The European Copyright Directive - Fair Use - Who Pays

in europeancopyrightdirective •  6 years ago  (edited)

YouTube CEO says EU regulation will be bad for creators

Regulations and more regulations

I'm a big fan of CC licensed work. And creating something from other peoples art when they give their permission to do that. The biggest advantage or the CC license is that the license clearly states who owns the creative work and how you are allowed to use it. Simple, yes? Well, not always.

Grey area number one

One of the grey areas here is that when someone does original work, perhaps a YouTuber (just an example, in this case I also mean anyone who creates something to any social media sites) creates a video where she / he is walking outside and talking to the camera. You can perhaps see a statue in the background, paintings in an art gallery window and music playing when passing by a shop. Those are someone elses art. That are on display out there. Not the original work of the video content creator.

How it works now is that after an algorithm recognizes the art shown and heard on the video, there are possibilities to ask from the maker of the original art to let the video be public and let the artist get the free advertisement. Or what YouTube does, revoke the add income from the YouTuber and direct it to the art creator. Perhaps to the record company that owns the rights of the song that is heard about 10 seconds on a 5 minute video.

Second option is that the content creator could be informed and in a reasonable time, the content creator would have the change to blur the visible art and mute the music. Or delete the video. Blurring everything, T-shirt texts, TV-screens and visible art is already used in many cases.

Fair use

There is something called fair use that allows people to share content that other people have made. It is a free advertisement for the artist. Of course not all artists see it so. And they have the right to prevent people from sharing their material.

I do not believe in walking over artists rights. I do not support plagiarism or theft. I do think that artists deserve to get a fair pay from their work.

But I do think the copyright organisations have gone too far. I do not think it's fair for an artist to get payed for their art after their death. 70 years or in some cases 50 years after death is not fair. It's greed. 2 years after death is fair. If not stated otherwice in the artists testament. Because I do believe it is everyones right to determine that: "My music will never be exploited in some freaking car commercial!"

I have to say that unfortunately the rules for those who have money and those who don't are different. For small creators and huge companies that have purchased the rights of an artist or supervise their rights.

Grey area number two - Who pays

Also in the grey area is the fact who pays when copyright laws are broken. Either deliberately or unintentionally. So in worst case scenario, platforms deny everyone who is not trusted or rich enough to pay from their mistakes when they publish something. So if for instance YouTube is held responsible for every Despacito it's users share (and every copyrighted material there is), I do not wonder at all that YouTube threatens to shut down itself from Europe.

I wish they would. I would if I was YouTube. And keep myself out of Europe for several months. Not talking to European Union at all. Or any Europeans. Or to copyright organisations. Until everyone would be on their knees begging for at least one cat video.

There's only about 742 million people in Europe. Including those artists who now would have to start going from door to door to promote themselves.

Now there's a worst case scenario for you!

Off to the barricades it is!


To "celebrate" the insane European Copyright Directive to come, and to support YouTubes possible and reasonable tantrum here's something for you from YouTube that might not anymore be there for Europeans some time next year.

Or, if money talks and, you know, bullshit walks, this one will definitely not be there:

A Story - Tell me where to go next

Only on weekends - A Movie Quiz!

I like to think that I am a creator. I sure do have ideas! Some of those are also good.

I am a music addict.

I like metal parts, gears, screwing, breaking stuff and reassembling.

I like photographing but most of the time, I just can't decide.

My method of doing everything and anything. Art, coding, writing...

And here's my introduction post.

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It is so sad to see all those memes on reddit with copyright marked photos. lol EU sucks big time!

In recent pols Finns still support being in EU. Just barely. But if YouTube pulls the plug, I think it will brake the camels back. Be the final straw. Final nail to the coffin. Finland will leave the EU so fast that people won't have time to say FIXIT.

...haha, haha, laughing at my own joke, you know, exit EU, Great Britain --> Brexit, Finland --> Fixit, haha, haha...

LOL man your joke is on entire different level.
But we really need Fixit too! Just for the sake of memes!
