.

You know, in the white paper it says that: "A major part of minimizing abuse is the rate-limiting of voting." Maybe if the rate-limited voting numbers were fixed, it would negate the need for these snarky downvote wars where both sides see themselves as in the right, and both sides think they are not harming each other.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

“Damage” as in - he greys out their posts completely and takes them to negative. Not damage as in hurt their feelings... downvotes don’t cause physical harm.

In that same post, if you remember, I mentioned how malicious downvotes needed to be countered (feel free to go back and read it).. that’s what this post is about. Malicious downvotes and countering them.. that’s it.

No shenanigans.. my message has been the same throughout and both those messages can be found in both posts.. try reading them.

If you don’t like downvotes then don’t use them...

Also go check out whaleshares if you want, they got rid of downvotes ages ago.. might be a good example to check out.

"If you don’t like downvotes then don’t use them..."

I agree.

Hmm... I think the character you are talking about has about 100+ damaged "posts" after the implementation of #newsteem. It's no wonder they're acting like the "village idiot" as you say. If I had his level of investment and people did me like that, I'd probably do the same thing in return out of general principle. Is it possible that the authors did the rate-limited voting in such a way that it respect's an investor's investment by making abuse impossible?

If it doesn't make abuse impossible maybe the numbers just need tweaking a little? Or maybe, # of posts per day + vote value cap needs to get implemented. Anyway, solving this at the level of the code (or trusting the code) without requiring unnatural human behavior seems to make a lot more sense if you ask me. I'm not sure the change is well received among many, I've been following the dpoll results on various authors. It would be nice to see a dpoll result that captured the majority of users. #newsteem may have gotten it partially right with 50/50 and I only say that because it's less disharmonious than the free flags and it relies on people to act based on their immediate self-interest.

If Democracy, as described by Benjamin Franklin, is "two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch." Then how can we illustrate a Steem oligarchy as it pertains to free daily downvotes? Is this to be #newsteem's future, a handful of warring oligarchs encouraging the plebs to.. "Yeah, dip your toe in, the water is warm. What could possibly go wrong? We are all in this together." If everyone is to follow this tack we'd make ourselves an entire platform of "village idiots." I think many of us came to Steem to get creative, not to war for the sake of war.

I think we need a condenser level fix on the STINC interface that allows people to sort posts up or down without influencing the post's value. One equal vote per IP address per post up or down completely detached from the blockchain. Put the downvote button back as a flag to discourage its regular use and then call the upvote button a tip jar. This would at least encourage a standard of behavior on the front end that will cause people to go to trending and fix it every day with a clean conscience knowing that they're not doing any harm.

And you can't say a downvote doesn't do people any harm, because it's a perceived harm that's causing you to downvote in the first place. A perceived harm to the reward pool. It's not a perfect fix, but it's less imperfect than what we have now. Also, if a downvote is not "stealing rewards" then neither is looting the reward pool to the max that the code allows. So if you go with that mentality that you can't steal rshares that haven't yet vested, then surely "the village idiot" as you call him hasn't stolen either because the rshares haven't yet vested, and this means you have no reason to downvote in the first place.

See, all the arguments that people use to diminish the notion that flags (based on reward disputes) are harmful can get turned on their head when you apply the same logic to the other side of the argument.

If you get downvoted well it must be a reason

!dramatoken from the future

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Lol.. he’s already downvoting me just for countering him. Not much else he can do to me 😜

A good initiative, bravo!

Hm, his last post was 22 days ago. When did the downvotes start? Not that I am trying to be a forensic detective here ... I am just searching for a pattern and a possible reason behind it.

He has a very long history of downvoting those who speak out against him.

This round happened due to many projects and individuals downvoting his 10 posts a day he self voted (which he had done for years) after the fork, when downvotes were made more accessible. His abuse of the rewards pool had been a “problem” for quite some time.

When he then made no profit from doing so anymore, he stopped posts. First he said he liked the idea of the new changes and then he started downvoting individuals again who had downvoted or spoke out against him.. or even those that didn’t (with stake that isn’t even his).

So with him, there is no “reason” really.. it’s just what he does.

There is a short version 🙂

Hey, thanks a lot for this explanation. I didn't know about the history of downvoting. I didn't follow his posts anyway so ...

Congrats again for the initiative you've taken.

That's a pretty good summary actually.
reposted since the village idiot is now targeting all my comments too

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

This is a lesson for all those that are doing bad just because they can. Soon this platform will become a fighting ground where good or bad parties will be hitting themselves. While there cannot be a referee, there should still be one possibility to stop the wrong doings.


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @blewitt.

@helpie is a Community Witness.

Hey, we were hardly attacked by a big whale, just because the post was resteemed. It's an original content. A collaboration with a few steemians. We are just a little community of minnows who are all excited about steem. Please help us @justineh . Tell me what's the community to join that's helping people when they get abused.

Here is the post :

We use all the earning to power up the account, we are doing so for almost a year and half. We are non profit project. I was gathering those steems to pay the second fee of 3speak. One of those who participated in the collab get 10 steem for doing that. A lot of time was invested in the community and even money. Hard earned money by clixmoney ( me ) who is operating all that. I know that your upvote is not that big. But tell me please, where to join to complain about that. I need the steem community to support me. I'm promoting steem almost 2 years and half, everywhere I can. We never get such big downvote, I never get such big one. I hope for your understanding, sorry for sending the link, i didn't mean to spam. Really need some support.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks a lot. You are a lifesaver. I wish you all the best.

Am newhere and wendring to catch some kind hand to go ahead successfully.

I haven't been following H's drama for a while now so didn't realize he was downvoting regular people. I thought he was just helping counter the OCDB gang.

It's days like these that make me wonder if Reddit and such got it right by not having tokens that can be owned and monetized. Then it's more about the content and less about large accounts posturing for max rewards.

You're not wrong. Money complicates all things :)

Oh well, the rewards I recovered via the good people here just got wiped out as he has just unleashed Rancho on top of his own downvotes. He's a real piece of shit who does not care at all about Steem. I am not depending on what I make here, but others are. Please do not worry too much about me and help others who need it.

I think most people here don’t actually care about Steem, but in his case he’s just playing with someone else’s money and is only here for the profit and now is throwing a hissy fit that it was taken away.

Keep your head up, there is plenty of stake to counter him. Sorry if I brought more attention to your posts with this.. I went and voted a different one. 😕

No worries. There are a core of people here who do care and I care about them. I will do what I can to support them, but my vote is only cents. I can take his downvotes if it means he has less to use on others.


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Downvote my previous post.

And you have 2 posts, neither have been downvoted by anyone.. i think you are missing the point here.

We would also like to know the answer.

Why are you using the curie logo as your avatar?

You totally missed the point. And why is your reputation at (7)?🤔🤔


Posted using Partiko Android

Great idea... I have been hit a few more times this past week, but because resources to counter are limited I recommend @adetorrent.
The guy needs / deserves some help... :)

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Good post


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We could expose his antisocial behaviour on Twitter. People need to know.

@curangel and @pharsim keep getting hit by at least 2 whales at least one of which is haejin.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

The automated comment is really not needed as well as some sort of message that seems to be pushing people to “join our union.” As well as implying if people upvote your comment, you may remove the downvote.. sounds like extortion tbh. Just downvote and move on.. no need to write a novel.

For the record, I didn’t stack bots.. someone else did on my post and I welcome all downvotes.. just not whatever other scam sounding thing you have going here.