Feminism Sunday Redux

in feminism •  7 years ago  (edited)

I have gotten some truly wonderful replies to the question I asked yesterday: Should Feminism Sunday continue now that I'm aware of more women writing on the topic on the blockchain, or should I focus instead on allyship?

Original image by geralt on Pixabay, edited by me

@soyrosa, @betterbeing, and @tessaragabrielle brought in the possibility of writing on the topic when I'm inspired to, and not as a regular thing. But for me, with my ADHD and busy schedule doing other things, having these daily anchors in incredibly helpful.

@soyrosa, @betterbeing, and @lilyraabe all pointed to the specific shortage of men writing about feminism on the blockchain. That is a point well taken.

@natureofbeing wrote that she still sees an overall shortage of writers on feminism. And while that is improving, she's right.

@tessaragabrielle made a point that is disheartening but true: That some will be more open to hear about feminism from a man.

@orangina preferred posts about allyship, whereas @trucklife-family and @soyrosa thought I could do both.

Taking all of the responses in, it seems people think there's is still some value to feminism posts by a man on the blockchain, but that posts about allyship would also be useful.

So I thought

So from now on, Feminism Sunday will be bi-weekly. On alternate weeks - starting next Sunday - I'll have Allyship Sunday, where I'll talk about the work allies should do, how allyship is a process, and also about some things allies should avoid doing.

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I think this is a fabulous approach - I'm glad you're coming at the decision thoughtfully.

Excellent post good article and photography dear you are very intelligent writer thank you for shere this post @didic

:-) Sounds like an amazing schedule that takes into account all limitations and possibilities at the same time! Glad you'll keep on writing on these important topics :-)

Yeah happy to hear it, looking forward to reading them x

I love that it continues, and that you are scaling it back to a size that feels right to you. <3

I think this is a great approach - I don't really have a preference either way, but I think you can definitely do both and I will read :-)

Good idea! Steemit lacks the good content in this niche. I’ve realized it after writing my first post about feminism yesterday 🤔