Eat stir-fry cuisine,esteem

in eat •  6 years ago 

Malam nisfu sya'ban saya masak masakan kesukaan saya, yaitu tirom tumis.

Cara memasak tirom tumis.
1.sediakan tirom 3 bungkus lalu dibersihin,

  1. lalu ditabur sedikit garam dan sebelah jeruk nipis.
  2. Lalu sediakan kuali ,
  3. nyalakan kompor,
  4. Lalu minyak goreng biomi 3 sendok makan
  5. Lalu goreng bawang 1 butir yang kecil lalu di iris-iris.
  6. Lalu di potong cabe hijau 3 butir dalam bentuk di serong saja biar nampak indah.
    8.jangan lupa 2 butir kentang lalu di potong agar tampak lebih indah.

Bumbunya tirom yaitu.
1.cabe kecil 10 butir

  1. Bawang merah 1 butir
  2. Bawang putih 2 ulah saja.
  3. Kunyit 2 sentin saja.
  4. Asam belimbing 5 butir
  5. Raiko sedikit saja.garam sedikit saja agar tidak terkalur asin ,bagaimana selera masing-masing.

Lalu di masak Sekitaran 10 menit diatas kompor.
Setelah matang, sediakan piring lalu dituangkan.

Akhirnya , selamat menikmati tirom tumis yang aromanya bikin lapar..

Ini pengalaman saya @yantirahel


Nisfu sya'ban night I cook my favorite dish, the tirom stir fry. How to cook stir-fry stir-fry. 1. Provide 3 packs of tirom cleaned, 2. then sowed a little salt and a side of lime. 3. Then provide the cauldron, 4. turn on the stove, 5. Then cooking oil biomi 3 tablespoons 6. Then fry the onion 1 small grain then in sliced-iris. 7. Then in the green chili pepper 3 grains in the form in the hollow just let it look beautiful. 8. do not forget 2 grains of potato and then cut in order to look more beautiful. Seasoning is the tirom. 1. small cauliflower 10 grains 2. Onion 1 point 3. Garlic 2 ulah only. 4. Turmeric 2 sentin only. 5. Starfruit 5 grains 6. Raiko just a little bit.garam not terkalur salted, how to taste each. Then in cooking Sekitaran 10 minutes above the stove. Once cooked, prepare the plate and pour it. Finally, congratulations to enjoy the stir-fry stomach that aroma makes hungry .. ! [image] () Thank you.. This is my experience @yantirahel

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