First Starting with HTML5 TAGS
- HTML is a Hyper Text Markup Language.
- HTML5 is the kind of latest HTML version which is suitable for all browsers, it shows compatibility with all browsers.
- It adds new variety of tags for a single page.
- Tags included in HTML 5 are: (but there is no space in tag name i have done this coz i want to show you proper tags)
- < header> it is a title of website.
- < nav> we use this for navigation bar.
- < section> with in this tag main content of website is written.
- < article> inside article similar kind of information is written every article has its own
< header> and < footer>. - < aside>
- < footer> it contains company name or or it is used for copyright.
- < hrgroup> if there are more than one header inside article then make them in one group which group is < hrgroup>.
< hrgroup>
< h1>Main Heading
< h2>Sub Heading
< /hrgroup> - Html headings tag is from < h1> to < h6>.
- Para tag is denoted with < p>.
And in the end every tag close with /and then write that tag name.
Example: start tag of paragraph < p>.
End tag for paragraph < /p>. - For adding image in our web page we use < img> tag.
- < br> tag used when we want to go on next line.
- < html> it define the full document.
- < head> includes title of page.
- < body> includes all content of a page.
- Every tag has starting and ending point.
- There is a link tag which is < a href=”” />
- For video and audio file we used < video> and < audio> tag.
And there are more other tags and advanced information which i’ll share in my next article so follow me and upvote me.