RE: The perspective, that of a Realist, that is Opposite of that of a Pessimist or Optimist. Both of which are delusional thinking that serves the believer rather than the Truth, the seekers of Truth and the Spirit of it.

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The perspective, that of a Realist, that is Opposite of that of a Pessimist or Optimist. Both of which are delusional thinking that serves the believer rather than the Truth, the seekers of Truth and the Spirit of it.

in faith •  6 years ago 

Would that make it the perspective of a Real Fakest or a Fake Realist? Im kidding.
Can you please reword this sentence I don't know exactly what you mean by it. Thx.

"Tares warned of by Jesus that was added to the Wheat and still remain."

This is False Teaching of a kind as well....careful.

"There is no J or J sound in the Hebrew Language or the Aramaic. Every J, therefore, should be replaced with a Y and every Lord and God added by the English. Should be replaced with the actual Name or ICON of the Deity of the Tribes of Israel."

There is ONLY private interpratation unless learned yourself with proper guidance. Unless further if we make all private interpretations public & everyone can decide whats bs & real.

"Private Interpretation of some scripture. "

"The Bible says to love your friends and Hate your enemies without mercy!" Indeed it does. I can wait. It's worth it & most definitely without.

What is sin? I know one not decieved of this.

"But no sin is allowed under the Gospel."

Love is a myth. Peace is Bullshit when we are at war within ourselves therefore the threat will be everywhere at any peace. Sword & proper use(2nd Amendment), civility through Virtue.

" Love is the Law, Love is of God, Peace is Of God, just as the good word says that Good and God are of Love and Peace and cannot be divided even they are inseparably linked. "

God is not the author of confusion. God is not a myth. Good is not proper, Benevolent perhaps.

Care is to God as Love is to Devil. In my terms. Union of Care & Virtue I will call Charity....2+1=1

"Love that unites them also divides them and defines them as 2 as 1. Just as Husband and Wife or Father and Son or King and Prince, the LORD and my Lord."

I don't know what this is. Is it a list of pairs Hell replaces or are you saying something? Where did this information come from, verbatim of a bible?

"Like the word Hell that was used that replaces the Outer Darkness, Hell and the Grave, Hell and Gehenna, Hell and eternal Spiritual separation."

I hope you mean filter the Devil's bullshit out, literally requires literacy, literacy reqs clarity. We are quite a way from literally, literally.

"World take every word written in the Bible literally and the Old and New the same Book without division or separate Spirits. "

More False Teaching....xx. I might give you 4....

"As though OLD and NEW, the words mean the same thing."

This is true in the sense of the last time Liberty existed in America was when Free men owned Slaves. Liberty has full range & depth to me. I, a slave, am at liberty to kill or enslave anyone I have the means to, it is due to my charity I choose not to, I have no problems being civil though if its necessary for progress toward civilization.

"As if Slave and Free both mean Liberty."

XXX! Hosea 4:6. False. Knowledge increases ignorance infinitely, he who knows most is most ignorant as well. Consider "All I Know is that I know nothing". Truth = THIS IS HELL. The suffering is for good reason. DO NOT GIVE MEANING TO THINGS FOR PEOPLE. Knowledge is something, ignorance is the absence of something, your analogy is that they are both the water. If you will, it is more like a cone cup of half water where knowledge is the water & ignorance the all the endless space above the water beyond the cone as well.

"We the People suffer from the Lack of Knowledge just as we do from the Overabundance of Ignorance, that both mean the same Thing. As the Cup half empty or half full the quantity remains the same."

There are many higher truths you ought to find more & ascertain the weight compared to these two.

Judge & ye shall be judged;

God is not the Author of confusion;

I'm glad you're looking for & discerning for yourself truth but I would recommend not being so quick to judgement, that one is scary to a little more attention to & further develop your terms if you wish to propose analogies as you are decieving yourself & anyone who accepts them, key word propose do not adamantly claim meaning is x or y, your range, depth or intensity of words might not be on the same level as others could be higher but don't take my word for it, considering them wisely might be beneficial.

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