Why Nobody Can Trust Facebook

in facebook •  7 years ago  (edited)

Via CreateSend.com,

It becomes harder and harder to overstate the corruption and treachery of the online ad industry. Lord knows I've tried.

Among its other accomplishments, Facebook has become famous for its lunatic metrics and bizarre rationalizations.

You would think a company that built its business on the promise of putting sophisticated data to work for advertisers would have the sense not to release numbers that are patently ridiculous.

But time and again Facebook has undermined its credibility by making claims that are easily proven to be false, and then defended these claims with statements that are absurd.

This week it was reported that Facebook was claiming to reach 41 million Americans between the ages of 18-24. If Facebook reached every American between 18 and 24 they'd still be 10 million short. There are only 31 million of them.

But Facebook's ability to reach imaginary people isn't just limited to its home base here in the US. According to their metrics, they have also developed the amazing  technology to reach non-existent people all over the world.

Below is a chart from AdNews in Australia that sums up Facebook's "branded storytelling."

We are so used to bullshit from the online ad industry that this latest round of nonsense should surprise no one.

The online ad industry -- the most corrupt and fraud-laden medium anyone's ever seen -- famously gave us the wonderful acronym NHT for Non-Human Traffic. Now Facebook has given us NEP's -- Non-Existing People.

Facebook has been ridiculed all over the world for this obvious fakery. And they will pay the exact same price they've paid every time they've been found to be lying about their numbers -- nothing, nada, zilch. The marketing and advertising industries have reached a point of such exquisite incompetence that nothing any of these creeps does has any consequences. They are liars and we are fools.

I loved Facebook's explanation for their metrics:   

"They are designed to estimate how many people in a given area are eligible to see an ad a business might run. They are not designed to match population or census estimates."

There must be a planet on which that preposterous nonsense makes sense, but I'll be damned if I know where it is.

Is it any wonder Facebook is fighting to the bitter end to block 3rd party monitoring and auditing of its numbers? If the numbers they brazenly release to the public are this dishonest, can you imagine the horseshit they feed their credulous clients in private?

If Facebook doesn't mind lying to the hand that feeds him, just imagine what it does with your data...

As far as I know there are still no advertisers on Steem! Just sayin'...

Source : http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-11/why-nobody-can-trust-facebook

Disclaimer : This is not the real Tyler Durden! I read ZeroHedge every day to find the one or two best articles and reformat them for Steemit. I appreciate the upvotes but consider following the account and resteeming the articles that you think deserve attention instead. Thank you! Head over to ZeroHedge.com for more news about cryptocurrency, politics and the economy.      

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Thank you for pointing out the corruption that takes place.

The online advertising world is basically a duolopoly with Google and Facebook splitting up the pie. Google supposedly is an opportunity for small sites to make a bit of extra money. Sadly, AdSense pays so little that thousands of clicks will barely covering hosting charges.

Steemit is exciting because it isnt more of the corporatism that is robbing people. Of course, should we be surprised that FB is robbing advertisers? It takes people's content without giving them anything in return.

Agreed. Facebook's users create the content, and in return, they are fed to advertisers with no return on the investment of their time. Meanwhile, their facebook pages are being filled with drivel. They are paying in internet fees to be brainwashed.

Thank you for the comment @katyclark.

Tell us how you really think about FB.

Actually, you nailed it. That is exactly what Zuckerberg does. You give him the content to make money from which, he in turn, uses to make more money from advertisers. It is a nice repetitive cycle he has there, one which he just keeps profiting from.

I gave you a follow...good stuff.

Thank you @taskmaster4450 - I have followed you also. And you might like this post, too. I think that facebook might be in trouble over the election antics of Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner. No matter which side a person is on, Republican or Democrat, rules are there to be followed, not broken at will. Anyway, this has a piece about facebook that I found interesting http://video.gq.com/watch/the-closer-with-keith-olbermann-trump-russia-and-the-facebook-factor?mbid=social_facebook_ko

Facebook certainly is getting a black eye these days.

I think more threatening to them is the fact that they lied to their advertisers about the number of people they have. This is a serious breach which can hit their bottom line in a huge way. Couple that with the election/fake news hoopla, and we might start to see them impacted. While I dont think FB will go away anytime soon, it could be a radical difference going forward.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)


still overstating.....what's an illegal? When a person is born, they're not stamped "legal" or "illegal" - they're called a baby :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


I am lucky I did not have to make that choice.

And that's why we use STEEMIT!

yeah it called facebook like farm that why we have steemit through in not the best it better than facebook

Because it makes stupid people famous.

I have my own battles with Facebook (screwing up my account) but I don't want to piggyback on your post and post links. If you like, head on over to my profile and check it out.

I, DISLIKE FaceBook.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment