in education •  7 years ago  (edited)

Introduction of world language that is often used in sharing the world.

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As is
we know there are thousands of languages on this earth. In one country
we can find tens and even hundreds of languages ​​used.
We can trace from the five major languages ​​of the world.
A. Proto Indo-Europe

  1. Anatolia (sister language)
  2. Tokharia
    This language has two dialects
    a. Tokharia A
    b. Tokharia B
  3. Albania.
    Albanian language is spread to Italy and Greece
  4. Armenia.
    Armenian language is used in the Southern Caucasus and parts of Turkey.
  5. Germania
    Germania is the most important sub-cluster on the grounds ever
    conducting in-depth study and sufficient speakers' community
    big. Included in this group:
    a. Gothic. The last Gothic language was worn in Krimenia in the 16th century.
    Besides Gothik are Scandinavian languages ​​which include: Irish, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian.
    b. Western Germania
    a) High German is used in high mountainous areas stretching from north to south.
    · Southern Germany
    · Switzerland
    · Jewish language
    b) Low German
    · Dutch lowered Afrikaans
    · Flem (in Belgium)
    c) Italian group
  6. Italy
    a. Ancient Italian
    b. Modern Roman Languages: French, Spanish, Italian Modern, Portuguese and Romanian
  7. Cryptic
    The Celtic people had become an important force in Europe.
  8. Greece
    The Greek language is very popular for over 3000 years. The ancient Greek language was made up of a mixture of many local dialects.
  9. Balto-Slavia
    a. Baltic Group:
    a) Lithuanian language
    b) Latvian language
    c) Prussian language.
    b. Slavik Group
    a) South
    · Croatia-Serbia
    · Slovenia
    · Bulgaria
    b) East
    · Russian language
    · Ukrainian language
    · Language Beylorusia
    c) West
    · Czech language
    · Slovak language

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a. Persian language used in Iran
b. Pashto language in Afghanistan
c. Ossetic language in the North Caucasus
d. Kurdish in Ira, Iraq and Turkey
B. Eurasia (Non-Indo-European)

  1. Basque Group
  2. Finno Urgik
    a. Finnish
    b. Hungarian language
  3. Altitude
    a. Western Part: Azerbayan, Uzbek, Kirghiz
    b. Eastern part: Mongol and manchu
  4. Ural-Altik
    Ural-Altik is estimated to be a combination of Finno Urgik and Altik groups.
    a. Korean language
    b. Japanese language
    C. Pacific
  5. Australian Aboriginal language group
  6. Tasmanian language group
  7. Groups of regional languages ​​on the island of Papua
  8. Malayo-Polynesian
    a. Indonesia
    a) Malagasy (Madagascar)
    b) Malay (Malaysia)
    c) Indonesia
    d) Formosa
    e) Philippines
    important in this sub-group include Malay, Indonesian,
    Java, Sunda, Dayak, Batak, Tolour, Bali, Bugis, Formosa, Tagalog,
    Ilicano, and Visaya.
    b. Melanesian
    Used in the southern Pacific with Fiji's main language.
    c. Polynesia
    Polynesian languages ​​are located at the eastern end of the Pacific
    a) Samoan
    b) Hawaiian language
    c) Tahiti language
    d) Maori (used in New Zealand)
    D. Africa
    In northern Africa people will meet Afro-Asiatic language groups. This group recognizes 5 language branches. Among others:
  9. Semitic
    a. Hebrew
    b. Akadia
    c. Aramaic
    d. Phenicia
    e. Arab
    f. Ethiopia is contemporary
  10. Egypt
    Ancient Egyptian language has been used since 4000 BC. And still survive until the 7th century AD.
  11. Berber
    a. Tuareg
    b. Zenaga
    c. Kabyl
    d. shilh
  12. Kushitik
    a. Somali
    b. Chinese language
  13. Chad
    The Chadian languages ​​are spoken throughout Nigeria with Hansa's main language.

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Congo-Niger's second language group

  1. In the southern African region with the main branches of Bantu language: Swahili, Zulu, Nyanja, Xhosa , Sotho.
  2. In the southern part of the western Horn of Africa: Ibo, Yoruba, Ewe, Twi, Fanti, Malinke, Fulani, Wolof, and Songo.
  3. In the southern tip of Africa to the north: Bushman and Hottentot languages
  4. On
    between Afro-Asiatic groups in the north and Congor-Niger in the south
    also found three other language groups, namely: Chari-Nil language,
    Songhai and Central Sahara.
    E. America
    Southern part: Quechua language in Peru, Chicha language, Huelche, Kariba, pano, Jivaro, Tukano, Arawaka and Tupi-Guarani.Part
    middle in southern Mexico found Maya language group. On the side
    north and west are used Mixteco, Zapoteco, Trique, Amusgo,
    Zoque, Popoloca, Otomi, and others.
    In the north is found Aleut Eskimo
    language group.
    Algonkia language groups spread across Central Canada
    around the Erie and Ontario lakes are found in the Iroquoia group
    includes languages: Mohawk, Wyandot, Cayuga, Seneca, and Cherokee.
    At the southeastern tip of the United States, Natchez, Choctaw, Chickasaw, creek and Alabama are found.
    On the western side of Mexico telu found the Tunica language group
    Great Plains and the western region there is a Sioua group that includes
    Crow language, Hidatsa, Manda, Ohama, Iowa, Missouri, osage, Winnebago,
    and others.
    On the Pacific coast encountered Hoki, Maricopa, Walapai, Washo and Karok.
    In the middle and north of California found Penutia language
    In northern Washington, Mosaic groups are found in Wakasha and Salisha.
    the language of the world shows that there is only one origin
    the language of the ancestor or maximum of five major languages.

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Urdu is used in a very vast area too...

Informative, but a bit more description & background information would have been nice.

Great post man 👍