BLUEBERRY SMOOTHIE FOR The Medicinal Cooking Collective Week 5 πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡

in ecotrain β€’Β  7 years agoΒ  (edited)

Hello my Dearest Foodies,

The water element seems to have the most variety of plants I use in my recipes, especially beans, red cabbage, beetroot, quinoa, berries, seaweed, just to name a few. However, I had to go with very simple yet delicious and highly nutritious recipe. As many of you know, I am dealing with computer problems and still waiting for a new one, so I wasn't up to cooking something too elaborate. Not to mention, we are having terrible humidity here, so this refreshing smoothie was just prefect.


Blueberry Smoothie with Plant based Yogurt & Chia
Vegan – Gluten Free – Refined Sugar Free
Author: Lena’s Vegan Living

β€’ Blueberries 1cup
β€’ Plant based plain yogurt 1cup
β€’ White chia 1 tbs
β€’ Vega Vanilla protein powder 1 serving (optional)
β€’ Maple syrup to taste (optional)


β€’ Blend all ingredients except Chia in a blender.
β€’ Transfer to a bowl, add Chia and stir thoroughly.
β€’ Fill your bowl, decorate with berries and serve.


MORE RECIPES AT Lena's Vegan Living
Lenas-Vegan-Living-V1A (1).gif

The Medicinal Cooking Collective Week 5 Finale Guidelines: Cooking For The Kidney / Bladder / The Water Element

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Hey @lenasveganliving what a vibrant juice.
With the plant-based yogurt is that coconut yogurt or is there other yogurts avb.

Thank you so much my Dear. These is also almond and soy yogurt.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Oh this looks so delicious! However, I am wondering how vegan yogurt can be made? I am unable to find any already made any near me.

Thank you so much my Friend, I am glad you like it. You cam also make very easy plant based yogurt by folowing @birdsinparadise RECIPE I din't have a chance to make it yet but I will soon for sure πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡

Oh goodie thank you! ❀️❀️❀️❀️

Delicious and refreshing, I'm sure! Hope your computer problems are resolved soon!

Thank you so much Dear Melinda, I should have a new one soon πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡

Oh, that's exciting! (And a lot of work!)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

oh wow that looks divine lena! Iove how u found matching flowers to ;) beautiful..

ive never heard of plant based yogurt before.. what kind do you use? Can u make it easily? Sounds intersting!

This week my kidneys and liver seem to be receiving a break..somehow, for some reason i have stopped eating almost totally for the last 4 days.. i feel fine.. i guess my body is ready for a fast.. im not sure how im going to cook this week now! lol!

edit.. i just saw in the comments u make it with almonds..

Thank you so much Alex I am so happy you like it............these flowers are easy to find, they are blooming everywhere now πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡
By the way, I din't make my own yogurt yet, I bought it in our supermarket. However, you can make your own by following @birdsinparadise RECIPE when you done fasting. It's very easy.

By the way, it is very interesting that you just stooped eating like that. I never heard that before, wow! I wish I could do that, lol.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

thanks for the link.. checking that out! yes i never had it before.. now im eating like a bird which is great. i was eating too much.. finally my body just put its foot down and took over my brain!!!

My pleasure Alex, I think this yogurt will be good starter when your body will be ready for food again πŸŒΈπŸ’–πŸŒΈ

This looks so good! Your presentation and layout is also stunning.

I’ve never seen vegan yoghurt here , I need to check that out xx

Thank you so much my Dear, I am happy you like it. You can also make your own yogurt by following @birdsinparadise RECIPE. It's very easy πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

So beautiful presented and so healthy too Lena!

Thank you so much Dear Icy, you are very Sweet πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡

My goodness Lena, how do you do it? This is beyond beautiful...definitely too beautiful to eat lol! Wow, the colors are so rich and your presentation is spot on. I am heading to the kitchen right now to make this :) Thank you dear friend!

Awwwwwwwwww, you always know how to put smile on my face. Thank you so much my Dear πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡

No, seriously, I really'll giggle as you see my post today! Nothing like what you have done, but yes a smoothie, thanks to your amazing inspiration :) Have a wonderful weekend my sweet friend!

Oh yes, you really did, lol

Wow, this looks pretty magical! Love the colour of it πŸ’œ

Thank you so much my Dear you are very kind πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

This looks so delicious dear Lena and the photos are fantastic!

Thank you so much Sweetie, I ma happy you like it πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡

OH-em-g! What can I say..
gorgeous presentation and healthyLicious for sure!
I love blueberry yogurt smoothies, cake and pancakes! Haha. I also share it in Steemit.

Thanks for this another blueberry recipe idea Lena!


Thank you so much my Dear, you are very sweet πŸ‡πŸŒΈπŸ‡