in esteem •  5 years ago 


Selamat malam teman-teman sekalian. Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? Saya berharap semoga kalian tetap berada dalam lindungan Allah SWT. Sahabatku, hari ini saya ingin memposting tentang suasana di lapangan ketika berlangsung karnaval beberapa hari yang lalu. Saya membagikan beberapa photo saya disini.

Good evening my friends. how are you today? I hope that you remain in the protection the God.. My friends, today I want to post about the atmosphere on the field when the carnival took place a few days ago. I share some of my photos here.


Sahabatku, sebenarnya pada acara karnaval tersebut saya tidak sedang bertugas sebagai guru pendamping siswa dari sekolah saya, namun saya ingin datang untuk menyaksikan siswa-siswa saya yang memakai baju tradisional dari seluruh daerah di Indonesia. Suasana di lapangan tampak penuh sesak dengan lautan manusia. Apalagi cuaca pada hari itu cukup panas sehingga membuat badan saya penuh dengan keringat.

My friends, actually at the carnival I was not on duty as a teacher accompanying students from my school, but I wanted to come to see my students wearing traditional clothes from all regions in Indonesia. The atmosphere on the field seemed crowded with the people. Moreover, the weather on that day was hot enough to make my body full of sweat.


Sebelum rombongan peserta dari sekolah saya berangkat saya menyempatkan diri untuk berfoto dengan siswa-siswa saya. Tiga orang siswa laki-laki ini terlihat sangat gagah dengan pakaian adat mereka. Mereka sangat akrab dengan saya karena saya adalah wali kelas mereka di kelas XI IPS 1.

Before the group of participants from my school departed, I took the time to take pictures with my students. These three male students look very handsome in their traditional clothes. They are very familiar with me because I am their homeroom teacher in class XI IPS 1.


Cukup lama juga rombongan peserta menunggu pemberangkatan. Apalagi rombongan peserta SMA mendapat giliran pemberangkatan yang terakhir setelah TK, SD dan SMP.

It also took a long time for the group of participants to wait for departure. Moreover, the group of high school participants got the last turn of departure after Kindergarten, Elementary School and Middle School.


Akhirnya sebelum rombongan peserta karnaval berangkat saya berfoto dengan putri ranup dari sekolah kami yang cantik. Sekian postingan saya kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat dan salam.

Finally, before the entourage of carnival participants left, I took a picture with betel princess from our school. Thats all my post this time. Hopefully useful and greetings.

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Thank you for sharing these wonderful photographs from the carnival @elianaelisma

Your students look very educated and proud to be seen with their teacher :)

I hope you're having a nice morning miss.

You are welcome, my friend. Have a good day.