Imagine if Society was not founded upon Self Destructive Behavior

in drugs •  7 years ago 

People doing recreational Ketamine over there
People dropping dead from heroin over here
Must be a Friday night, cause the party girls are drunk as fuck and hopping every night club
Tobacco products line every convenient store
But there's nothing safe that is readily available,

Whatever happened to just smoking a joint for a while?
Maybe you'll drop acid a couple of times
Maybe later on you'll see what magic mushrooms are about for a little bit
There was a time when that is all you did and that was that.

There are psychoactive plants that are safe, why are we always taught to do that which is self destructive and lethal when there are plants that can get you high and make you trip all of which you reap major benefits from? They have built such a self destructive society. They will put a stigma on things such as Cannabis and Psilocybin, and then turn around and force feed you coke, crack, heroin, methaphetamines, alcohol and a bunch of pharamceuticals that destroy you and make you docile, those are legal and decriminalized but God fucking forbid you talk about the benefits of Cannabis or the amazing reality a psychdelic trip helps you see. Could you imagine if the tables were turned? Like what if instead of high promotion and consumption of alcohol, and a heroin epidemic, we replaced all of that with Cannabis, and Psilocybin too. maybe instead of restricting such substances we have proper education on how to use them

Anthony Jacob Woolston

PS: Do what you want that is your choice, I'm just saying we can make a different by not allowing government to peddle death and poison to people

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I don't even really consider cannabis to be a drug like some of the others. Sure, it is a drug in that it does alter your mental state, but I think it's almost always healthy and positive, and not negative. Nice post!

Great read, this is deffinitely a problem in our current society. i feel like psychedelics should be the first thing we experiment with, and cannabis and alcohol need their legal statuses switched.