RE: Fear Of The Known: To Homeschool Or Not, A Call Out For Advice (Guest Post-George)

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Fear Of The Known: To Homeschool Or Not, A Call Out For Advice (Guest Post-George)

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

Rest assured that you are making the best choices for your children but always be prepared. @curlfamilyvlog has given you some great information. I might add as well that we are living in a time of change and there are a couple of things working in favor of homeschooling.

One is that Betsy Devos is the new Secretary of Education here in the U.S. and has been vocal of her support for homeschooling. She actually home schooled her own children for many years.

As for the procedural changes that have befallen the CPS agency here in the U.S. you also may want to study up on the new law. As with anything new it takes awhile for those involved to get the memo so it is best to educate ourselves on changes that may effect us and our loved ones.

As you mentioned already suffering the abuse over the vaccination issue here is a link to information on the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division. We have a team that is now streamlining the process to be sure vaccinations will be addressed and I'll be posting that soon. But this will give you an idea of where we are headed:

My best to you and your family. Now may be a good time to reach out to the local home-schooling community for support and a way to expand your knowledge base.

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Thanks alot for responding with this comment. It really means a lot. I have gone through the links attached. I am most grateful--George

Amen, regarding Betsy DeVoe.