Fasting Journal : Almost gave up too soon.

in fasting •  6 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday, at about this time, I was considering not continuing my fasting pattern for this week.

I was stuffed from a huge meal and yet still had not gotten the level of nutrition I thought I should have for a day. I was at about 1800 calories following a three day fast, and was (according to FitDay) still low on B vitamins and some minerals.

This has been a recurring problem, trying to eat enough on feast days to make sure I got in the vitamins and minerals I should have. And it seems to be getting more and more difficult as the rounds of fasting go by.

So I thought maybe I should take some time off, try another pattern of eating, while still using Paleo/Keto foods. But then I woke up this morning feeling pretty good after a longer than usual night of sleep, and decided to keep it up one more week.

Just so that when I do stop, it will be stopping according to a plan, rather than because I changed plans.

So next week, starting on Monday, I'm going to call this part of the experiment over. It's already a success of sorts, in that I have lost a lot of weight, had some improvements in health if not comfort, and I believe I have done it long enough to show that I could possibly sustain it with just a little better planning. I honestly think that if I were not trying to add in so many salad greens, I could do this quite well on all counts.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Awesome! It can be really weird, some times day 2 and 3 are the hardest for me. Day 1 is mostly a breeze "unless I'm coming off of a carb loaded cheat day!" Day 4 I hit my stride again, and hunger is almost non-existent.

If you're struggling to get in vitamin B, then I would suggest some organ meats or liver extract supplements. If you're eating mostly keto, and you are adhering to an intermittent fasting schedule when you come off of your prolonged fast. Then yeah I would try to shovel in as much good foods as possible on your feast day, and normalize on the days after.

Maybe another thing you could do is when fasting, do a bit of fast mimicking instead. You could drink some grass fed bone broths with himalayan salt on your fasting days, and that way you are still getting some of those B vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.

Right. If you read back you will see I cover that. Thanks for the input though.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I wanted to make sure I didn't miscommunicate. I really do welcome your comments.

I've been doing paleo for almost 20 years and fasting longer than that, but it's easy for me to forget that other folks might not automatically know what I think is common sense. People adding in ideas and deeper explanations will help anyone watching this thread (not that many do). So again, thank you for your reply!