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Love this! it's got an 8-bit feel but somehow 'richer', I could imagine playing some hectic 90s arcade game to it. Great work, keep it up!

Thank you so much! happy you feel it :) I was speciafically looking for fun gadget in Korg app on iPad for that :) Even made an cover art with Korg Gadget tool. Think will make it to my future Funtronica album.

Circuit + Micro Brute ?!?!? Hell yeah, sorry out of my cans, cant listen, in a middel of my work day :)

Please, please join my Silent Zen on discord Post you daily dsound and whale shares there, dont wanna loose track of you :) connect to my Zen and Prock on whaleshares (and everywhere) too!

the cover art is equally as good :-) i look forward to the album!