Finland is one of the best in the world in terms of educational system, what to take home!

in education •  7 years ago  (edited)


What’s so great about Finland educational system?

  • A child goes to school in Finland only at the age of 7. The torture does not start at 2 ½ as it is elsewhere.
  • A child learns from the lesson that s/he comes across in this early age at home.
  • From the age of 7 to 10 the child spends 50% of it’s time in school and the remaining as vacation.
  • The academic timings are very less and equal importance is given to Music, Arts and Sports too
  • The schools have relaxation rooms for the children to take rest if they feel tired.
  • Until the age of 13 there is no grading and no report cards for students.
  • If their parents are inquisitive of the child’s progress they can apply to know that.
  • Since there is no grading there is no pressure on the student to compete.
  • They are not given homework. Students can do their homework in the subject of their choice.
  • A doctor stationed in each school monitors their health and give recommendations.
  • Only a maximum of 600 students are permitted in a school.
  • There aren’t many private schools. Almost all except some special education are Government ran which means there is equality in education for all.
  • 99% of children in Finland get primary education.


  • Students who hail from a country where there aren’t exams excel in competitive exams elsewhere.

  • Educationists from other countries flock to Finland to understand their system more.

  • 1500 representatives from 56 countries go there every year.

  • The country’s major foreign exchange comes from education tourism.

  • A teachers job in Finland is highly valued .

  • The teachers there have a major stake in the laws and policies of the country.

  • Every third child there wants to become a teacher. But it’s not so easy.

  • Only students who excel are considered for this post.

  • They are given 5 years of Teacher Training, 6 months of Military training, One year of onsite teacher training, Training in the Laws and Policies, Fire service, Self Defense and First Aid. No wonder the Crime rate is so low in Finland. Good upbringing breeds responsible Adults.

  • Finland also has 38 percent of it's population with a university or college degree, which is among the highest percentages in the world

What do u think? :

So many students did impressive with Quranic studies (no exam) but sucked at the formal one back in my English-Arabic primary school... It didn't make much sense to me. Now I see why!

I think if our country's educational system is not matured enough for this, we can start with our own homes.

  • We keep complaining about the bad nature of the system so why do we still shovel our child off to that same system to train for you.

  • We need to know that the experiences of the child at their early days stays with them forever. It has the power to make or unmake them.

  • Your genius child may be made to believe he is worth nothing and you won't even get to know he was a genius (take a look at Einstein) he was considered an idiot in school.

  • Give your child praises and let them understand the world is nothing without them at the very early age and wait to see what they would turn up to be.

  • In Mark Zurkerberg's family, every child is a prince or princess and it reflects in their output.

  • When you think less of your son because he had a lower grades, he will turn up as you thought.

  • Give them more options in life, be there for them, let them understand the difference between SCHOOL and EDUCATION at that younger age and they will grow to amaze you.

  • You are happy to be accorded the father of that child so why don't you want to spend time training the child till it's ready for school?

Around here, parents often tell their children what they should not do but never show them what they should do.
You have told your son not to go and play football without giving him any reasons. You expect him to just take it because you said it, yet you don't want him to do things in the future just because his friends told him to?

Ehmkannde (5).png

This article is dedicated to @tj4real for his promo-steem ambassadorship approval. The reason being that, he has been so passionate about how we can try to transform the educational system of Ghana to suit modern needs.

I had a Toxicology examination this morning and I went home exhausted. Only to realize my mentor's application had been approved, so I decided to publish an article to further his own advocacy.
Fact is, I also believe in this advocacy and I am ready to be in his team towards its realization.

My early school teachers thought I was not going to be able to learn any language from their own assessment and I left school partly because of that. After all, who would want to invest in a loser? I was out of school for years until 2001 when I started my formal education from primary one.......But today I cant exactly say I'm a failure!

FYI, I am in my professional doctorate program, graduating later this year at the age of 24........
This is why I'm also passionate about efforts to effect a change to our current educational system....

You can second @tj4real endorsement by visiting and leaving your support reply HERE

Thank you in advance!!!

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