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woot those are big

I’ve been using the latest version for the past few days and I’m loving it even bought some ESTM tokens with my Apple ID works great! Keep up the good work, will you be pegging the tokens with SE anytime soon? I saw a token inactive on the exchange

Great to hear that 🙇 We are thinking about SE tokens, if SMT release will postpone drastically, we might have SE token otherwise SMT development seem to be doing good progress.

Glad to know that you're thinking about SE Tokens. I think the decision to wait for SMT is for better so I hope it releases soon!



  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Would you please consider not stacking large purchased votes on these. I understand it is for visibility but with #NewSteem you are not competing for visibility against a page full of nonsense bought votes so it isn't necessary. You'll almost certainly get enough organic votes to show up here without buying, or maybe just buy a little for initial exposure and let organic votes do the rest?

Of course, thanks for comment.

I dunno it’s a pretty terrible front end

Really? I've never heard bad things about it. What are your complaints?

Well it's woefully buggy, the layout is heinous, it's completely non intuitive, trash buttons are next to where the cursor has to be to work on posts, I gave a laundry list of constructive criticism but was told most of my issues were resolved by an update, only one was, because that bug made it impossible to do anything without getting a "post deleted" message.

My issues could possibly be seen as preferences but many agree with me that it's just very poorly designed and seems rushed out, they brag about being around since 2016. This reality makes it worse. Recently I was unable to do anything due to "no posting authority" conveniently they wish to deflect to the HFs thats fine except I tried multiple updates they released and none allowed me to use the front end.. The notifications were down for a week and overall it's just below average compared to partiko which I've been critical of since the disappearance. The fact remains it's still the smoothest mobile front end by far despite not being current.

The lack of mobile design first initiatives here boggle the mind and this attempt by esteem to capitalize on a monopoly would be great if their product was decent. I can copy n paste a dozen bad reviews if they'd like

Look it's business and taking 10% without my consent to use a dapp that leaves much to be desired is ridiculous ! I couldn't even post an image or comment on a post I made and this was pre HFs so their excuses, poor product, and now this absurd attempt to promote this garbage has sealed the deal for me.. As a mobile only user I would love a decent current front end but that's too much to ask apparently..

People are only saying its great because they're desperately seeking the 30 cent upvote. People will shill any and everything here for pennies.. Very old steem!

I say good day!

Thank you.

No problem, I've seen and appreciated your presence here on steem lately.. I really don't wish to bad mouth anyone here especially devs but I can't accept that a newb might discover this mobile app and only get 30% for their content and think that this is the best most current mobile option without roasting them a bit.. They seem like nice enough folks but from a dollars and cents perspective we should all demand better products and services..

Thanks for pointing out issues and we are addressing them as fast as we can. There was pin code related bug when devs implemented disabling pin code feature, they overlooked some edge cases and we have fixed it with 2.2.1 update, other bugs are being worked on as well and we will roll out updates.

I have just reinstalled the app and it works amazingly!!!
Finally we have a good iOS steem app!

Great, thanks! There are a lot of hidden treasure in app, you will be surprised to find some cool features, if you haven't used app before 😊 But I am sure you will find your way around app easily, we try to do our best so that user experience is much pleasant and less tiring, if you have some suggestions, don't hesitate to leave them here.

I tried out the new app and it has really improved. Just out of curiosity - I translated the first version to Danish, do you still translate it at

Also... I'll save my downvote for something else this time, but I support what @smooth said about vote buying. Cheers!

We are using these days, feel free to join:

Maybe I will :) I see that there's still 4% of my old translations left!

Love the app, great work everybody (:

I have been using the new Android version and LOVE it! I am certain iOS users are going to love this!

This looks awesome! I will use it going forward as main main app for writing / commenting / reading posts.

Is there a percentage charge to use?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I had no idea! I just downloaded it on my phone and it looks awesome, looking forward to using is often!

Good jhob brother and me very like a esteem. Thanks you so much

This post has been resteemed!
Good luck!

By the way...I cannot find the way to resteem your post at eSTEEM iOS 😂😂

Click on 3 dots, it will give you more options. Here is screenshot:

I have just seen it and resteemed it! Thanks anyway! I have to learn now how to use your tokens 😂😂

Kind of lost faith with my droid experience last week that was abysmal... I still can't use your dapp no posting key to do anything and somehow you cranked out a version update for apple? You say iOS so is that phone specific as iPad runs on its own dedicated system now.

I might give it a try I don't know, you really let me down. Now you've boosted the living shit out your post so I have to flag you on principle alone.. Out of touch and a sub par experience and design that doesn't feel like its designed for mobile or by avid steem users..

Why bid bot abuse though? Seriously?!?

Edited, I downloaded the new update for droid and still couldnt flag your post so I promptly deleted the app.. Also it's audacious you don't give an option to make your inferior poorly developed dapp a beneficiary.. I'm not writing y'all off totally but I'm saying as of today esteem is a joke and I'm not laughing..

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Lol, I gave feedback in your discord and was told the updates had resolved most of my issues. Nope! I also left many comments in discord letting it be known your app is not giving me posting authority. No need to get pissy or condescending, my feedback is your app isn't very good and I'm not sure you know that many others feel the same way.. I'm using an app that's not up to code and and app that isn't built for mobile because they're many times better than your very poor low quality front end. I left a laundry list on your discord and also was blunt about how If you can't step up as the only mobile dapp I'd be very vocal about your failings.

I was nice about it at first but now that you have gone the dickhead route I will give it right back.. Your app sucks!

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Pathetic af

Been on this app for my 2nd day now...I'm so glad I found it, now i can be more active on steemit....thank you guys for your gr8 work you are 🥇

Nice esteem good jhob

Thanks, I'm just downloading it now

The team is indeed hardworking, I wish you all the best.

Finally something new and exciting

untuk android kapan ada pembaharuan aplikasi? kesannay udah agak lemot

Amazing app. Thanks for this post.

thats great

Good news for us the Ios user, I will download it now! Thank you for making this!!

Thanks for this useful update!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yaay!! Thank you! I was struggling to find new version but I am ok now with your help!
Really enjoying your app great work!👌

Apple users must be so happy today. Great update..

Recently I have not been receiving a small upvote that you used to give it. I posted from new updated version of app. But no upvote?

Our curators are hard at work daily. Sometimes they might miss your post. Keep on trying and you can try using boosting feature to get mostly ensured votes

Great update ! You have win me back !

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow I haven't used esteem in a long time because Partiko was much nicer, but this new update is great! Since Partiko has been abandoned and the notifications don't even work anymore, I'm probably going to replace my mobile usage with this. Bravo!

My only criticism so far is on the post, the buttons on the bottom are very close to the "home bar" (iPhone Xs) and a little tricky to touch. Would be nicer if they were a little higher from the bottom of the screen!

Thanks for feedback, we are reworking bottom navigation in upcoming release, will keep in mind your comment. 😉

Cool, I have another question. I signed in first with my active key and was able to vote and everything, but after a while I tried to vote and it gave me a pop up saying something about missing key? I logged out and logged in with my posting key this time and can vote again, but what is the best key to log in with?

Active key gives possibility to transfer and allows to perform all functionality on eSteem, while posting key only allows social operations. You can login even with master password or steemconnect, no matter what you use, your keys always stored on your device encrypted with pin code you set. So it is most secure key storing, if someone try to guess or brute force, app will simply delete all credentials from your device and attacker won't get anything, but you will have to relogin again.


Okay. I got the same error message now after a while having logged in with my private posting key. It seems the app is not retaining the keys for some reason... Logged in with steemconnect now and will see how it holds up...

Please keep us informed, we will check as well on our end if there is bug somewhere.

Another thing I have noticed from using it all day, I don't get any push notifications even though they are turned on, I even double checked in my iPhone's settings and they are turned on all the way. The notifications are here in the app I just don't get any push notices.

Hmm that's weird, we will take a look, thanks for report!

We checked, looks like you have disabled notifications. Please check settings page within eSteem.

Esteem is very easy and helpful app my frist choice is esteem

im first time using this.
what wrong?

Some characters on title of the post causing permlink generating to fail. We are working to make permlink generation better with next update.


Nice one there.

Posted using Partiko Android

I have problems upvoting with the app. It says malformed UTF8 data. Can you help?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Could you please elaborate, is it only happening on upvote or other activities as well? Can you share screenshot? Thank you!

Wow! This is good news!!! 😍 Thank you @esteem team for your hard work!

I’m going to give your guys a try 🤑

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is very good... and it makes lot users here in esteem happy.
Lest hope it give as more new users here in :)

I just downloaded the esteem app for Android and I actually loved it but pictures in post doesn't display exactly how they display on the browser. Perhaps, you'd roll a fix in your next update.

I couldn't make comments with the app as well.

Hi, Are you using steemconnect login or regular login? What error message do you get?

Wow! What a huge update! Bravo!

How does the withdrawing mechanism work?

I've tried esteem for at least 6 months now and still buggy and user experience is very basic and would prefer as my interface instead

Posted using Partiko Android

The best app for iOS ! As a Partiko user i have to admit i’m crossing over to esteem after this update! I have a problem with Partiko Notification and display of time ...

I re-installed esteem after reading this post, and i’m amazed at the work you guys have done.

Thank-you !

Great work, this is a good new for ios user keep it up thanks for the update

Congrats on the new iOS. I hope it lives up to the hype.


I got tired of being kicked out all the time and having to log back in

The last couple of days.... let’s just say I am loving it so far 😁

Such a great news!

It is a very friendly version.

hi in 2 weeks ago you don't boost my post for steemcleaners but when contact to him say you have problem just in one post
i send a massage to your discord but no answer
please help

Thanks for the post.

I am glad that the application receives an upgrade constantly. Keep up the good work.

Nice esteem good luck

I am enjoying new android version.
Good update. Its convinient to use

Great to hear that 🙇 Let us know if there is anything you want to see improved.

  • There mentioned 150 points equal to around 30+ cents but got less than 20 cents as upvote.

  • If there were time mentioned with each notification, it would be much better.

  • In comment reply notifications, there is no link to reach that post from the notification in reply tab.

  • If come out from app, it don't go to previous session.

  • Finally sometimes gets stuck during photo upload.

Hope you understand. Please try to resolve these in next update.

Thank you

Wanna know the how arrange marriage happens in Nepal?🤔 A short story, reflecting Nepalese scenario🤗 Don't forget to upvote and share it👍

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Good news for the iphone users.

I don't have an iPhone but I'm still very happy and grateful for this update! Good job and looking forward for your next update~

Good news for apps users.