Crypto-currencies and the Beast System

in eschatology •  8 years ago  (edited)

Before I start, let me say this is HIGHLY speculative, so take it with a large grain of salt.

Bitcoin & Ether… in many ways, these two blockchain-based currencies are very similar… however it wasn’t until I saw a SGTreport podcast about how many banks & corporations were starting to put their weight behind Ethereum, that my antenna went up & decided to figure out why. Then, after reading a recent article by Mike Adams from Natural News, that antenna turned into a giant red flag.

Let me start by saying, I am a fan of Bitcoin. I think it’s brilliant. As you may know, BTC has an upper limit of 21 million BTC, so that makes it both rare & valuable(for now). However in Mike’s article, he points out something that I never considered with BTC. Once that final BTC is created, there is no longer any incentive for the miners to keep mining(validating transactions)… thus, BTC transactions will eventually slow to a crawl all together. That makes BTC problematic. So mathematically, sometime in 2024(according to the Mike Adams' article), BTC will be less viable. There's talk of a BTC fork, all that will do is kick this can down the road & give ETH a little more time to get more well established. Not sure that the fork will happen, so for now let's assume it won't.

Enter Ethereum. ETH is described as not only a currency, but also a ‘platform’ for other blockchain technologies to piggyback on. Currently, there is a theoretical upper limit of ETH tokens that can be mined; however once that limit is reached the ‘business model’ for ETH will change from “proof-of-work” to “proof-of-stake”. This change will result in the upper limit cap being removed so more ETH can be created. To me, it’s kinda like removing the gold backing from the US Dollar & other fiat currencies. At this point, ETH will more or less become a digital fiat. Not only that, remember it is ALSO a platform… This is extremely important as it makes it possible to attach or encode personal metadata into every ETH transaction. This includes, but is not limited to, GPS data, biometrics, medical records, social media data, etc. Taking it a step further, this technology can also be incorporated into some type of implantable chip. I believe it is for THIS reason, the corporations and banks are getting behind ETH. It will give them an almost unimaginable amount of control over the population.

If it’s not clear, I hold a Biblical worldview. In the Books of Daniel & Revelation, it is made clear that during the last of the Last Days, there will be a One World Government. In this New World Order, where among other things, there will be a single global economy where,

… all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, [will be compelled] to take a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark… Revelation 13:16-17

So, as I have this worldview, I believe that this will happen eventually. Since we Jesus told us the End Game, it makes sense to work backward from there to where we are today; and I believe Ethereum will be the framework on which this Beast System will be constructed.

However, I also believe there is a bright side as the Lord Jesus told us upfront what to expect AND he also said,

“Listen carefully: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16

While finances were not necessarily the context of this passage, I believe it can be applied in this case. In my opinion, there seems to be a ‘sweet spot’ hidden in this coming crypto phenomenon. As Christians, we need to be as wise as serpents and plan ahead. While I am a firm believer in the Rapture of the Church, I do not know when that is going to happen so I think it’s wise to get in front of all of this… Besides, not all Christians will be “Rapture Ready” as they say… so this strategy will leave something behind for those poor souls who didn't make 'the cut', to help them survive as long as they can.

Since most agree that the US Dollar will eventually collapse under the weight of debt, I personally think it prudent to continue to purchase both BTC & ETH, as well as precious metals. As for BTC, it is just starting to appear in the mainstream so people are going to get used to the idea of digital currency pretty quickly. BTC will likely continue to thrive until we get closer to it’s event horizon. Keeping in mind, that BTC is essentially a ponzi scheme once you realize what’s going to happen when the cap is reached; we have to know when to get out of the pool… In my opinion, the time to get out will be when the total number of BTC is around 19.5 million… then it will be time to convert that BTC to ETH. I believe that when this happens, ETH will still be in the mining phase(proof-of-work) and not tethered to any other personally-identifying blockchain technologies, but well established enough to be used in everyday commerce. So this is the ‘sweet spot’ timeframe where people will be able to acquire a fair amount of “untethered” ETH.

If we’ve learned anything over the past year concerning the ‘elites’, they DO NOT believe they need to conform to the same laws as us common folk… so they will undoubtedly hoard & use this “untethered” form of ETH to keep their activities hidden; while, at the same time, they will subject the general public to a traceable form of ETH that will likely be introduced when ETH is introduced as the world currency complete with tracking capabilities. Both forms will use the same Ethereum framework, but ‘theirs’ will be the untraceable ETH created early on(i.e., now)… and ‘ours’ will be be the ETH created after the mining stops.

According to the Bible, there are really dark days ahead & it seems to me, using the untraceable form of ETH will be one of the few ways the people who choose NOT to take the ‘Mark’ will be able to make it through the Great Tribulation. With that in mind, it will probably be prudent to NOT store cryptos in online wallets like Coinbase when stuff really starts to go south. Non-conformists with untethered ETH in an online wallet will probably wake up one day to find that their untethered ETH has been removed… so hopefully, very soon there will be an EMP-proof hardware crypto wallet available.

As I stated at the start all of this is highly speculative, nonetheless it's something to keep in mind.

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Looking at the world in a Biblical view has really opened my eyes to what is happening in the world. I just recently got back into my Bible due to a loss in my family and not understanding why the world was falling apart. After only studying for a year, everything is starting to make sense.
When I started to hear about cryptocurrency and how some of the world governments were investing in the technology. I started thinking the same thing. Could this be the lead up to the mark of the beast?
Good insight. Followed.

Thx. I'm going to start posting stuff more often. My sympathies concerning the loss in your family.

Great article. My view on the cryptos is the long view. Unlike (manipulated) wall street DOW, S&P or NASDAQ), the crypto space is a 24/7/365 market where the massive inflows of money from Asia alone are sure to drive the prices far higher over time. Massive corrections along the way, yes, but far higher YOY for some time to come. Clif High's web bot data indicates a similar sentiment.

While I was growing up I was taught that the rapture of the church would take place before the great tribulation starts. Now I not only see tht notion is wrong, but I think that a "pre-trib" rapture viewpoint runs oppsite of what the Bible teaches (Rev. 12-13) actually those two chapters address 90% of what is being discussed. But would like to point out another scripture Zechariah 12:3
And it will be on that day that I will set Jerusalem as a weighty stone to all the peoples. All who carry it will surely gash themselves, and all the nations of the land will be gathered against it. So I think that Amercia will not be able to lift her head to help Israel. Which in my understanding connects with your desire for emp (electrical magnetic pulse) resistant hardware. However a platform of that size would be considered as a market and the Bible does say that unless you have the mark of the best you will be excluded from legitamit markets. I enjoyed your article!

It's possible that money itself is a part of the Beast system is something that has existed from the start. Of course, like anything, it can be used for good and evil.

Because humanity is even less aligned with God these days, as expected, we see the beast system getting stronger and stronger, in line with and combining with other presentations of the Beast system (technology/ governance that's morally bankrupt).

I wonder if there will even be such a thing as money during God's millenium!