There was a trail of pink sequins, and glitter. Someone or something had left a trail of what turned out to be the CEO's private stash of double chocolate delight cookie crumbs. And the newest release toy "Magic Unicorn Purple Princess" was missing. -- Anon Guest
Allie, chief of R&D turned to the alleged genius who was working on the project. "Thorpe... was it supposed to do that?"
Thorpe was still staring at the trail and running math on how much trouble he was currently in. He was currently working on a more accurate estimation than 'loads'. "Uuuuuhhhh," he said.
"I'll take that as a 'no'," sighed Allie, attempting to pinch away a headache at the bridge of her nose. "Most important things first. The replacement cookies are coming out of your paycheque. And you're paying for a really big box of those seashell hazelnut pralines by way of an apology. That's later. For now, we're hunting this thing down and figuring out what the hell is going on; and by 'we', I mean 'you'. I might help if you have something approaching a theory."
"Um," said Thorpe. "The adaptive learning program could have... really adapted? We've been testing her a lot and... I swear she's getting... smart."
"That," said a third voice in the otherwise empty offices, "and someone's been mucking about with off-world technology. Haven't you, you naughty boy?" The speaker was very slightly off. They looked human, but looks weren't everything. Those with sharper instincts would notice that there was a lot more off about this person than the way they dressed. Something about the way she walked. The way she looked at everyone and everything as if she were ahead of the game and had read all the answer cards. "Don't lie. I already detected Pelraitian technological signals from this location."
"Pel-what now?" said Allie.
"I... might... have been getting some help," said Thorpe. "It landed in my attic. Well. My grandad's attic. He was sick at the time and I was sick of stuffing teddy bears and it kept asking, How can I serve? And I just... I needed one good idea to get the hell out of the assembly line. It was really helpful and I never asked it for anything much. Just one good idea... and... I never expected it to do... this..." he gestured at the evidence trail.
"Mobile already," said the stranger. "How long has it been helpful?"
Thorpe shrugged. "Month? Maybe two?"
"Did it make that?"
"What? No. I asked for plans. Plans and instructions. That's it. We weren't going to use anything that wasn't already available. I figured... There'd be less questions to answer, you know?"
"Who are you?" asked Allie. "This is a restricted area."
"Oh, don't tell me that," she grinned. "I'm brilliant at getting into places I should never be. That, and finding trouble before it got lost. Hello. I'm the Doctor."
Nobody took her offered hand. Thorpe said, "Do I need to be worried about the Pel-ray..."
"Do I need to worry about them being angry?"
"Oh, no. They were absorbed by the Thaals in the last Ryhiixian turf war. This sounds more like part of their matter fabrication technology. If you lifted some of their learning algorithms, this might be some heavy trouble."
"Um," said Thorpe. "Oops."
The Doctor and Allie had identical eye rolls and sighs of disappointment.
[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / Happypictures]
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