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Get yourself some proper bags for the love of Yogg'saron...

lol ye I keep forgetting :p

Was there a big update or changes to WoW recently? I don't know shit about the game, but noticed it's been getting large views over on Twitch recently. Just kinda odd since a few months ago it was a lot more stagnant view wise on there.

They probably pay streamers to play it to hype the classic that's coming out in a couple months.

Definitely possible. Especially if there are bounties out for it, since streamers go nuts to butts for those. I know some of it is Sodapoppin has been playing it, but it's still holding 100k viewers even without him now. Then again, Twitch is just weird. Who would have thought that GTA Rolepaly would bring GTA V back to being in the top 3 everyday for views when the game has been out for nearly a decade.Just kinda weird.

Do You remember when we thought this game had the most bomb graphics ever LOLOLO

Ah, good ol’ VC. Do you like DragonBlight? Thinking about making a toon to play before Classic drops. Would love to play w/ you and others if your guild is open to new people. I’ve been going back to Blizzard lately, mostly Diablo 2 but WOTLK sounds kind of fun actually.

Feel free to join! I like it so far and the random disconnects seem to have stopped. Been thinking about creating a Steem guild as well if enough people join.

PS. They have double XP active for this week since Naxx got postponed.

I’m in, whats your toons name?


Steem :P

Can send you some gold for starting help if you tell me your character name.

I’m Nola, blood elf huntswoman!

Finally done my 40 quests so I can actually talk :P I like Dragonblight so far, actually. Solid private server, and WOTLK is a nice change from my usual vanilla private server experience. Is the dungeon finder fully functional?

Cool! :D sent you some starting gold to help with the mount. ^^

Yeah it works great, and at level 20 you get a 2x xp boost until 68.

Did you get my discord message? My wifi is so shit that I can’t play right now :P

Ait man, haven't been able to play lately either and not sure when/if I will have again. Let's see another time. :3

I might have to check it out! Lots of change in my life right now and I have lots of other things to be focusing on my energy on. However, I do play a lot of games, and WOTLK = playable days of WoW. I’ll give you a shout if I download the client and get hooked up!