RE: Angry 'Crats

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Angry 'Crats

in election •  4 years ago 

The problem with conservatives these days is that they aren't. At least the Republicans in power haven't been. At least not in an economic sense. When Republicans get in power, they spend even more than the Democrats before them. More spending = bigger government. Sure, sometimes they lower taxes a little...but lower taxation and an increase in spending = deferred taxation not lower taxation. But that it seems Biden will be the next President, Republicans in power will start suddenly being concerned about spending again. But the spending bills will be unlikely to match the rhetoric. It happens that way again and again and again.

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We are mixing meanings.

Repulsivikins and Dumbocrap (poli-ticks-ians) are the same group. They just use different words to manipulate the people. And they are to spend as much money to get as many votes as possible.

I am speaking about people. And there are generally three types.

1 Those that love structure
2 Those that love equality (of outcome)
3 Those that love freedom.

To structure lovers, conservatives, the game's rules are all important.
To equality lovers, it doesn't matter how the game was played as long as they all win in the end.
To freedom lovers, the game is irrelevant.