Rudiment In Speech Presentation

in education •  7 years ago 

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On many occasions we find ourselves in a position where we have to give a speech; in school, debates, at weddings, anniversaries, funerals etc. At times like these, it is very common to experience feeling of anxiety and sometimes panic. today I would like to share with you all some tips on how to give a speech successfully, effectively and beautifully.

Are u scared of speaking before a large audience or even making a few suggestions in public? 

You need not be scared because you can make effective speeches in public. I will be happy to share a few helpful pointers. Perhaps the most important steps is to be sure of what you are going to say. This sounds obvious enough, but it is amazing how many people get up to speak when, in fact,they have very little to say. After one inconsequential point, they discover they have run out of steam. So to ensure you can speak well, the more conversant you are with them the more confident you will be.

It is very important to be ready to deliver your speech and in order to be ready, you will need to make adequate preparation, write out your speech, reflect on it and practice it out loud. This will help you to identify the parts of your speech that will need emphasis.

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      How do you present your speech? Certainly before you begin you will be a little uneasy even the most experienced speaker feels the same way before beginning  his speech. This is not bad in fact, it is a good tonic for a successful speech. To overcome this, do not rush headlong into the task. Rather it pays to breathe in and out heavily, deeply, calmly. Then begin the speech slowly, calmly, carefully with a clear and confident voice. This is when you are going through the introduction “The chairman Honorable Guest of Honor, distinguish ladies and Gentlemen”By the time you finish this and go through the usual ritual of stating that it gives “great pleasure to stand before you in this gathering to discuss  few points", you would have reach a point of emotional equilibrium. You should now be sufficiently calm to go on with the speech.

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     Somewhere at the beginning, and at strategic points in your speech you should introduce flavor into what you are saying. You do not want to serve tea without sugar after all you should inject some humorous remarks once in a while, but this calls for skill. To start with you cannot introduce humor indiscriminately other wise you might sound like a jester. Experience speakers most often introduce humor early in their speeches, presumably to ease the tension in the hall. But these jokes must be brief, purposeful and closely related to the points. 

    Many speakers are scared by the countenance of the listeners. Not all their looks are friendly however there are hostile ones. Looking at the friendly faces keeps you at ease.

     You are advised to write out your speech in full after which you should read it several times before the day, you could get a willing listener to criticize your. Delivery. Do this several times until you can almost recite it. Notice that we are not. Advising you to memorize it because you could forget vital areas due to anxiety. Writing out and practicing. The speech would make you much familiar with the content indeed with every word.

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       Speech making is an act. While it is true that some are gifted in speech making it is more correct that any one who doesn't suffer from speech handicaps can learn to deliver effective speeches. And you can become a master in this art.

I hope these few points i shared will help us fellow steemians to improve during our speech.

Thank you for reading.

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