Making good use of the rules for writing speaks very well of our education. It is always possible to improve the spelling.
Making mistakes while writing is more common than we think. Anyone can have a doubt at the time of using a certain word or simply by carelessness or speed write forgetting an accent or changing some letter. Here is a list of tips that can help you improve your spelling:
1. Concentrate on writing:
Many times most of the errors are because we write automatically without being aware of the words we express or paying little attention. At the moment of taking the pencil or sitting in front of the computer or tablet, focus and check what you write.
2. Check before finishing:
It is always good to give a read and reviewed to what has been written because sometimes we think that we have not made any mistake and for simple mistakes of typing or not reading the writing we can err. If you take a look before you can even improve the writing and check that everything is in order with the spelling.
3. Write with enough time:
Currently for reasons of time we sit down to write anything quickly. Ideal would be if at the time of writing you take enough time and necessary to think about what you want to write and in this way use the words with the appropriate rules.
4. Be careful with the chats!
Now that we connect a lot by pin, whatsapp or Messenger and social networks it is important that you do not neglect the spelling even when you are communicating with friends and family in this way. Try to write in the right way by any means, using the usual tildes and the necessary punctuation marks.
5. Four eyes see more than two:
If you want to be even more secure, you can take advantage of your work partner, relative or friend to read your text so that you can check for an error that has escaped you.
6. Use the dictionary:
For those people who get used to writing this book every day that should not be missing in any home is the best companion. For one reason or another, doubts can arise and using the dictionary is the best way to check. Similarly, relying on the correctors on the computer is worth it.
Once we get used to these practices, it will be very easy to write with good spelling.