in elegance •  7 years ago  (edited)

Friends! Hello ! We, together with elegance, want to hold a contest in which 10 dollars will be played!

The contest is valid for one week!

This is the first contest I'm holding, so I need support!

The contest is simple and the conditions are quite simple!

1) You just need to draw your favorite mystical character!

2) Be sure to make a post on your blog, write someone you drew.

3) The post must necessarily be laid out through the platform This is mandatory, if these conditions are not respected, you will not be counted in the competition!

Be sure to skip in the comments to this post their work, that I could find you!

Use the hashtag mythicalart, so that I can see your work!

I wish you good luck!


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It sure was fun participating in this contest. Thanks alot. Here is the link to my post

Very well, is this your job personally?
Can you make a photo with this picture?

thanks !

Ooh, that's a really good idea :) !

What's the deadline ?

one week


Congratulations @miss.dara. Your post has been featured and rated 3.5 from 33 votes on the 1ramp App. See your post on | 1ramp is a Steem based platform for Artists and Creators like you 🙌

a pleasure to greet you, I prepared my entry for this contest but a problem occurs and when I synchronize my account with ellagance elagance I get an error saying: "error nginx!" ... "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable . Please try again later." I'm worried about the deadline of your contest. Do you know if the "Elegance" platform has service problems?

Hello! I've never had such a mistake, so you should contact bluemist

ha ha, yes, great :) thanks

Oh!! que tristeza me di cuenta del concurso muy tarde :( Espero poder participar en otra oportunidad!!!

Hi @miss.dara This is my entry: Mermaid

