YOU can Pay with Crypto! (FuzeX)

in ethereum •  6 years ago 

A key challenge facing cryptocurrencies is the ability to utilize them in daily life.

Despite the current bear season, the cryptocurrency market is hovering at a market cap above $200 billion. There’s an immense amount of value that sits in this market that remains untapped by businesses across the world.

A key limitation to cryptocurrency utility as payments in daily life is attributed to a lack of widespread adoption. It takes time for any new technology to make its way into the masses. However, adoption isn’t the only problem here as the cryptocurrency market remains extremely volatile and this makes it a risky form of value transfer for merchants as most of them run small enterprises which lack the resources to dedicate daily efforts to liquidate the cryptocurrency they receive.

Simply put, accepting cryptocurrencies isn’t very convenient for merchants.

The inconvenience of fiat liquidation and volatility risks that are associated with cryptocurrencies are an understandable reason for most merchants to deny the acceptance of this payment form. Even the mass media has played a role as it has constantly villainized cryptocurrencies, thereby building a greater resistance in merchant adoption of cryptocurrencies.

But what if merchants can be paid through cryptocurrencies without them having to face the burden of liquidating them?
What if they don’t even know they’ve received a payment through an underlying cryptocurrency wallet?

Targeting the Root of the Problem

A recent project, FuzeX targeted the core problem that keeps cryptocurrencies from being accepted at merchants across the world. Instead of making futile attempts at convincing everyone to adopt cryptocurrencies at once, FuzeX simply created a new technology that can facilitate instant fiat payments even if the payer only has a cryptocurrency holding.

FuzeX bridged the gap between cryptocurrency wallets and fiat payments by bypassing the barrier; the project delivers a payment card that can simultaneously liquidate a cryptocurrency for fiat and then issue the fiat to a merchant at a point-of-sale (PoS) system.

  • FuzeX passes a key barrier: present PoS technology does not facilitate direct cryptocurrencies.

  • By converting the cryptocurrencies to fiat, FuzeX ensures that the merchant does not face any volatility risk or inconvenience of time dedication to self-carried liquidation of crypto for fiat.

In addition to the above factors, FuzeX resolves an interesting situational irony. While merchants want as many customers as possible, they do not want cryptocurrencies—but this market has a huge value. This is a difficult predicament that is resolved with the functionality of FuzeX; the seamlessness in the transaction fulfillment ensures the merchants are able to gain access to the underlying value of the cryptocurrency market without even knowing they tapped into a customer from this market.

This project has helped by adding transactional utility to cryptocurrencies.

FuzeX has created a win-win situation as merchants have been able to gain a new sales volume and the cryptocurrency community have access to a technology that allows them to continue to hold their cryptocurrencies while being able to make real-time conversions from cryptocurrency to fiat whenever necessary.

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Interesting, I wonder how this will stack up against Bitpay and TenX.

It's a good bit more efficient.


Undoubtedly the cyptomoneda revolutionized the commercial exchange, in former times leias news of banking reliability, in the modern world transactions are carried out electronically using this system and when we thought we had seen it all FuzeX arises to make life more comfortable ... excellent post, greetings!

Well noted.
New developments continue to amaze us.

Wow lovely post. Thanks for crypto news

You're welcome :)

@hatu sir, volatility, manipulation by whales in someway weakening the market, diminish the crypto to be adopted by masses, project like fuzex could fill the gap. Thanks for a nice post.

World level will take time from crypto payaut, thanks sir,

Good post sir ,I support crypto..

FuzeX-Inovasi yang diberikan kepada mereka oleh dana utama langsung, aman dan terdesentralisasi dari Bitcoin telah dibuka oleh kontrak cerdas untuk sistem, seperti Jaringan Ethereum, untuk pengaturan bisnis yang luar biasa inventif. Akibatnya, sejumlah besar organisasi telah mencetak koleksi individu yang berkembang dengan kekayaan besar yang berkomitmen pada bentuk uang digital. Namun, bagaimana keadaannya, proses mendekripsi kekayaan yang digabungkan dalam uang digital menjadi pertemuan otentik dengan pemilik kriptocurrency, sayangnya dibangun dengan buruk.

Praktik untuk memperoleh, bertukar dan memperdagangkan bentuk kriptografi uang dengan uang “yang diterima secara umum” membingungkan, moderat dan tidak stabil. Keprihatinan kegunaan saat ini mengenai bentuk uang digital telah memungkinkan berbagai organisasi untuk melakukan tes ini.

Sementara sejumlah besar kandidat di ruangan ini telah mendekati mereka dengan pengaturan kartu prabayar yang tampaknya konsisten, kasus penggunaannya terbatas hanya pada beberapa bentuk kriptografi uang, dan pengakuan hanya terbatas pada beberapa pedagang dan oleh karena itu menghambat akuisisi yang lebih luas.

Dengan cara ini, FuzeX melakukan survei metode standar. Grup FuzeX mencoba untuk menyampaikan pertemuan pelanggan imajinatif melalui presentasi ekosistem FuzeX dan untuk mengatasi masalah penanganan kripto yang mudah.
FuzeX-Innovations given to them by the direct, safe and decentralized main funds of Bitcoin have been opened by smart contracts for systems, such as the Ethereum Network, for extraordinary inventive business settings. As a result, a large number of organizations have scored a growing collection of individuals with large wealth committed to digital forms of money. However, how it is, the process of decrypting wealth combined in digital money into authentic meetings with cryptocurrency owners, is unfortunately poorly constructed.

Practices for obtaining, exchanging and trading cryptographic forms of money with "generally accepted" money are confusing, moderate and unstable. Current usability concerns regarding digital money have enabled various organizations to carry out this test.

While a large number of candidates in this room have approached them with seemingly consistent prepaid card arrangements, their use cases are limited to just a few cryptographic forms of money, and recognition is limited to a few traders and therefore impedes broader acquisitions.

In this way, FuzeX conducts a standard method survey. The FuzeX Group tries to deliver imaginative customer meetings through the presentation of the FuzeX ecosystem and to overcome the problem of easy crypto handling.

FuzeX :Kartu bank tradisional memiliki sejumlah fitur yang cukup standar, namun kartu FuzeX yang inovatif menyediakan sejumlah fitur baru yang radikal, memberikan layanan “token as a service”. Fitur utama kartu plastik mata uang kripto revolusioner FuzeX adalah bahwa ia memiliki sejumlah keuntungan yang tak terbantahkan:

Tapi FuzeX bukan hanya kartu kredit / debit yang memungkinkan Anda menghabiskan biaya kripto, jauh lebih banyak! Ada keseluruhan ekosistem yang dibangun oleh FuzeX Card, FuzeX Wallet dan Fuzex Exchange.
Dalam ekosistem pribadi Anda, Anda dapat mengaitkan ke kartu tersebut sampai 15 dompet kriptocurrency, sampai 10 kartu debit / kartu kredit, dan 5 kartu diskon / bonus.
FuzeX: Traditional bank cards have a number of fairly standard features, but the innovative FuzeX card provides a number of radical new features, providing "token as a service" services. The main feature of FuzeX's revolutionary crypto currency card is that it has a number of undeniable advantages:

But FuzeX is not just a credit / debit card that allows you to spend crypto fees, much more! There are entire ecosystems built by FuzeX Card, FuzeX Wallet and Fuzex Exchange.
In your personal ecosystem, you can link to the card up to 15 cryptocurrency purses, up to 10 debit / credit cards, and 5 discount / bonus cards.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

again good post and new information share us.u beauty

If this happens we will be on other planet for sure.

one day all bank debit card will be outdated when crypto cards work

Nice post. Very Interesting...

Perusahaan telah menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk menghasilkan ekosistem finansial FuzeX yang memungkinkan individu untuk bertukar mata uang kripto dan fiat. Dompet online memungkinkan seorang individu untuk mengidentifikasi kripto yang ada untuk diinvestasikan dan melakukan pembayaran menggunakan dompet FuzeX. Seseorang dapat memperoleh informasi rinci tentang ringkasan pembelian yang sangat penting dalam mengelola dana yang tersedia.

Ekosistem FuzeX telah membuat operasi keuangan menjadi sederhana dan mudah diakses oleh banyak individu. Manajemen FuzeX menganggap penggunaan teknologi dalam transaksi keuangan untuk menjamin akuntabilitas dan transparansi bagi pengguna. Perusahaan ini memiliki tim pengembangan bisnis yang handal yang fokus pada peningkatan kualitas layanan keuangan bagi pengguna kartu dan dompet FuzeX.
The company has used blockchain technology to produce FuzeX's financial ecosystem which allows individuals to exchange crypto and fiat currencies. Online wallets allow an individual to identify existing crypto to be invested and make payments using the FuzeX wallet. One can get detailed information about the purchase summary which is very important in managing the available funds.

The FuzeX Ecosystem has made financial operations simple and easily accessible to many individuals. FuzeX Management considers the use of technology in financial transactions to ensure accountability and transparency for users. The company has a reliable business development team that focuses on improving the quality of financial services for users of FuzeX cards and wallets.