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well a beautifull and perfect video in your dtube which i see and lovely pretty son you have @trevonjb ..he is really very happy with you and to listen this beautifull poem

No, i want to talk about bitconnect !

smile of baby was wow !

Such a cute baby after few year u are able to say

"Son you were the 1st baby vlog-ed and uploaded on blockchain technology"

Congrats buddy

sad what happenned

Lol nice!

Nice bro, i just followed am a true follower from your YouTube

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wow face 100% look like you really a cute and pretty baby his try to talk with you and smile make him more cute and pretty and also your wife is pretty happy always with your family and wish you more happiest life and a good success @trevon

You are very lucky to have a very sweet child. And I'm sure they are lucky to have a father like you. All my best wishes to you ..

My didn't even have a BMW vehicle...Watch out for an accident or something child! Ha ha :))))) Very sweety :) @trevonjb

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Cute kid. You all will look back and smile and laugh!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

excellent video,that;s a great sharing
gif (47).gif

i like your post,thanks

When we were kids our parents had to keep the VHS's after filming us.. Then they had to not record over them.. So its good you can just throw them on the blockchain and forget about it, and you can know that they are just there forever.

such a cute little bugger aint he!!! happy for you man...

He got the same smile as you bro XD

Also the same car , wtf ! :D

So happy for you brother. GRATS! Thanks for letting us be a small part. God Bless.

For each & every single negative & racist comment you received on that ‘you win’ vid I pray God multiplies your crypto wallet TEN-FOLD!!!
Some people are just mean, nasty and very ungrateful. They definitely need a hug. You do not own BitConnect! Why they so mad with YOU that’s crazy. You have taught many of us alot about crypto & it is appreciated. Keep rising @trevonjb

too bad ppl blaming you for their choices in investing in bcc.

People need to never ever forget the most important rule of investing Don't risk money you can't afford to lose!

So awesome youre using the community as a social network and not just a crypto geek meet up.
Nothing but best wishes to you and your gorgeous family. Keep sharing fella !
Take care always :-)

Oh how he has grown, stay blessed Trevon x

the cutest baby ever! look at this smile :))

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He is so cute God bless him

This is my son

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@trevonjb I think the child was like this little boy in less time

Awww..........Cute man. Infact I am expecting my first youngster, a kid, toward the start of April. I am truly startle brother.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You shouldn't feel sorry at all bro ! How ungreatful . You added alot of value to the crypto space. Even tho I never received any funds from you. Im sure the people who did, that change some lives. Keep doing your thing Tre. You came out the mud.

ahhhhh soo sweet ! blessings to you brother and thank you for sharing this private moment with the community :)

@trevonjb I'm writing a comment after watching this 2 times.a very sweet he yours ?

You think I am not watching and you're flagging me..@trevonjb

Just watched your latest Youtube stream... thanks for coming out and facing the music, and not hiding. ballsey move man coming out and buying bcc after all of this. You always seem one step ahead man. Thats awesome.

He's adorable man! Congrats on the new baby as well. Don't give a shit about the people talking about the BCC thing, you do you as always. I already know you're good bro! Keep putting that DELICIOUS content out bro.

Lord Trevon.. bro.. you really have no idea how much you left the door open for your people go through. I remember in one of your first YT vlogs you stated that you wanted to show our people a new path and show everyone that it can be done! Trevon you the truth bruh, take time away from the negativity! Guard your mind.

there u go bro congrast my guy, still following you on your journey! fuck the haters continue your progression. Peace. keep it classy ! heres sum Dali art...

keep u inspired


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I Like the way you are handling all these Bitconnect talk, I just don't know why people panic sell and crash the market.

much sweet and cutey kid i love him and good to see that you love your baby and provide him everything for his enjoyment whats his name trevonjb sir

@trevonjb Wow, there is so much hate directed at you right now. While i never supported Bitconnect and it always seemed a scam to me, i don't agree with the people blaming you.

Nobody put a gun to their head to buy Bitconnect. It was their decision, simple as that!

It took a lot of courage to make your last video. I'm sory it ended this way. Stay strong!

Everyone after today...

Seriously though, people you are responsible for your own money, stop blaming you tubers

I didn't know your Twitter was high jacked. Someone ran away withy bcc tokens lol

I was never a big fan of Bitconnect but I like watching your videos on YouTube. Hope you get through this OK and please don't think everyone from the UK is like Suppoman, he makes me cringe sometimes.

ME TOO - You deserve a dollar for that lol

I know right!

Damn Tre! This bitconnect craaaazy!

Fuck the haters boi you do you!

@trevonjb You are having a difficult time...................

Yup I feel you. I posted a pic of my 4 month old son on my last post. 🖕all the haters man you just keep doing you. They always ganna hate when you on top.

how about some bcc upvote love. not your fault it went down I hope bcc make good or bccx will stumble

I don't see how anyone will trust bccx. If they paid us in bitcoin, then they would of had a chance with bccx but now they have ruined their reputation. Perhaps there are enough believers to keep bccx going but I seriously doubt it, there's going to be lots of competition and who likes exchanges that don't have a lot of users?

You may be on to something, having a permanent blockchain for storing pictures and film that would take off i think @trevonjb

Using the blockchain as a way to store memories is a great idea. I have so many images and videos over the years scattered across various devices I wish I could still have access to.

Keep the content flowing trevon!

Beautiful smile he's got. The eyes look very familiar too. Teddy Teddy bear :)

He's as cute as a little dogecoin :)

He is truly adorable! yes, it will be on blockchain forever...

I have seen several other intelligent people predict huge prices in the future per steem. I, of course really hope those predictions are right!

But we must never forget the responsibility we have now as this community to make a steem a welcoming and positive place. I think we are important for the future success of the steem blockchain, so we need to keep making a steemit a great place for interactions.


So cute! Bless you and your family. I hope you will have a wonderful time with your kids :)

A little off topic. But I was applaud by the comments on YouTube. You made it bro in less than a year! So keep making it and rub it in the haters faces! You are an inspiration!!!

Cute Kid, you passing that Doge? :)

Hey bud I know it’s a rough night with Bitconnect crap happening but we love what u do and anyone mad at u needs to grow up and own there own actions. Keep being u my friend!

Just holding them BCC, no point in selling at this point.
*This is my own decision, the moment I saw the price crash I chose to do so.


Really very cute baby and her small car is very nice.

Awesome video

If you think the baby is cute why did you made him that weird screenshot and put burning on it i think its very inappropriate, isnt it ?

Yeah that was really weird man

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@vasil-danev I can not comment on anything like this. I can not even have fun with him? And it's not a real fire. If it feels bad for trevonjb, then I'll delete it.

kinda scary pic bro with his kid on fire

😢 why is he burning:(....did u mean to make him look cool coz he doesnt look anything cool??? I feel like I wanna save him already:( im a mom and this is freaky! 😢

so sweet baby and so adorable I just wanna kiss baby.Thanks to share with us @trevonjb god bless your family always.

Thank you for all the good you do! Ignore these haters! Especially the racist ass ones! We’re they giving away bitcoin? No u were! Keep making content my friend!

A cute and quiet baby seems to bring you luck in a steemit
What is his name Mr @trevonjb


Congrats and you're lucky because your cute baby. Awesome.

Excellent video for memory, before our parents kept all the photo albums, now there is a blockade, and it pleases.

@trevonjb, Wow....very cute your lovely kid. Crypto kid really enjoying with Dtube videos. He has 100% face cut of you.
Lets go baby with father...You can win in blockchain system...

Love this! One of the best things about the Blockchain! Nothing better then family!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wonderfull @trevonjb with small crypto master enjoying both and hope now we get crypto opinions from b both masters lovely boy

Let people go on and hate, its really just hate they have with themselves like all things in life. Cryptos sketchy, always been sketchy, and not for the faint of heart. People will never understand that which they fear but fuck em, keep on rollin'!


Hey Trevon,

I watched your last youtube about Bitconnect, I've also watched quietly as you worked your way up to being one of the most influential bitconnect users. Watching your videos I decided to jump in and join the party.

I just want to say, thanks for sharing your experience. I'm truly sorry that you had to read some of those angry comments. As I watched, I could tell that some of those words got to you, some of it affected me as well. Its unfortunately how animalistic people can become.

I know this is just one comment out of a sea of angry comments.

But I hope you continue to move forward, and I'm sorry to see whats become of the platform.

Keep your head up, and trust that everything will work out in the end.

Stay cool man!

Great video!
NEO on sale now, this is the last chance.
Video Is very natural and very funny.

Love and Respect brother! Rule #1 of success - If you don't have any haters, then you ain't doing it right. and brother, you gots the mosts Haters!! So Embrace it. As difficult as that might seem, there's a reason the universe gave this to you.

Be like Kanye. He is the most hated, but the most loved at the same time. Use that hate as motivation. Like Kanye says. "you are the one everyone loves to hate, but they caint, why? because they love what you make. And ain't that about a bitch? Lol

Last thing I'll say brother, no matter how much hate you get from these losers, you will be getting even more love from your Fam. The ones out here, and the ones that call you daddy ;)

Upvote and Resteemed

Awe he wants to make videos just like his dad :)

cute kid! This my lil angel Lily.We lost her at 6 weeks old due to a heart defect.


score at halftime
Trevon 120,000
playa haters 0

Class act for the way you handled Bitconnect tonight on YT live. Hopefully we can recoope some of our money when the Bitconnect X comes online.

You are not to blame.
Glad you were there and got me into Bitcconect.
I Like you man!
Check my post out on Davor,

Its awesome that we can now insure we never lose certain pics which are important to us. I have lost many important pics over the years. Thanks for sharing and making this important point.

Hi Trevon, here I am commenting not for this video, but I came here from Bitconnect video on youtube, I see what people comment about bitconnect and they blame you, I am sorry for this mentality!
But this shouldn't stop you and the others including me continuing on this, I'd like you to support me a little bit tho!
Thank you , peace
maybe this post can be interesting for you , you will be shocked to learn how much money do beggars make in DUBAI?

But this is also true for any mistakes/dumb shit you have done. it will stay on there forever for years to come...

Funny how the blockchain is going to make us more ethical

Time to go 100% steem . Thanks for all your help!!!

Cute baby! Keep your head up!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You cant get more "real life" value than that...

Thanks alot tre!! you the boss!! And dont talk to me unless its about you know what!!! XD

very beautiful.As a child loving person, this post went very well.


He doesn't seem resting... He's more like a electric one. So beautiful.


This site right now reminds me of how YouTube was back in 06/07. People just using the it to use it. I think that's awesome! Shame about BitConnect but I'mma hold my coins in an exchange for a few days and see what happens? At least they let us withdraw which is more than most of these schemes offer at the end.

WE still love you man! everyone got into this on there own! no one put a gun to there head. all travon did was show you what he was doing on BCC just like he was always doing b4. thank you for all the BTC you gave out(i never won but i had a chance!) ppl always shit on you tre... i dunno why your a good dude

What a cutie! He looks very loved by his family.

I’m watching your YouTube stream right now about BitConnect. Respect man, you don’t hide, because you indeed did nothing wrong...
But why do you torture yourself with reading all that crap and racist comments on you, no good can come from that. Just keep on doing what you have always been doing and eventually they will just shut up man!
Keep on Steeming

Awwh what a cute baby. Lucky you sold all your altcoins before todays crash :)

Glad to see the "mouth opened" thumbnail runs in the family lol

@trevonjb Keep doing your thing man. Stay Positive.

daddy 's lil solder, he's gonna make a great Vlogger Tre.. next generation

That is one cute little man. I was just looking at pictures of my son today from when he was two. He is five now; time flies enjoy every minute you get with him!

you need to sued them for that racist shit talking.fuck them this is crypto nothing is guaranteed

cute kid ;)

You are extremely fortunate to have a sweet youngster. What's more, I'm certain they are fortunate to have a father like you. All my all the best to you

My son passed away when he was 3 while I was on tour in Iraq. He was half black and white his bday is coming on feb 15. Seeing this video warms my heart and brings tears to my eyes. Crypto nor anything matters more than family. Thank you very much for your videos you give this vet hope. God Bless

Precious bro. This really what it's all about.. Your kids don't know what's going on with crypto. All they know is Dads home and it's time to play lol. Stay positive bro with all the hate you've been getting lately.

I gotta say beautiful kid 💯👊

Omg he is so cute and adorable , i love the kids they are the best ! They give you so much happiness and motivation. Thats why blockchain is awesome its there for ever :)

What a cute baby! And nice baby song. I adored :) all the best

Hey Tre congratulations to you and your family man. I hope I can provide the same success as you have for my family this year.

Hey @trevonjb I really enjoy that simple video. Made me remember when my son was that age. Someone said in a comment that the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. I think because he wanted the camera not the monkey. He is already comfortable on camera just like his Father :)
