Life Update! // Taking Classes, CryptoInsta, Photography and more...

in dtube •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hi Friends!

Some of you have noticed that I haven't been making quite as few vlog's or posts as I usually do. Here's why...

I've found for myself, that there is this really natural cycle of learning and making content. Lately, I've really found myself in a space of growth, change and learning and have been up to all sorts of fun things! I think that as a content creator, spending time learning is kind of like "recharging the batteries" that will then lead to heaps of content creation later on. Here are a couple of the things I've been up to lately that have been really pushing me to learn and grow!

  • I'm taking 3 different online classes right now. Not sure how this happened...but I got excited about all 3 of them and jumped in.

  • I started a crypto Instagram and it has been going really well! It's been super fun to learn how a new platform works and connect with the greater crypto community. I've been able to rep Steem over there too which has been great! You can check out my new insta here - Instagram: @girl_gone_cryto.

  • A top secret one... shhhh 🤫

  • Playing around with my new camera and learning how to use it!

I hope you guys enjoy this life update vlog! I get into way more details on all of the above things in the video! I can already feel the wheels churning for some great content I make can down the road from some of the things I'm learning in my classes.

Love you guys!! 💕

XO, Lea

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High impact presentations by Dale Carnegie is a great public speaking class. Then if you find a local toastmasters group in your area to practice. Find a group that gives good criticism!

Thanks so much for the great suggestions! I've thought about getting involved in Toast Master's, but their meeting times don't work with my work schedule right now. I'll check out Dale's class! Sounds great. :)

I have been in learning phase as well. I will spew my content soon, lol. Congrats on the new opportunity.

That's awesome! I love being in a learning phase. More to "spew" later on. 😂

Congratulations on starting some classes! Good luck in them. Hope you do well and finish them!

And good luck in your new job!

Thanks @geekpowered! So far the classes have been great! Just super time-consuming. haha Working on one of them right now! :)

Simply incredible. Lovely. The change of life you mentioned is good.

Greetings, beautiful!

aww thank you!

Learning is earning if you are to focus on learning we appreciate this keep doing

Dope Content!

Thank you!