DTube - Is China Preparing For WAR In North Korea? - Troops Rushed To Border!

in dtube •  7 years ago 

One of my most recent reports!

See the original article below:

Josh Sigurdson reports on yet another development out of North Korea as reports from North Korean propaganda media complete with photographs allege that Chinese troops have been sent to the border by the Yalu and Tumen rivers in an apparent attempt of preparation for war.

Kim Jong Un is reportedly readying another ICBM test and made a strange statement around New Year's eve regarding having a nuclear button on his desk at all times... However that works...

Of course China sent 150,000 troops to the North Korean border last year to allegedly take in refugees if the US decided to strike.
There is a massive military might in the Korean Peninsula and this issue is being ramped up with many global players involved including Russia, China, Germany, Britain, South Korea, Canada and yes, the United States of course.

As Ron Paul told us recently, it's likely that if there was a massive military move made on the part of North Korea, it probably isn't North Korea's doing but a false flag by the US and the military industrial complex, kind of like what we saw with the Gulf of Tonkin leading into the Vietnam war.

An escalated conflict could result in a world war 3 nuclear scenario which is precisely why we need to educate ourselves on the facts and break free from the propaganda. This video report digs into much of that.

Stay tuned as we continue to report on this issue at WAM!

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Interesting news ..
It is not in North Korea's interest to go to war.
China is acting on the basis of "war readiness to prevent war"

I support your agenda, who does that?
Who war help?

America is the primary beneficiary of the war to possess power
It wants to eliminate the sources of competition and exclusivity
The US system is waiting for completion of his interests with China
And is waiting for a serious threat from Korea to America's interests

America has been trying to find a way to escalate conflict with China.
The powers-that-shouldn't-be built China up not so that Chinese people could enjoy an opulent and privileged position in the New World Order. This is all part of the "order out of chaos" ethos. If a conflict can be triggered between the world's two biggest super-powers... First of all, even though China is rapidly growing economically, they are still 20 or 30 years behind the American military in terms of conventional and other forms of military strategy and equipment. China is building it's army in a way that would allow it to wage prolonged proxy conflicts and stir up nationalist sentiment, while culling it's own overly large population... The reason that they have taken away the one child policy is because they plan to have many Chinese dying in conflicts soon, and so they already have a central plan to rebalance their demographics, phase out the younger people and replace them with automation and the like.

Of course, China vs USA will not be a total war... Rather it will be a proxy war, that involves a neutral South Korea, a militarized Japan, many non-aligned South East Asian countries. The Pivot to Asia is all about America being placed to re-draw the politics of the "Far East", or East Asia as it is called today.

The plutocratic oiligarchs that control America have had a plan this whole time. They want obedient and uneducated workers in the East Asia, so that they can phase out the American workforce and let it fall into poverty and destitution.

America is too hard to rule. It would be much easier to construct a scientific dictatorship based in Asia, where people are much more culturally accepting of a totalitarian central authority.

So the North Korean regime must be abolished, Korea must be unified, China and Japan must be brought to roughly the same level of development, China's population must decrease drastically (especially it's poor and lower class), and a new East Asian block must be formed bringing this entire landmass together.

To this end, a limited-scale war is necessary, to remind Asians of the disasters they suffered during the 20th century, and unite them from the fear of history repeating themselves, surrendering their national sovereignty in favor of a bigger system.

I live here in China, and I see the way the propaganda works. "America is evil. We must prepare for an aggression anytime. Be wary of the foreigners. Things are changing very fast. We must continuously adapt. Trust and embrace the CCP's policies and know it is guiding you towards the best interest of your people".

Except we know that since Mao died, there was a silent coup d'etat lead by Deng Xiaoping and the whole country was sold penny's on the dollar to the Rothschild cohorts of neocolonizers.

China is not an independent state, but a puppet of the secret powers that rule the world, much like America. So these two behemoths will be pitted against each other in order to phase out America's exceptionalism "world police" role in favour of a truer "Regional Block and an end of National Sovereignty" global system.

Because Japanese, Koreans and Chinese do not get along, at all, a war is the necessary threat that will unite all of them under one system.

Hope this little bit of speculative analysis based on what I've gleamed so far from my many years studying the subject and living in Beijing and reading the news here has helped cement an idea of the grand master plan that is at play.

I do think it can be a war, As china is very strong and will destory NK very soon!

Is war really coming.

first time comenting and dont even know how coment guy who made this topic ...so i just reply to last person who wwrite,...if u can help me an can tell me where can i coment direct this topic s not reply in last person quote?

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thx kindly it helps

The situation in North Korea is scary. And Trump is pouring gasoline on the fire too.

The military industrial complex always finds a way. One thing they're quite efficient at is making most of the world hate a country they know nothing about.

Then we're fed the Airplane that hit the Pentagon was going soooo fast it disintegrated!

North Korea is showing off. Can not perform

They have a bigger army then us in America

Yes they’d loose a war
But it would be a full on WW3
Not an easy task. Trump should meet with Kim! He’s go down in history if we could work out a treaty

Might wanna check how many soldiers they have and tanks,planes.. fleet, most subs in the world, and allied with 2 of the biggest military nations..

Yes, but their troops suffer from malnourishment, their planes are from the Vietnam era, their subs can't reach Japan and are not even a match for America's navy circa 1985, their tanks are poorly maintained (and they don't have the fuel to operate them), they lack the logistical support to send their army any farther than right across the border... need I go on?
Also, their "alliance" with Russia and China only goes as far as their usefulness to the same. Neither China nor Russia will follow them. As one of my students' parents (a PLA Flag Officer) stated about two years back, "North Korea is the dog. We hold the leash. The reverse is not true."
North Korea's only major card (since I do not truly believe they have a nuclear weapon capable of reaching its target including re-entry and even if I'm wrong, they are aware their country's size would prevent them from surviving a retaliatory strike anywhere in the megaton range) is their artillery pointed at Seoul, and they have protected that card by putting Russian S-300 AA batteries amid their artillery, meaning it would cost us some fighters to annihilate them (and in doing so, annihilate most of their army along with it). They do not have the power to stop us from rolling over them: only to pop one or two of our tires if we do. Right now, their Chinese masters (because do not kid yourself; NoKo is ruled from Beijing, not Pyongyang) are trying to figure out how much they can get away with before America decides killing the snake is worth a popped tire or two.
And by making it difficult for them to guess that, Trump's apparent irrationality is actually INCREASING America's leverage insofar as it is forcing Beijing (or, as it is meant to appear, Pyongyang) to err on the side of caution.

(Thankfully) I'm not a witness of the cold war, but I think we're getting close to it..

Only a MADMAN would want war... That's why I'm nervous having Trump in power :P

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Hey @viraldrome,

You are absolute right some States don't want Peace in the world. I think we should live in Peace and never think of War.


What scares me is a self-proclaimed genius with a BIG red button (and I'm not talking about Kim....)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hopefully nothing crazy happens. I have a friend who is vacationing in China right now.

Any kid of mine joins the army, I'll slap the piss out of them. Then drag them the fuck out of there.

What i personally feel is that China will NOT go on war with North Korea cause China knows it will deal with a lot of damage if war breaks out. North Korea doesnt even need ICBM for hurting china, it has a lot of missiles in its arsenal to hurt China.
As far as China is concerned, its just fooling US and other world powers of taking a strong action against the rogue state, but secretly its supporting its economy. Why china is doing that? Cause north korea is the only country right now undermining US. So it helps China is improving its image as an alternative World Power.

If it came to war, China would stay out of it until near the end, then do their best to take over as much of the country as they can before America does, and finally walk up to the treaty table on the victor's side insisting on receiving the same share of the spoils as America. The only way they would aid North Korea would be if they truly believed America was planning to use NoKo as a base to attack them, and while they will certainly put that line out for the Chinese public to swallow, the CCP themselves realize America has precious little stake in that (in fact, America has been working hard to keep China propped up for some time, because despite all their bluster they are not dangerous to us but the forces that would be unleashed by their collapse are a different story), and they would have little to gain from fighting us and a great deal to gain from giving us a minimum-effort kind of "support." They're no fools.

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The war is against the dollar, and the dollar is losing :)

Trust in God and obey him.

One element of the deep state is all about banking, war, and global domination leading to one world government headed by western bankers centered in Berne Switzerland. That idea was defeated by Russia in Syria.

North Korea clearly understands it's need to defend itself via nuclear weapons as new players battle with the old deep state paradigm. It is clear that the United States remains aggressive toward North Korea. Russia and China will not allow North Korea to be taken by the U.S. despite the tight rope act they are walking.

Being a Navy Veteran I know the dangers aboard ship. The chance of an event aboard a ship is always present. It will happen. It will create a firestorm of accusations against the North. It is unwise to project gunboat diplomacy at this time. The fact that the U.S. is projecting sea power is an indication that there is no coherent policy as the factions of the elites fight each other for dominance.

The projection of power against such a small country is itself a sign of weakness. American irrationality, risking nuclear war, is badly tarnishing America's image as a trusted leader. The U.S. is becoming increasingly isolated diplomatically, despite the bravado otherwise.

I would suggest to you, not to join the nationalist bravado that risks so much. Any vet will tell you that the bravado of sunshine patriots is seriously sickening. We know the hard steel reality of war and North Korea is not worth it.

Only results matter. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors.

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Iraq and Libya are a constant reminder to North Korea not to trust the U.S. Trumps ego cannot allow him to back down. This war is a foregone conclusion. Trump is laying his ambush.

Rocket guy will be taken for an ass

i think war is cooming

War is such a very expensive business. A missile worth millions gone in an instant ^^

Oh my God, we have a mineshaft gap with the Chinese!

Causing damage worth trillions ...

The threat of a war with N.Korea is just smoke and mirrors to keep the public distracted while the real target is Iran. North Korea isn’t Israel’s enemy whereas Iran is and we all know what trllionaire family owns Israel and who has been behind and have funded both sides in every major war that has taken place in our history! If another world war takes place it will be because the Rothschild’s wanted it. I believe that they will use the next major conflict to get the sheep begging for a one world government if it meant no more wars. Hello NWO you’re now officially a slave. @joshsigurdson

Trump and Kim Jong Un are the perfect complement to each other. I don't think either actually wants war but both seek the chance to position themselves to gain more power and boast their importance to their respective countries.


You posted the only sensible post here. Most of the posts are just crazy people talking nonsense.
Nuclear war is low probability event. Interesting question would be what is the probability of it. Or at least, what value people think it is. Maybe like 0,0001 %?


Stop the war.. have peace.. lets reunited as one..

It cost more for china to move 150000 soldiers than north coreas income in one year...

china is not doing this for fun. if we see other countries also moving their assets, we will see who else is involved... 3rd world war? or only to scare them off?

North Koreas leader is just a pathetic motherfucker. He just hast du admit that hes a big loser

war is not good for any country. everyone should live with peace

China won’t be at war with N.korea
But they will protest there boarder from millions of refugees rushing in.

I think China is fine with North Korea being a pain in the ass of our current doofus administration.

Remember the USS Pueblo!


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Not only China, many other countries too

i think any strong countries cannot divide severe friendship of North korea and South korea even if two divided for 60years.

There will not be a WW3. All big nations are far too dependent on each other economically. North Korea threatens Japan directly with missles just to keep the current regime in place.and China already announced to back sanctions on North Korea. There is no one left justifying the ongoing provocations and nuclear tests. North Korea stands alone.

China gave lip-service to the sanctions, but satellite footage has shown at-sea transfers of oil to North Korean vessels (in violation of the sanctions) from vessels tied to China.
Trump shot his mouth off about this being proof that China is violating the sanctions (which is likely, but unproven).
In short, anyone who knows how business is done in China knows that if they decide there's money to be made by selling oil to NoKo (and with the sanctions, demand went up), they'll sneak around and do it and then lie about it. Lying isn't just tolerated here in China, it's enshrined as an art form.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I live in the Middle East, I have seen the true face of the United States, I do not believe this country is considered the good guy in any conflict in History, this is not a movie, many real life conflicts involve both bad sides, there cant be both good sides fighting, either one is bad, or both. It is like a black plague, everything it touches, crumbles to dust, hence many of my relatives are US citizens and I have nothing against the country itself, I am talking from a political point of view and their social engineering. Have you noticed between the US and North Korea, who is actually minding their own business? The US has invaded countless countries since 1980 and destroyed countless lives, compare that to North Korea, and do the math, also, I do not like North Korea, just stating facts.

On the other hand, I doubt that World War III will start from there, it will be a middle eastern conflict involved with Israel and it's allies, ofcorse, the US is a main player here. Just my Two Steems :)

Nice news keep up good work need more real news not fake crap going around on TV!

Muy buena información acerca del tema,exelent post.

Kung Pao Chicken incoming :D

hey i'm 5000. follower :)

I thought the US has bigger problems than starting ANOTHER war.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

nice report, and scarry

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the clock is ticking for the us and s. korea. but what is their plan to solving the situation with minimal fallout?

nothing will happen



Hello the subject published in your post of Mr. Kim Jong Un if you are ready for war and if having a nuclear button on your desk at all times is a topic about the war ritual. of being and not being the un lamented community has let this character continue to blow the world
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Geo-politics today do not include war, at least no the war that we all know of, with soldier on foot and even trenches.
War in the 21st century is all bout spheres of influence and economy, no one wants to go to war now because none of them will reap benefits from it.
If china goes to war in North Korea there are many things that will hapen such as
1.Massive migration of refugees
2.Possible expansion of USA sphere of influence in the region
3.A union with South Korea that will burden the nation with investing in the region, as seen when the Berlin Wall came down and west Germany had to invest massive in the east so that it did not get left behind
All these war games are intimidation tactics if you ask me, to flex the muscles and make the other go in submission seeing they have no chance of winning
Just my 2 cents here, but there is a lot to speak about

May their relationship always be good. There is no argument in any country with the country

I hope a diplomatic solution.

another world war?

World war three is here people, Nostradamus predicted it a long time ago...

if there is a global war maybe this is the second seconds of the extinction of this life, hopefully it will not happen ..

Hot topic for sure.
My personal belief that if it does escalate into an actual war it will be short lived but devastating for the region.
NPRK cannot hope to be in any sort of conflict for more than a short period of time, but they can do tremendous damage locally in quick order.
As the weeks roll on their ability to 'stay in the fight' will rapidly diminish, so they'd like go for an 'all-in' approach from the word go.
That's why they were/are so hell bent on nuclear capabilities, they simply cannot sustain a traditional war with any hopes of a gain for their efforts.

Thanks for the post! I'm happy to live in Quebec!

very scary

Just makes a person sick.

They act like special snowflakes thinking that their opinions matter but they do carry weight and unfortunately because of humanity still being pathetically tied to the old and children still being taught the sins of their fathers this will not end in any of our lifetimes.

One could very well argue in favor of world war 3 if the aftermath could insure the fall of us tolerating those who do harm, and in any way negatively impact the life of another.

'My button is bigger than yours and it works' says Trump. Pathetic (both of em) God help us all!

Donald Trump has taunted North Korea’s leader about the size of his nuclear arsenal after his UN envoy, Nikki Haley, dismissed the value of proposed high-level talks between Pyongyang and Seoul.

The US president used Kim Jong-un’s New Year’s Day speech as the basis for his latest provocative tweet against the leader, whom he has previously referred to as “little rocket man”, saying the “nuclear button” in Washington is “much bigger and more powerful” than Kim’s – “and my button works!”.

@joshsigurdson North Korea has been itching to start something for many years now so I would not be surprised if China (who is/was fairly neutral in terms of relationships) with North Korea is getting tired of them. Also, on another note I am doing a contest to help the homeless I ask everyone who sees this to please stop by and get involved. Together we can make Steemit and our world stronger. Thank you.

The idea of going underground seems like a good idea. Until it isn't.

Kim jung un will be last dictator if starting war in the north Korea.

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Not now, North Korea and South Korea eased relations, North Korea is ready to participate in the Olympic Games it plain!

ron paul always keeps it real

North Korea are trying to gain attention from the U.S if anything like world war 3 should emerge which mobodybis praying for I hope, North Korea will be the major role player causing the war.

North korea also want to war with america and china is friend country of north korea If war starts the massive destruction will be on our Beautiful earth.

Thanks for the information.

@princeyk #shalom

My understanding is that the SpaceX launch is to be equipped with some sort of interruption technology that will disrupt N. Korea's electronic grids leaving them defensless. I expect to see some sort of assault on North Korea's power structure when this window is open.

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world should take step to stop their dangerous war

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Thank you for all your useful information. Random fact, you are the one that brought me to Steemit and Dtube. Was watching a YouTube video of yours, you mentioned it, and I didn't hesitate to check it out! Thank you so much. This community is amazing! Cheers mate.

The threat of a war with N.Korea is just smoke and mirrors to keep the public distracted while the real target is Iran. North Korea isn’t Israel’s enemy whereas Iran is and we all know what trllionaire family owns Israel and who has been behind and have funded both sides in every major war that has taken place in our history! If another world war takes place it will be because the Rothschild’s wanted it. I believe that they will use the next major conflict to get the sheep begging for a one world government if it meant no more wars. Hello NWO you’re now officially a slave.

North Korea is not an open minded to other country. I'm sure China didn't know how North Korea tactics they prepared if there's a war. And war is a business ..

So here is a question. According to this article: http://fortune.com/2017/11/25/lost-bitcoins/
approximately 4 million bitcoins have been lost. With North Korea mining bitcoins like crazy, it is possible that even more would be lost if they were attacked by the USA and people there lost access to their private keys.

It would be interesting to calculate the actual real number of Bitcoins left in circulation. What would the new potential price of bitcoin be?

2018 is the year the bubble bursts.

Hey @joshsigurdson,

It is not happening well we should not really go for a War.

it's not good for people living there ..
Hope everything will be fine.
@joshsigurdson thanks for sharing this news with us .
i'm sad :(

I think the US needs to have this war to help sort out it's finances and fend off the pending economic collapse. The rhetoric seems to be heading in this direction of late.

To be completely honest the first time i really started looking in to the North Korea thing was like 5-6 years ago. Same with China, being that we owe them as much money as we do and that our dollar is basically useless because it's all fiat currancy. Either North Korea is gathering their army and threatening to go to war or China is doing something similar. I noticed after thinking we were going to go to war i saw an artical from the pericious year, around the same time saying the same thing and the year before that. Usually during the war games.
what i believe it is, is a bunch of propaganda and fear mongering. To be honest it kind of makes me laugh now when people tag me in comments because it happens so often that everyone thinks we are about to go to war. The fact of the matter is, is that North Korea is the last place i am worried about, they simply dont have the technology or resources people think they have. Not to mention the majority of the country is malnourished and starving to death under a communist ruler.
In closing, I refuse to let any commy scum keep me up at night. Nor should you.
P.S. I reccomend looking over the past couple of years at news articals that said we were going to go to war with North Korea or they are readying their army. I am sure you will come to a similar consulsion as me.

Kim Jong Un is highly dependant on the Chinese. If China wished to overthrow the regime in Pyongyang they'd just have to cut all the trade and communication and it will eventually collapse. No need for arms.

It would not be in any ones interest to use nukes, just take a look at the jet stream, anything that gets dumped west of the us will sooner or later hit the west coast of the usa and circle the northern hemisphere until its gone, not a good thing no matter what.

NK would certainly lose and so would the usa in time due to fallout. Look at the havoc the japan meltdown is still causing with the pacific sea life.

Best solution would be for china to unseat him, or someone.

I like to talk about politics, Asnawi in Aceh, Indonesia

Great Post!. Interesting Story. I want more of this. Keep it up

It might sound strange, but China troops near North Korea doesn't necessary mean that they are getting for war between North Korea & US(+Allies). China needs North Korea as a buffer zone not as a war zone, so there is a slight chance they might as well just get rid of Kim Jong Un themselves, which would probably cause way less havoc in the region than US attacking North Korea "in defense".

Not saying it is what it is, I think your theory for refugees is way more likely, it's just an observation I heard somewhere, which seemed interesting to me.

Yea, the Nuclear scare is definitely Propaganda. If World War III breaks out it would risk the extremely wealthy losing their money to War and more. Granted many of them would profit, but a World War is certainly a double edge sword.

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It pains when the fight between a few people plunges the whole world in chaos.I think a war in the Korean Peninsula can easily escalate into a world war.which ain't cool for countries which have nothing to do the cause

I live in Beijing, and I can say this. While the West is worrying that China might take North Korea's side in the war, China is asking "if America strikes North Korea, will we be able to take over the country before they do?"
China is a... I don't really want to say "ally," but think of WW2. The U.S. and the USSR hated each other, but when their armies met, they didn't fight. They raced to see who could take over the biggest swath of Germany. If it comes to war over NoKo, that will be the same scenario.
And frankly, if China's leader was anyone other than Xi Jinpeng, I'd be fine with letting them have a chunk of it. The only problem is that Xi's rhetoric about how "Korea used to belong to China" is the perfect precursor to the CCP pulling one of their classic "re-write the history books" maneuvers and telling an entire generation of school children that their current rule of some chunk of North Korea has always been a fact, and that the rest of the peninsula is "a rightful part of China currently under Western capitalist Hegemony, awaiting 'liberation' by China," which is the line they took with Tibet before they rolled tanks in, and the line they are taking with Taiwan right now, and the line a few of their hyper-nationalists (by which I mean "most of the CCP and the coastal population) take with Mongolia and Vietnam. In short, letting China take over part of NK would set China up to make the R.O.K into the next Mongolia: a nation constantly under threat of being invaded by an opportunistic leader seeking to "restore China's ancient glory."

nothing will be happen

thanks for share importent news so i liked in your post