Steemit Rap Challenge Review

in dtube β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

What It Do Steemians!!!

Welcome to another rap challenge review!! The Rap Challenge is brought to you by my man @rondonson and sponsored by @teamsteem & @adsactly

πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯This week was nothing but flames!!! πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

This week is really tough to judge. In my mind all of the contestants are winners. We had 7 entries and everyone brought their unique style into the fray. I'm actually pretty impressed by all of the talented people here in the steemit hip-hop community.

Scoring and Bonus Payouts

When judging these entries we look at not just the lyrics but delivery, flow and energy. The energy this week was off the charts. So really for me the tie breaker, sort of speak is flow and delivery. My scoring is below

πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ - Awesome

πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ - Exceptional

πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ - Noteworthy

πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ - Average

πŸŽ™οΈ - Needs Work

To give some perspective this contest is not mine. I use to be a contestant and I was given the honor after I think about 10 week to be a judge. When I first got on steemit I didn't even use the platform I was just trading the coin. I didn't think it was a place where I could carve out a nitch and actually make money from blogging.

After about 8 or 9 months when I originally joined I posted a song from soundcloud that I had recently made and it netted me about $50 dollars. That was one of the first times where I actually saw a return on the music that I made and i thought that I might have been wrong with my initial assumption. I ran into the rap challenge and it allowed me to perfect my craft and see where I was lacking by getting honest critical feedback.

I feel that giving back (monetary and non monetary) is one of the core values of steemit that a lot of people don't necessarily understand. The relationships that we forge are part of ground floor. I feel that the Pandora's box has been opened and other social media sites will need to rethink their platforms.

I'm saying all that to say I will use the abundance of upvote bot 's on this platform to give the contents more payouts for their post. So it pays to create a blog post for your rap challenge.

This weeks entries

@jamesgetsit - No Link to Blog Post πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ

Not only does James get it, he murders, slaughters and down right destroys it. Since this contents started there have only been a few times that new comers snatch the mic and let everyone know that they have arrived. I'm looking forward to much more content from you my friend!!! BTW you should ALWAYS create a blog post plus it allows you to maximize your payout.

@verbal-d - Link to Blog Post πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ

My man Verbal D is active in the music scene here on steemit. He is a judge on steemit open mic and he was one of the first contestants of the rap challenge. I try not to be bias but he is an awesome MC who is always bring a positive message. This week was no exception. I like how he juxtaposed peace makers. He is a man deep in thought and you can tell though his lyrics. Stay steemin my friend!!

@bryandivisions- Link to Blog Post πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ

It's always good to see some fresh faces put their hat into the ring. As with the other artist you bought some dope lyrics to the contest. The fast rhyming and wordplay was on par and I like the black and white feel to your video. Your lyrics were not average by any means. I have a bias when it comes to thought provoking music so your OK by my book. Thanks for sharing with the community.

@voyceatlas - No Link to Blog Post πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ

Another familiar face that has been here from the get go. Voyce is one of the more creative MC's here on steemit. If you haven't checked his content give this man an upvote!! As always he bring some dope lyrics that don't go to over peoples heads. I like how versatile you are and how you can switch from being serious to funny. This week you chose to get a bit more serious given the state of the world right now. Keep putting out that awesome content dude!!!

@maxizee- Link to Blog Post πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ

Maxizee has been on steemit for a couple of months now. When he first got on the platform one of the first things he did was throw his hat into the ring with the rap challenge . He pop's in every now and then but when he does he drops some dope rhymes. His energy and delivery are always on point and this week was no exception. He has more of a party vibe to his rhyme's. It helps to mix things up. Thanks for spitting a verse hope to see you again soon.

@tajalexandher - Link to Blog Post πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ

We got a new comer blessing us with some southern hospitality. (Judging from your accent I'm assuming you live in the south) I liked the delivery, flow and lyrics that you spit for this challenge. When you come correct on your first entry it shows that you ain't playing around. You just happen to enter the challenge on a week with a bunch of dope entries. It's hard to stand out from the crowd but your style is unique. Welcome to steemit . I hope to see you around!!

@burningzeal16 - Link to Blog Post πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ™οΈ

I'm always leary of profiles with out profile pictures but you were soon to put my concerns to rest. I gotta say that you came correct. I wasn't expecting you to go as hard as you did. I thought you might have tried to take the joke rap path but nope straight bars!! Thanks for taking the time to enter the challenge and I hope to see you around.

The wrap up

I want to thank all of the MC's that took time to enter the rap challenge this week. Everyone is a winner in my opinion!!! I have included a YouTube version of my review for those that are having problems viewing via DTube. Happy New Year!!! See you in 2018!!!



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Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

All I can say...

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Lol you get an upvote for that.

Damn i was having trouble with steemit during this week. I was only able to reply on certain post, i managed to post my entry on the original rapchallenge post. I know this is late but i'll put it on this post too-

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I was wondering where you went. It's all about having fun!!

You know it my G! I noticed i don't get any upvotes from you anymore. Was i taken of your upvote bloc? No love lost if i was, was just curious. One love big homie

Before saying any thing here. I will like to say a big happy New year in advance to my boss @alao . you too much. At the beginning it was so boring to me on steemit , but your upvotes motivated me the more to carry on . success to you ahead sir.. More Rap contest ahead, i wish i can be there. Thanks for sharing sir

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Hey man just trying to do my part.

Wow James is nice with it.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Yea he went extra hard!!!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

You always upload nice and helpful post. and your website also so much helpful sir....

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Wow, what a song. very nice video.i love rap song. thank you for sharing this post

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

wonderful song thank you for sharing this post

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

lovely rap song

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

This wonderful post
it's just amazing. page. bro def. just. sub. also

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