Social service, cleaning up trash on the road // Bakti sosial, membersihkan sampah di jalan .

in dtube •  6 years ago 

10 Maret 2019

A simple social movement that I do on this happy day.

I looked around my place of residence, precisely on the road across the Sumatran central part of Aceh (around where I live). A lot of garbage was scattered on the road and I immediately moved to take a broom stick to sweep and put it in the garbage bin that was provided.

I express my gratitude for all the support from all my friends here.

"Keeping clean is part of faith"

Sebuah gerakan sosial yang saya lakukan secara sederhana pada hari yang berbahagia ini.

Saya melihat disekitar tempat tinggal saya, tepatnya di jalan lintas sumatra bagian tengah pedalaman Aceh (sekitaran tempat tinggal saya ) . Banyak sampah yang berserakan di jalan dan saya langsung bergerak mengambil sapu lidi untuk menyapu dan memasukkan ke tempat sampah yang di sediakan .

Saya mengucapkan terimakasih atas semua dukungan dari semua teman-teman disini.

" Menjaga kebersihan adalah sebagian dari iman "

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awesome video!
we start with small changes! 👍

Thanks brother, hhhh

Thank you for contributing to our mother earth and for spreading the message behind e cleanplanet in your local community :) you are really active on our green journey and I appreciate your engagement a lot! :)


P.s. diytube is about creating something, not about cleaning. For this we got cleanplanet here on steem and they do a good job :)

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you, all the explanations are very good. I don't understand welpeper #diytube.
I will explore the future of #diytube.

