Blast From the Past: Challenge #00318: Immovable Object

in fiction •  7 years ago

Prompt: Who needs speed when you've got inertia?

There was a hole in Bayville. It went, more or less in a straight line, through thirteen buildings along Aster Row. In the rubble at one end, Freddy Dukes, aka The Blob. At the other end, a titanic green giant who called herself She Hulk.

In this case, the irresistible force won out against the immovable object.

But not for long.

Freddy picked himself up and started running. In most cases, a five-hundred pound teen attempting to run is a cause for hilarity. Not in this case. In this case, a five-hundred pound teen both running and gaining speed is a cause for steadily-growing, pants-wetting terror.

She Hulk almost didn’t see him coming. And when she did, she forgot one, very key factor.

The immovable object always has inertia on its side.

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