RE: How I Rose From A Sunken Place

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How I Rose From A Sunken Place

in dtube •  7 years ago 

I have had the same kind of feelings. And when the new year hit I changed all that. I stopped drinking, started eating better, started working out, started reading more. I have had a really nice turnaround. I think the hardest part for me is the consistency factor. It is hard for me to keep going. My depression has put me in such a deep hole. Now I feel like I am starting to climb my way out. Every morning I wake up put on a pot of coffee, reread my goals and start thinking about what I need to accomplish for the day. I recently got a new job so it is frustrating learning everything, it also takes away from my reading and positive attitude as I have always struggled to comprehend complexities. I am more of a hands-on type of learner. But having to pass a standardized state exam is stressful, to say the least. I try and go for a run when I am feeling stressed and come back to the task at hand a little later. It has helped some but I think the most important thing is to just keep moving forward! Have an awesome week my man!

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You have the right mindset. Keep moving forward. You will have off days. Days where you feel like doing nothing and you feel terrible. I have been there too. They key is to try to move forward even if it's just baby steps. I will pray for your recovery friend.

Thanks man, I always hop on here at the beginning of each day and look for your post. Not too many people that I can truly say motivate me. It is nice being part of a community that is growing together as indivuduals.