I was home schooled back when it was considered some what in its infancy. I enjoyed it. It's nothing new. People have been institutionalized to believe the state is the best source of education. It's not. For most of human history, the state hasn't been the primary educator of children. It's been parents, religious organizations, and other private organizations.
It seems radical to some because of how ingrained it is worldwide now to have the state educate children. I'm less concerned about gun violence — the media is blowing it way out of proportion. There are far more dangerous things in school than isolated mass shooters (mass media coverage makes horrible instances seem like a common occurrence).
The ideas being shoved down our children's throats should be what scare people. It was thought parents were being tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists by calling schools centers of indoctrination, but the evidence holds true. The schools teach a narrow view of government, life, religion, etc. all approved by the state to be "neutral" when neutrality itself is a myth.