20% of American boys in high school today have been 'diagnosed' with ADHD, and this insane figure is rising higher.
Researchers have found that boys were 41 percent more likely to be given a prescription for a medication to treat ADHD if they were born in December than if they were born in January. This shows that many of these diagnoses were for typical behaviours that might be grown out of in time.
Furthermore, school districts are incentivised by No Child Left Behind to improve the scores of the weakest performing students, and in many districts, kids who have 'disabilities' of some form are excluded from the stats. Therefore, any kid who is slow or disruptive, (or y'know, a typical young male), is liable to be 'harmonised' through diagnosis and the administration of psychotropic 'medicine'.
Recently the ADHD diagnosis has been extended from 7 years up until the age of 12, meaning at 20 million more kids (boys in particular) can be stigmatised. Meanwhile, the drugging of 'difficult' babies and toddlers is increasing at a massive rate also.
A society that needs to drug its children and infants to get them to sit still within the jail of public school is one that has grown profoundly sick to its core.
Free our children.