Fat Loss Journey - Morning Weigh In

in fatlossjourney •  7 years ago 

Still the same weight as yesterday, but it is a long journey.

I don't measure my fat or lean mass % so it is hard to tell if I am losing fat, water, gaining muscle...

I want to get to under 195..then 190

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Are you calculating your calories friend?

Not really, I am working with what I can for now.
Ideally if I was able to afford it I would be eating salmon, steak, those high quailty eggs with the orange yolk, real healthy cheeses, massive salads with oils and nuts...

But I try to ballpark what my calorie intake is, but honestly being in a calorie deficit is not that important for fat loss (well it is if you're stuffing your face). What is more important is carb intake. If you see what I ate yesterday you will see way too many carbs, there was noodles, potatoes, and bread... but playing with the cards I have been dealt until I can financially live the life I want including buying the food I want