Comedy open mic: Round-16

in esteem •  7 years ago 


Dad: Did you read the Gita that I gave you ? Did something go to the head?
Son: Yes, I have read.
The boy suddenly hold the pistol and said, "Get ready for death".
Dad: Hey, what are you doing? I am your father
Son: Gita did not say that no one is a father or somebody's son. We are all children of God.
Father: Father, if I get fired, I'll die ...
Son: Father, Nasrha is the body of death. The soul never dies. The soul is indescribable, immortal. There are lyrics.
Father: Parents do not. If I suddenly get out of the shot, I will die and I will die in pain
Boy: Why do you think in vain?

"In the lyrics, Nainang Chindanthi Shastarni, Nainang Dahati Pabak:"
The soul can not be cut with the sword, it can not be burnt in the fire. Knowing why everyone is so scared?
Father: Father, think about your younger brothers and sisters, once you think of your mother. What will happen to them?
Son: Nobody in this world has its own. All relations of the world are on the interest. There is also the Gita
Father: Son, what do you get by killing me?
Son: If you are killed in the room, you will be blessed with heaven. And I will get your riches.
Father: Father, do not do that wrong, plz ....
Boy: Do not worry, Dad. As soon as the soul leaves the old body, the soul gets new body, you also prepare to get for the new body.

"Moral of the story"

  • Do not try to teach truth the kids of this modern time. Rather keep them busy in whatsapp. Otherwise, they will hurt you.
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Or get the kids into steemit for that matter. @maruf24, go ahead and nominate two folks for this round of COM to make everything kosher.

Hello, can we get some witness love for @ComedyOpenMic:

yes, I did it


Please nominate two people to submit as an entry to #comedyopenmic and respond to this comment after you have nominated two people.

yes dear..
I have nominate two people @jarin & @esteemstar
I hope they respond very soon..

It is not only funny post, It is also learning post I tell it.
thanks dear @maruf24 you are so talent..
we wants more from you..👌👌👌

yes @maruf24
I have response before.
it's really a good post.
like it... 👍👍👍👍

how funny..!
It's will be an untolerable truth of life in future.

thanks a lot dear.